GEM Services

This page is aimed at organisations and agencies that would like to find out whether they could benefit from using the services of GEM and would like to find out more. The information provided here is deliberately non-technical but gives more depth as to how we may be able to help. If you would like to informally discuss any matter with one of our representatives, please email us using the CONTACT US link above.

GEM uses the Internet to provide speech communication. The circuit can be between just two points, or a conference of many. Participants can be located anywhere in the world that has a connection to the Internet, even if that connection is a slow and basic one (such as via a telephone line). Each participant takes part using a computer fitted with a microphone and a loudspeaker (or headphones). Just about any computer can run the necessary software and, in the case of a laptop for example, can be transported to temporary locations where a communications point is required. Virtually all GEM members have such facilities.
So far, this would seem to be the same as other public ‘VOIP’ networks such as Skype. However, the GEM system is a private network. Only licensed individuals have access, providing a secure and interference-free environment.
The licensees are radio amateurs (also known as ‘radio hams’) and this is where the GEM provision is hugely enhanced for its intended task in the field of emergency communications. At many locations on the globe, GEM network points connect not just to simple computer-based stations, but also to powerful two-way radio transceivers owned and operated by our members. This allows users, out in remote locations or disaster zones where there is no Internet, to use radios to gain access to the GEM speech circuits. The radio system could be a VHF or UHF repeater system, where participants use walkie-talkies over a limited geographical area, or shortwave systems which can cover large regions and can cross country boundaries.

GEM’s desire in providing this service is to set up speech paths between places in need and sources of assistance, even if they are separated by vast distances. Our members want to offer back their radio hobby to provide benefit to the wider community. For example, relief workers within an Asian disaster zone could enlist the assistance of local radio amateurs and their equipment. Simultaneously, GEM would transport a suitably equipped computer to their relief agency head office in the USA. GEM would then activate one of its radio-to-Internet gateways located close the disaster zone. The workers in Asia could then use radio communications to speak directly to their head office in the USA. Even though other means of communication may also be available, such GEM circuits could at least spread the load by offering an alternative path for low priority traffic.

GEM provides experienced traffic control personnel to maintain order if the circumstances so dictate. Their role is to bring formality and efficiency to the communication such as would be normal on a controlled radio frequency. It is worth mentioning again that such controllers can be located anywhere in the world, handing the baton amongst each other as the time zones suggest to allow for true round-the-clock assistance.
In the background to the communication circuits themselves, GEM maintains an Incident Database where written records can be kept of the information passing over the links. This is important for a number of reasons, primarily so that messages can be stored should a link to the desired destination not yet be operable, but also for the purpose of emailing to destinations should an Internet connection become available.
Elsewhere on this public website is an online form that allows any person or agency to lodge data with us or seek information back from a disaster zone.
In consultation with the user, GEM can stream the audio circuits directly to the web for passive consumption by non-participants. GEM routinely records all traffic for legal reasons.
Our intention is to help whenever we can. Typical users might be relief agencies or charities who have no communications infrastructure of their own, or emergency communicators who want to enhance their existing systems.
GEM does not favour the making of highly formal arrangements with particular users. In general, we prefer to agree Memoranda of Understanding with other groups in advance, so that when the need to work together arises there is a predetermined plan for interaction. The reason for this is that GEM does not want its collaboration with one group to prevent it from working with any other, such as might be the case when more than one organisation exists within a country but their relationship is not harmonious.
Our primary language is English, although we have several strong language teams (for example Spanish, Italian, Indian and Indonesian) allowing us to conduct our activities in multiple languages should circumstances require it.

GEM exists to try to provide links for speech communication and information passing, in support of humanitarian relief efforts. Our role is to provide a conduit for information to flow – we cannot act upon the information that may pass through our systems. We regret that we are unable to assist in fund-raising activities. Our News and Press Release mechanisms exist to publish items about GEM and corroborated reports about amateur radio / volunteer involvement in humanitarian relief activities – we cannot publish requests for donations or advertise the services of other organizations.

