6th Asia-Pasific Regional Air/Internet Jamboree

Jota APR ke 6 akan diadakan pada 7 dan 8 Ogos 2010. Perseketuan Pengakap Malaysia diamanahkan untuk menjadi host pada tahun ini. Maklumat lanjut boleh melawat http://www.apraij.scouts.my/


Hamfest 2010 akan berlangsung di Tapak Menara Kuala Lumpur pada 30-31 Julai hingga 1 Ogos 2010.
Tujuan diadakan Hamfest yang pertama ini adalah untuk memberi pendedahan orang ramai berkenaan dengan konsep penggunaa Radio Dua Hala semasa aman dan bencana di Malaysia. Maklumat lanjut hubungi penganjur Azli Paat 019-3398905 azlipaat@gmail.com dan urusetia LT. (B) Khairul Annuar 014-2256729.
website http://www.hamfest.my/

Peluang untuk bertemu rakan ham di Hamfest yang pertama. Mesti ramai rakan-rakan yang akan hadir sepanjang aktiviti berlangsung. Kalau ada kesempatan dan kelapangan ingin turut serta bersalaman didaratan. jumpa jumpa lagi 9w2dya

Monitor 2m net V33 Gombak

2m net V33 Gombak oleh pengawal rangkaian 9w2zxr qth Pinggiran Batu Caves pada ahad 11 Julai 2010 jam 9.30 malam. Ia turut dibantu oleh 9w2rgr qth Taman Seri Gombak sebagai penghulu V33 memantau acara dijalankan.
Monitor dari base Bandar Seri Putra Bangi menggunakan handy dengan kuasa 5 watt di tingkat 4 menghadap ke utara Kuala Lumpur. Berikut adalah senarai rakan yang menyertai 2m net yang dapat dipantau serta penerimaan audio dari base:

No.     Callsigan             Radio Operator                  QTH                                   RS                          Kuasa
1.       9W2BGH           Yusof                 Pinggiran Batu Caves                          negative copy          
2.       9W2WMT         Wak Terbang      Serdang                                              5 9                           10w
3.       9W2BHM           Ibrahim                                                                         negative copy
4.       9W2XAC           Zawawi               Country Home Rawang                       2 4                           50w
5.       9W2BMG           Megat                Gombak      Mobile                              3 7       
6.       9W2OOA           Tok Uban           Wangsa Maju Seksyen 10                   5 9   
7.       9W2RGR            Wak Sapran        Taman Seri Gombak                           5 9                            5w
8.       9W2BDT             Fuad                    Portable                                           negative copy
9.       9W2WNN          Wan                   HUKM Cheras                                    3 7                            5w
10.     9W2MFP            Faizal                                                                            negative copy
11.     9W2XSQ            M. Suhardi          MRR2 Ampang Mobile                        4 8
12.     9W2NIA             Wan                    Gombak                                               5 9
13.     9W2DML            Hairi                                                                             negative copy
14.     9W2ICC              Paan                                                                               5 9                         15w
15.     9W2ZXC             Zack                   Damansara                                        negative copy
16.     9W2AWU            Hairul                                                                             3 8                         25w
17.     9W2TKI               Tok KI                                                                        negative copy
18.     9W2EES              Hisham                Mobile                                               negative copy            7w
19.     9W2NSW           Wan                    Ampang                                             negative copy             5w
20.     9W2XRS             Pak Din                                                                           2 8
21.     9W2ZTF              Mat                     Rawang                                              negative copy          25w
22.     9W2LTD              Ayai                    Ampang   Mobile                               negative copy
23.     9W2IIT                Mus                                                                                3 8
24.     9W2CWB            Amran                                                                           negative copy           5w
25.     9W2NID              Fendi                   UIA                                                   negative copy