GEM is a group of volunteers with a simple command structure. Provision of the GEM service is reliant on volunteer effort and their personal equipment. It therefore cannot be guaranteed, although, as our membership rapidly grows, there is an ever-increasing likelihood that a call for assistance will be responded to.
GEM has no financial aspect; it requires no payment for its services but by the same token it cannot pay for any facilities it may require. We do not seek sponsorship or donations. GEM regrets that it cannot handle any monetary transactions, such as aid donations, on behalf of third parties.
Clearly, some elements of this service may rely on compatible radio systems and workable radio paths. We will always activate our networks on legitimate request but the complete speech links may take longer to establish. Users should always bear in mind that it is particularly important to identify a destination for data flowing out of a disaster zone.
GEM will always pay the greatest attention to maintaining the sensitivity and privacy of any traffic that we pass. However, as with all Internet data, we cannot provide an absolute guarantee that information we handle will be fully secure from public scrutiny.


Ingin merasai pengalaman ber DX ?

Ingin merasai pengalaman ber DX? ada jawapannya semasa anda menggunakan Hamsphere. Satu program virtual radio di mana komuniti ham seluruh dunia QSO antara satu sama lain menggunakan radio virtual ini. Saya sendiri berasa seronok bila dapat QSO bersama rakan  ham dari seluruh dunia. Bagi yang tidak mempunyai lesen radio amatur dan ingin berjinak-jinak dan mengenali dunia ham inilah tempat yang sesuai untuk belajar.Anda akan diberi callsign HS apabila mendaftarnya. Anda boleh berkomunikasi dengan pelbagai rakan dari pelbagai negara. Cara penggunaannya mudah sahaja. Selepas downloud dengan perisian Java anda sudah boleh menggunakannya seolah-olah menggunakan set radio HF yang sebenar. Jangan lupa juga microphone dan mouse untuk menekan PTT. Maklumat lanjut boleh melayari  pelbagai maklumat diberi dalam web ini. Selamat mencuba program ini, satu pengalaman yang tidak dapat dilupakan bagi kepada yang ingin ber DXing.
73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


The organisers of the SEANET Convention 2011 invite all radio amateurs to participate in the SEANET 2011 Contest. This contest is associated with the 39th annual SEANET Convention to be held in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, over the period 17 to 20 November 2011.

To promote two-way amateur radio communications within the SEANET region and between the SEANET region and the rest of the world.

From 1200UTC Saturday to 1200UTC Sunday on the first full weekend in June each year. In 2011, the dates are:
Starts: 1200UTC on 4 June 2011,
Ends: 1200UTC on 5 June 2011 (duration 24 hours).

80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metre bands (no WARC bands).
Frequencies should be used as appropriate to the mode and station licence but it is suggested that activity should be centred around the following frequencies where possible, so that it is easy to find SEANET Stations:

CW: 3525, 7025, 14025, 21025, 28025.
SSB: 3540 (for Thailand), 3790, 7090, 14320, 21320, 28320.

Only CW or SSB may be used.

5.1. Single operator (SEANET)
5.2. Multi-operator (SEANET)
5.3. Single operator (Rest of the World)
5.4. Multi-operator (Rest Bof the World).
Both single-operator and multi-operator stations may use any or all bands (10 – 80m) and any or all modes (CW, SSB). All stations may use Internet or Packet Cluster ‘spotting’. Any number of transceivers or receivers may be used, but only one signal may be transmitted at any one time (there is no ‘Multi-Two’ or ‘Multi-Multi’ category).

As stipulated in the regulations governing the licence of the station.

RS(T) report plus serial number starting with 001.