Kalau salah diperbetulkan, itu yang dapat dicopy.9w2dya

Majalah Radio dan komunikasi Monitoring Monthly

Semalam jalan-jalan cari barang di pusat membeli belah di Cheras Selatan terjumpa satu majalah mengenai radio terbitan dari UK. Selalunya kalau jumpa longgokkan majalah-majalah yang telah lama penerbitannya memang aku akan mencari-cari mana-mana majalah yang boleh dijadikan koleksi. Selalunya mencari majalah berkaitan dengan minat seperti Runners World, Mountain Bike, Traithlon, Camping, Backpackers, Climbing dan lain-lain lagi. Semalam terjumpa pula majalah yang berkaitan tentang radio iaitu majalah Monitoring Monthly February 2008 no2 vol 3. Harga cuma RM5 apalagi tanpa teragak-agak terus kebas walaupun terbitan 2008. Apa yang penting majalah berkaitan dengan radio telah aku temui. Pelbagai pengetahuan dan isu diutarakan dalam majalah ini. Terjumpanya majalah ini telah membuka mata bahawa banyak perkara yang tidak diketahui telah menambahkan lagi pengetahuan. website http://www.monitoringmonthly.co.uk/
Banyak perkara yang berkaitan dengan radio komunikasi telah didedahkan dalam penerbitan ini. Kita tunggu pula majalah dari Malaysia pula, harap adalah nanti.9w2dya

Langkawi International Mountain Bike Challengge 2010

It doesn't matter if you're an avid mountain biker or a closet extreme sports junkie, the Langkawi International Mountain Bike Challenge 2010 is just the pick-me-upper that you've been looking for.
The advent of Langkawi International Mountain Bike Challenge 2010 births a new chapter for cycling as a sport in the legendary island of Langkawi, Malaysia. This inaugural event, under the patronage of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, aims to be the nexus of cycling and environmental stewardship within serene green Langkawi.
Look out corporate and weekend warriors because we're gonna morph you into Eco Warriors through the lens of adventure. With tracks to cater to leisure cycling as well.
So what are you waiting for? You're just a few clicks away from your next mountain bike challenge.

Type of Events
i. Olympic Cross Country (1 lap = 4.3km) 2 hours

i. Junior Men (18 years below or born 1992 above)

ii. Elite Men (19 years above or born 1991 below)

iii. Elite Women (19 years above or born 1991 below)

iv. Masters Men (35 years above or born 1975 below)

ii. Marathon Cross Country (Endurance) (1 lap = 8.5km) 6 hours

v. Open

Events Detail

THURSDAY Aug 5th Team Arrival

FRIDAY Aug 6th Team Managers' Meeting

SATURDAY Aug 7th 0900hrs - 1045hrs

Elite Women FINAL (1Hr 45Min)

0900hrs - 1045hrs

Junior Men FINAL (1Hr 45Min)

1100hrs - 1300hrs

Elite Men FINAL (2Hrs)

1100hrs - 12.45hrs

Men Masters (1Hr 45Min)

1320hrs -

Awarding Ceremony

Venue: Kampung Tok Senik

SUNDAY Aug 8th 0900hrs - 1500hrs

Open (6Hrs)

1530hrs -

Awarding Ceremony

Venue: Telaga Harbour

NOTE : Profile of both venue is located in the appendix.

Entry Fees
Overseas Participation - 30USD (US Dollars)

Local Participation - RM30 (Malaysian Ringgit)

*Please note that the registration fee is a one-time payment that allows you to participate in both events.

Registration of entries can be made through the website or you can download the PDF form, complete the details and fax it back to us together with the bank-in slip as proof of payment.The transponder fee should be made during the distribution of body and frame numbers.
A deposit of RM50 will be charged for the bike transponder, payable during the race number collection. The deposit will be refunded to you once you return the transponder in its original condition after the race

Rules & Regulations


1.1 You may ONLY use 26" or 29" wheeled mountain bikes (you must start and complete the entire race with your entire bike).

1.2 You may ride, push or carry your bike the entire course, but are not allowed to block a fellow competitor.

1.3 No cyclo-cross bikes, touring bikes or road bikes allowed.

1.4 Helmets are compulsory.

1.5 Shoes or footwear covering the entire foot are compulsory and must be worn throughout the entire race.

1.6 The prepared racing number plates are to be used in the front of the bikes. Number plates are to be secured to the bike with the provided zip ties, you may ALSO use any other form of attachment.

1.7 Bending, cutting or modifying of prepared number plates is strictly not allowed. No replacement will be made available. This practice will result in immediate disqualification without enquiry.

1.8 All cloth race number tags will need to be placed on the lower back of your jersey and right thigh.

1.9 Any width-sized tyres may be used. Competitors may use semi slick tyres but NO road slick tyres.

1.10 All competitors are to be responsible for any of your own mechanical breakdowns or issues arising on the trail/track, i.e. flat tire, broken chain, broken seat-post, etc.