8.1. SEANET Stations may contact Rest of the World stations and SEANET Stations, including those within their own country.
8.2. Rest of the World stations may only contact SEANET Stations.
For the purpose of this contest a “SEANET Station” is defined as one operating from the following DXCC entities:
4S, 4W, 8Q, 9M/DX0 (Spratly), 9M2, 9M6/8, 9N, 9V, A5, BS7, BV, BV9P,BY, DU, H4, HL/DS, HS/E2, JA, JD1/M, JD1/O, KH0, KH2, P2, P5, S2, T8, V6, V8, VK, VK9C, VK9X, VR2, VU, VU4, VU7, XU, XV/3W, XW, XX9, XY, YB.

These are all the DXCC entities in CQ Zones 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. Note: The definition of a SEANET Station is based on its DXCC entity, not the CQ Zone, therefore VK stations located in Zone 30 and BY stations located in Zone 23 also count as multipliers. Not included as multipliers are Antarctica in Zone 29, or other DXCC entities that happen to be in Zones 23 and 30.

9.1. Points:
All valid QSOs count 1 point per QSO.
Note: Only one contact is allowed on each band with the same station (not one contact on each mode).

9.2. Multipliers:
SEANET Stations claim one multiplier for each DXCC entity worked on each band, including those in the SEANET region and in their own country.
Rest of the World stations can only claim multipliers for DXCC entities within the SEANET region: see the entity list above.
Each multiplier counts once on each band (not mode).

9.3. Score:
The total number of QSO points multiplied by the total number of multipliers worked.

10.1. Contacts on cross modes or cross bands will not count.
10.2. Operators are not allowed to transmit more than one signal at any one time.
10.3. Entries which contain errors or unmarked duplicates are liable to a reduction of points.
10.4. Any entrant who uses methods contrary to the spirit of the contest may be subject to disqualification.
10.5. The decision of the SEANET contest organisers shall be final.

11.1. Entries may be in the form of hand-written logs with a summary sheet or, preferably, by computer log also with a summary sheet.
11.2. Information required for each claimed contact is:
Date Time (UTC) Band Mode (CW / SSB ) Report sent (RS[T])serial number Report received (RS[T]) serial number Claimed multipliers.
Duplicate contacts should be logged but marked clearly as duplicates (“Dupe”) and scored at zero points.
11.3. Both hand-written and computerised logs must be accompanied by a Summary Sheet listing the claimed multipliers on each band, the number of claimed contacts and multipliers per band, the final claimed score, and a declaration that the station was operated within the terms of the station licence and the rules and spirit of the contest.
11.4. Computer logs can be in any ASCII (text) format, including ‘Cabrillo’. Please do not send binary (.bin) files. The Summary Sheet should also be in ASCII / text format.
Note: It is recommended that entries be made using any standard contest logging program in ‘ARRL DX Contest’ mode as if you were a North American station and then scored manually. Manual scoring is very easy: it is simply the number of valid QSOs multiplied by the total number of multipliers. Almost every contest logging program supports the ARRL DX Contest and using this contest format allows the received serial number to be easily logged in place of the received power level. If you do not already have a contest logging program you may download CT by K1EA free of charge from
11.5. Computer logs must be sent by e-mail by 31 July 2011 to:
11.6. Hand-written logs should be sent by air-mail post to:

SEANET Contest 2011
c/o BDARA,
P.O.Box 73,
Bandar Seri Begawan BE3978
Brunei Darussalam.

Entries should be received not later than 31 July 2011.

A certificate will be awarded to the highest-scoring entry in each category. If the level of entries warrants it, runner-up certificates will also be presented. Additional awards may be made at the discretion of the SEANET contest organisers. The results will be announced at the SEANET 2011 Convention and will be published on the SEANET 2011 website.

ARISSat-1 not heard during Gagarin commemoration

The planned operation of ARISSat-1/RadioSkaf-V/KEDR on April 11 and April 12 from inside the International Space Station as part of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight was not successful.