1.11 To be eligible FOR prize money, you MUST FINISH the designated amount of laps.

1.12 Rules will be applied but due discretion will also be exercised on a case to case basis.


2.1 You may NOT seek any form of external mechanical assistance from your team management or supporters outside the race.

2.2 Mechanical assistance can be provided by your team management only at the designated feed zone. All repairs need to be done by the riders themselves. Physical assistance to the riders is STRICTLY prohibited.

2.3 Failure to finish the race either by mechanical or injury will render the competitor a 'Did Not Finish' (DNF) Status.

2.4 There will be a designated feed zone, team management or team personnel may hand out water, refreshments or assistance to riders in this designated feed zone.

2.5 Team management or personnel are NOT allowed to run alongside competitors or block other competitors from receiving aid.

2.6 Handing out of aid or mechanical assistance must be static.

2.7 Competitors may receive verbal mechanical assistance but NO physical mechanical assistance, i.e. changing of punctured tire will need to be done by the rider involved, spares provided for by team management.


3.1 To win the prize money you MUST FINISH the designated amount of laps.


4.1 In the event of a protest, complains MUST be filed officially in writing, at the race secretariat within 10 minutes of crossing the line, accompanied with a RM500.00 deposit. No verbal protest will be entertained.

4.2 Your deposit will be returned if your protest is successful.

4.3 The deposit will be forfeited if your protest is unsuccessful.

4.4 Protests forms are available at the race secretariat.

4.5 A decision will be made within 30 minutes of filing of the protest. Race management's decision is FINAL.

4.6 Rules will be applied but due discretion will also be exercised on a case to case basis.

5.0 VISA

5.1 The organiser will not be responsible for the application of visa for teams and individuals to Malaysia. In the event that you need the organiser's help for a letter of assurance, please notify us in advance.


6.1 Riders or cyclist are advised to have their own Insurance. In the event that you require one to cover yourself, our Malaysian National Cycling Federation are able to issue a licence that has insurance coverage at a cost of RM30.00 for the duration of the race.


7.1 The licence control and distribution of frame and body numbers shall take place on August 6th, 2010 from 10.00am to 12.00 noon at the race Secretariat Office.

8.0 CONDUCT OF RIDERS (Rider's Behaviour During The Race)

8.1 As stipulated in the UCI MTB Regulations,

Article : 4.1.034 (iii) A rider must act in a sporting manner at all times and SHALL NOT obstruct faster riders from overtaking.

Article : 4.1.036 of UCI MTB Regulations state that the riders must respect nature and shall not pollute the course venue.


9.1 Article 4.2.033 stipulate that only the coach and mechanic is allowed at the designated zone. Two zones will be identified for XCO (Olympic Cross Country) event whilst three feeding and technical assistance zone for the XCM (Marathon Cross Country).

9.2 Feeding is only allowed at the feeding zone.

9.3 No running during the feed.

9.4 No turning back for feeding.

9.5 No feeding from the public, failing which shall be penalised according to UCI : Rules 12.1.040 (23) Unauthorised refreshment. The penalty is RM150.00 fine.

9.6 Article 4.2.044 stipulate that replacement of any parts is allowed other than the frame. Riders are allowed to give their technical assistance only between riders of the same team outside the Technical Assistance zone.


10.1 Retired rider will be classified as DNF (Did Not Finish)

10.2 Rules 4.2.060 Overlap riders must come to the Finish line and exit through the designated finish lane. They will be listed in the result with 'lap down' laps.

10.3 Rules 4.8.017 stipulate that riding too slow 80% slower than the lap time estimated will be pulled out of the race.


11.1 Rules 1.2.047 says that all participants shall assume to know and accept the content of the programme (race schedule) and race location.

ANTI DOPING RULES - Riders must accept these rules as a condition of participation and shall be bound by them.

* Where not stated rules governed by the UCI will be administered. HAVE FUN RACING!