No earth stations on the ground reported hearing transmissions on the ARISSat-1 downlink(145.950 MHz for FM analog/145.920 MHz for digital).
The planned retransmission of the satellite's FM downlink via the Kenwood TM-D700 transceiver --currently used for ARISS contacts--was also not successful as no reports were received of signals heard on 437.550 MHz. However, a similar ARISSat-1 transmission test conducted in February was successful, with 145.950 MHz signals being successfully received by several ground stations.
At this point it isn't clear to the ARISSat-1 team what went wrong with the most recent test. Unfortunately, little information has been shared by RSC-Energia concerning plans made to configure the satellite and the interface used to connect the satellite to one of the external ARISS antennas.
The status of the satellite's Russian-provided silver zinc battery is also unknown.
ARISSat-1 is a cooperative effort of AMSAT, RSC-Energia and NASA. AMSAT designed and built the spacecraft as a prototype of a proposed series of educational satellites which can carry student-built experiments. The ARISSat-1 prototype features a student experiment designed and built by Kursk State Technical University in Russia. A backup was also provided (without solar panels). AMSAT delivered the two units to NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX in early October. NASA has led the integration of ARISSat-1 into the ISS flight program. NASA coordinated the logistics of transporting the satellite and a backup unit, including export licensing, from Houston to Moscow. The shipment occurred in early December immediately following RSC-Energia confirmation that the appropriate import documentation had been approved. NASA also conducted the three-phase Payload Safety Review that ARISSat-1 had to pass in order to be permitted to be shipped to the ISS and deployed from the Space Station. Per protocol agreements signed by AMSAT, NASA and RSC-Energia, RSC-Energia assumed full responsibility for ARISSat-1 after NASA shipped the prime and backup units. RSC-Energia's stipulated responsibilities included integration of the Kursk experiment, providing a silver zinc battery for the spacecraft, shipment of the primary flight unit to the ISS via a Progress Cargo vehicle (which took place in January 2011) and subsequent deployment during a planned Russian EVA in February 2011.
Once AMSAT shipped ARISSat-1 and the backup unit in early October, AMSAT was no longer directly involved with management and operation of the satellite. AMSAT agreed to send a representative to Moscow (Lou McFadin, W5DID) in order to assist with testing and final checkout of the satellite once it arrived from the US. Lou was accompanied by NASA's Mark Steiner, K3MS and the requests for visas and access the RSC-Energia facilities was coordinated by NASA. Due to visa limitations (Russia does not allow changes to visas once individuals are in Russia), the window for Lou's and Mark's time in Moscow could not be changed once it became apparent that the shipment was being held by Russian customs and wouldn't be released until after the expiration of visas.
During the time that Lou and Mark were in Moscow, testing procedures were drafted and agreed to by RSC-Energia's principal investigator for ARISSat-1 (Sergey Samburov, RV3DR) as a signed protocol to assist the Russian engineers with testing and checkout without the presence of AMSAT. Lou and Mark departed Moscow on 22 DEC 10 for the US and the satellite with the backup unit were subsequently released from Russian customs and delivered to RSC-Energia on 28 DEC 10 following submission of appropriate documentation by RSC-Energia.
In addition to the missed opportunity for AMSAT and NASA to participate in the checkout in Moscow, the delayed release from Russian Customs also meant that the satellite arrived in RSC-Energia just as they were commencing a 10-day total holiday shutdown from 1-10 JAN 11. In order to make launch of the Progress 41P cargo vehicle to the ISS in January, the satellite had to be flown to the Baikonour Cosmodrome on 11 JAN 11, the day after RSC-Energia personnel returned from their holiday. Sergey Samburov, RV3DR spent a period of time during the holiday period conducting a checkout of the satellite, but it is still unclear whether the documentation provided by Lou McFadin and Mark Steiner and agreed to as a protocol was followed. For example, AMSAT and NASA have yet to receive any of the full set of closeout photographs of the satellite's exterior stipulated in the protocol.
The satellite did make the flight to Baikonour and was subsequently flown to the ISS on 28 JAN 11 on Progress cargo vehicle 41P. Once the satellite arrived at the Space Station, there was another unexpected alteration to the original plan which has been previously agreed to by AMSAT, NASA, and RSC-Energia. Russian officials now wanted confirmation that the satellite was in working order prior to EVA deployment.
Why this decision was made was never fully explained to AMSAT or NASA. Even though the satellite was never intended to be operated from inside the ISS, the RSC-Energia team made plans to operate ARISSat-1 from inside the ISS during the period 10-13 FEB 11, connecting the two-meter transmitter to one of the external antenna used for ARISS contacts with the intent of getting confirmation from ground stations that the satellite's transmissions could be received by amateur radio stations on the ground. This unexpected development raised AMSAT and NASA concerns given the potential for damage to the spacecraft inside the ISS and the possibility of misinterpretation of results. Despite these concerns, the test was successfully conducted on 10 FEB 11 for 20 hours with the Kenwood TM-D700 on the ISS used to verify normal transmission from the satellite. Ground stations, including Tony Monteiro AA2TX, did provide reception reports confirming successful operation of the satellite.
ARISSat-1 was scheduled to be deployed during Russian EVA-28, scheduled for 16 FEB 11, as one of the planned tasks on that EVA. However, AMSAT and NASA were informed on 11 FEB that RSC-Energia officials decided to remove the satellite deployment from the Russian EVA-28 schedule of activities due to complications with another task scheduled for that EVA. AMSAT and NASA were informed that the ARISSat-1 deployment would be rescheduled and included as a task in the next Russian EVA, currently scheduled for July 2011. Around the same time, the RSC-Energia Principle Investigator mentioned the possibility of a "special event involving ARISSat-1" around the date of the 50th anniversary of the Gagarin flight commemoration on 12 APR 11. AMSAT and NASA inferred that, by retaining the satellite onboard the ISS until the next Russian EVA in July, RSC-Energia could ensure that the satellite could be activated within the ISS specifically for the Gagarin Commemoration.
During the period from the testing on 10 FEB 11 to the planned time of activation on 11 APR 11, the satellite was placed in storage on the ISS. AMSAT and NASA were not informed of the configuration the satellite was in when it was stored, though it appears that the Lexan covers over the solar panels had been removed and replaced by 'soft covers' that were meant to be used only in preparation for deployment.
We were not informed if the satellite was deactivated following the test, or if the battery was disconnected to prevent drainage, or if the satellite may have been inadvertently left on. Given that operation of the satellite from within the ISS was never part of the original plan and these activities took place without AMSAT and NASA involvement, the ARISSat-1 engineering team is in the dark concerning the impact of storage on the satellite. As the originally agreed-to plan was to deploy the satellite within only a few weeks of arrival on the ISS, there were no provisions made in the satellite design to prepare the satellite for long-term storage on the ISS.
Adding to the lack of information was that the primary RSC-Energia Principle Investigator for ARISSat-1 went on vacation for the entire month of March and there wasn't a designated backup to coordinate with AMSAT and NASA.
Sergey, RV3DR returned from vacation on 1 APR 11, but was unavailable for the regularly scheduled weekly conference call that was scheduled to take place on 5 APR 11. This meant that AMSAT and NASA were not apprised of the details for planned operation of ARISSat-1 for the Gagarin Commemoration until late in the first week in April. AMSAT sent out a press release to the media on Friday, 8 APR 11, as well as a special ANS Bulletin containing the information that had been provided to AMSAT through information gathered by our counterparts at NASA who have access to a schedule of the planned daily activities of the ISS crew.
The documentation for the configuration and operation on 11-12 APR was developed by RSC-Energia without AMSAT or NASA input. AMSAT and NASA were provided a draft plan only a couple of days prior to operation; that document was in Russian and we could not comment on it prior to planned activation. One new development was the last-minute decision by RSC-Energia to retransmit the ARISSat-1 two-meter FM downlink on 70 CM by configuring the Kenwood TM-700 that is currently used for ARISS contacts in cross-band repeat mode. The ARISS team was asked for a recommendation on which frequency would be appropriate to use, and the suggestion was made to use 437.550 MHz. However, procedures for configuration of the TM-D700 were not shared with AMSAT or NASA. There remains the distinct possibility that the unsuccessful result of this test was due to a misconfiguration of ARISSat-1, its interface to the ARISS external antenna, or the TM-D700.
An additional consideration is that the Cosmonauts who were available for the Gagarin Commemoration were not necessarily the same individuals involved with the 'test' in early February due to a planned crew rotation that took place in early April, where three individuals (two Russian, one American) were flown to the ISS to supplement three individuals who were still onboard.
Neither AMSAT nor NASA received any status reports directly from RSC-Energia during the timeframe of the planned operation. We also don't know what the Cosmonauts found when they operated the three activation switches on the control panel, such as whether the LEDS were lit or not. The status of the flight battery is currently unknown to AMSAT and NASA.
Hopefully, RSC-Energia will provide an update on the status of the satellite to AMSAT and NASA and a determination can be made of the health of the satellite.
As noted above, ARISSat-1 is made possible through the cooperation of RSC-Energia, NASA and AMSAT. However, the degree of information received from RSC-Energia has been very sporadic, given that ARISSat-1 is technically a Russian satellite (callsign RS01S), and, per the signed protocol agreements, RSC-Energia has assumed full responsibility for all activities associated with ARISSat -1 from pre-launch preparation in Moscow through EVA deployment from ISS. Indeed, RSC-Energia has never publicly acknowledged that AMSAT was the organization that built the satellite nor the significant NASA involvement in the project. Clearly, what our expectations are concerning 'transparency' of information does not coincide to what RSC-Energia has been willing to share to date.
We will continue our efforts to gain insight from RSC-Energia concerning what transpired regarding their planned Gagarin Commemoration event. We're anxious to know the status of the satellite as well as prospects for deployment in July. We are dependent upon the willingness of RSC-Energia to keep AMSAT and NASA informed. As we are apprised of developments, we will share that information.