Race Management

visit http://www.mtbmalaysia.com/


Perkhemahan Unit-unit Beruniform 2010

Pada 7 hingga 9 Mei 2010 yang lalu unit Ko-kurikulum SMK Bdr Tun Hussein Onn 2 Cheras telah mengadakan perkhemahan unit-unit beruniform bertempat di Kem Wirajaya Forest Resort, Sg Chongkak Hulu Langat Selangor.Hampir 90 orang pelajar yang terdiri daripada ahli-ahli badan uniform seperti Pengakap, Kadet Remaja Sekolah,Kadet Polis dan Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia telah terlibat dengan pelbagai aktiviti yang menarik disediakan.
Kem ini terletak berhampiran dengan Hutan Lipur Sg Chongkak. Melalui pintu masuk ke tempat letak kereta di hutan ini, kem ini terletak di atas bukit sebelum memasuki kawasan hutan lipur. Mendaki bukit sangatlah curam walau bagaimanapun kereta boleh mendaki terus ke kem ini. Ia terletak di antara jalan dari Sg Chongkak ke Hulu Perdek. Terletak betul-betul diatas permatang bukit pihak pengurusan kem menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan seperti dewan, dewan makan, bangsal untuk peserta serta chalet untuk guru-guru pengiring serta kemudahan bilik air dan tandas.
Rata-rata peserta sangat seronok dan bergembira dengan aktiviti yang disediakan walaupaun tidak cukup tidur kerana menjalankan aktiviti tanpa henti. Mereka mengeluh tidak cukup tidur tetapi teruja untuk meneruskan pelbagai aktiviti yang mencabar serta memberi sejuta pengalaman dan pengetahuan. Aktiviti di kem ini dijalankan oleh tenaga pengajar dari Jabatan Pertahanan awam yang sangat berpengalaman dalam mengendalikan pelbagai aktiviti menyelamat.
Pemerhatian saya aktiviti yang dijalankan sangat berfaedah kepada generasi muda kini yang hidup serba kemewahan. Apabila didedahkan dengan pelbagai aktiviti luar mereka dapat mempelajari pelbagai aspek ilmu ikhtiar hidup dan menyesuaikan diri dengan pelbagai keadaan.Pendidikan luar adalah satu cabang ilmu yang boleh dipraktikkan keadaan semua pelajar bagi merealisasi falsafah pendidikan negara yang berkehendakkan melahirkan pelajar yang holistik serta berguna dan menjadi generasi yang lasak serta berpandangan jauh. Rata-rata generasi kini hidup dalam kemewahan dan kesenangan, jadi latihan ini sebagai persediaan mengahadapi sebarang kemungkinan yang mendatang. Selain menjadi lasak, aktiviti luar dapat membentuk peribadi seseorang menjadi yang positif dalam menangani pelbagai permasalahan dan cabaran mendatang. Mereka dilatih bekerja sebagai satu pasukan dalam menyelesaikan tugasan yang diberi oleh jurulatih. Peserta juga menggunakan pengetahuan dan ilmu yang dipelajari di sekolah dapa dipraktikkan di sini seperti subjek Sains, Kemahiran Hidup dan Geografi.Semangat kerjasama yang tinggi dalam menyelesaikan tugasan dapat mengeratkan hubungan dan kesatuan pada diri pelajar. Sikap mementingkan diri sendiri dikikis bagi menjadikan seorang yang boleh menyesuaikan kepada persekitaran. Penyesuaian diri pada persekitaran amat penting bagi melatih pelajar tidak panik dan takut kepada kesukaran dan masalah yang menimpa. Pelajar yang bijak menyesuaikan di pada persekitaran terutam di dalam hutan yang merupakan luar dari kebiasaan secara tidak langsung melatih pelajar berfikir dari luar kotak pemikiran dan keselesaan. Ini turut melatih pelajar berfkir secara kreatif dan inovatif dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian. Latihan pendidikan luar ternyata amat berguna bagi setiap diri individu sebagai melahirkan generasi yang berwawasan dan sanggup menempuh pelbagai rintangan.Rata-rata pelajar yang mengikuti program ini terus bersemangat dalam apa jua aktiviti yang dilakukan di sekolah.
Berbalik kepada kem ini, saya ketika tiba melihat kemudahan yang disediakan adalah amat asas sekali. Melihat kepada pengisiannya amat baik dan berbaloi terhadap apa yang kita belanjakan. Saya terlihat jelopi rakan ham yang callsign lupa hendak dicatatkan. Ingatkan dapatlah bersalaman di daratan. Tetapi tidak ada rezeki selepas aktiviti ikhtiar hidup diadakan kembali ke kem jelopi rakan itu sudah tiada.9w2dya

9M2OCX Berjaya Dapat Lesen Ozonsonde

  Petang tadi Arul 9M2OCX berjaya menemui ozonsonde yang jatuh di Simpang Morib. Ozonsonde 1032405023 telah jatuh jam 13:17 Koordinat 2.7833...