Patutlah bila monitor tidak dapat mendengar sebarang audio. Rupanya punca masalah telah dapat diketahui. Apapun sempena 50 tahun manusia pertama ke ruang angkasa telah memberi impak yang besar dalam kemajuan manusia mengejar teknologi angkasa untuk generasi masa hadapan. Pelbagai teknologi dicipta bagi kemudahan kita pada masa kini. Ciptaan Tuhan banyak lagi belum diungkap rahsianya jadi manusia menggunakan akal untuk mensyukuri nikmat yang telah diberi oleh Nya. Alam semesta sangat luas tidak dapat diungkai selagi kita tidak mengenalinya. Mengenali radio juga  secara tidak langsung menghargai apa yang dianugerahkan oleh Nya. Radio akan tersebar tanpa batasan hingga ke mana-mana yang dapat dicapai. Manusia yang berilmu pengetahuan ini, perlulah menggunakan untuk jalan kebaikan agar sejahteralah hidup.
Jika ada special event pasti aku ingin mengambil peluang merasai keseronokkan mengejarnya. Itulah antara keseronokan hobi ini memerlukan keazaman dan kesungguhan dalam mengejar sesuatu cita-cita dan matlamat berdasarkan maklumat yang diperolehi.
Selain maklumat yang diperolehi kajian awal juga perlu bagi memudahkan kita mencarinya. Dunia tanpa batasan dan sempadan hasil ledakan teknologi membawa manusia lebih dekat. Jadi kita tidak mahu ketinggalan harus terus mencari dan mencari kerana ia tidak akan berhenti.
73, Jojet, 9W2DYA

The Putrajaya Challenge 2011

The Putrajaya Challenge 2011 marks the start of one of the prestigious mountain bike events in the country and in Southeast Asia. The two-day event, which starts from 30 April 2011 to 1 May 2011, is the 2nd Series in the annual calendar of Malaysia Downhill Association (MDHA).
Putrajaya Challenge 2011 will become the perfect venue for you to test your skills, perseverance and determination to race against the best in mountain biking.
Who knows, you could be a Champion to win interesting prizes, cash money and the coveted trophy! Not only that, as riders, you could also win a Lucky Draw! For the crowd, promotional and exhibition booths are also in place to make the two-day event an unforgettable affair for everyone.

1. Format for racing is a single run format.
2. A rider with fastest time wins.
3. A rider is not permitted to take any shortcuts or to omit a circuit
4. Recommends that riders wear the following protection: Back, Elbow, Knee and Shoulder protection with a rigid surface Thigh padding, Shin padding, Long pants, Long sleeved shirts, Full finger gloves and helmet.
1. All riders must sign on for race number at registration counter 1 hour before the category start.
2. All riders must be on starting line 15min before start schedule.
3. A race briefing will be at the starting line by the Race Director. A rules of the Feed Zone if appropriate & confirm number of laps and how start and/or restart will be informed.
1. A protest against results must be submitted in writing and it must be signed and presented within 15 minutes of posting of results along with a fee of RM200.00.
2. Protest fee is refundable upon on completion of the investigation of the protest.

1. A bicycle may ONLY use 26” or 29” wheeled mountain bikes.
2. A rider must wear their body number and handle bar number before start.
3. Any bicycle used in competition must be capable of safely and efficiently completing the task and must, as a minimum, be mechanically sound, have efficient brakes on all wheels and all reasonable steps must be taken to ensure the safety of the rider and others.
4. To win, riders must complete the entire distance of the race and the responsibility for following the official route lies with the rider.
5. A rider is not permitted to take any shortcuts or to omit a circuit or take other advantage of a similar nature against opponents.
6. If a rider exits the route of the course for any reason, a rider must return to the course at the exact same point from which a rider exited.
7. Any walking, running or riding by a rider which is carried out without the intention of directly re-joining the course, or other activity in breach of the regulations, which takes place outside of the marked course area, may result in disqualification.
8. A rider cannot receive any technical assistance along the course from anybody including competitors.
9. A rider or helper must not use offensive or abusive language during the race, act in an anti-sporting manner, be disrespectful to the officials or ignore the race regulations.
10. A rider must act in a polite manner at all times and permit any faster rider to overtake without obstructing.
11. Riders must respect the countryside and ride only on the official route. The rider must avoid polluting the area and must not leave any waste or litter.
12. No glass containers of any kind are permitted on or near the race course.
13. Mechanical assistance can be provided by your team management only at the designated feed zone, all repairs need to be done by the rider involved.
14. The use of headphones, earpieces or any communication devices in either official training or racing at Mountain bike events is prohibited.
15. It is compulsory to wear a protective helmet when racing or training on the course and such helmet must comply with the required safety standards.

International – RM 70.00
Local – RM 70.00
Entry fee includes: Insurance, T-shirts and goodies

Cross Country
International – RM 50.00
Local – RM 50.00
Entry fee includes: Insurance, T-shirts and goodies

* Entry fee must be paid upon submission of entry form
* Entry fee for each category

IMPORTANT (Cross Country category only)
Each rider must pay RM 50.00 deposit for transponder when collecting his/her race number. The deposit will be forfeited should a rider failed to return the transponder. If any rider raced without the transponder, their participations are automatically disqualified.

Registration form of entries in PDF format can be downloaded from website. Please complete the details and fax it with the payment slip. Enlarge your bank in slip on A4 paper and please write in your full name, telephone number and categories (clearly) on top or bottom.

Cash Deposit / Cheque / Transfer to:

Account No : 3119973119
Fax it to : +603 4106 5833

or direct to

Secretariat Putrajaya Challenge 2011 Office
Bat’s Creative Sdn Bhd

310C Lorong Kedah
Melawati Square
Taman Melawati
53100 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603 4106 5833
or contact
Pend : +013 258 6601
Aslanz PCP : +017 285 2855

for more info


YURI'S NIGHT : 10th Edition – 50 Years

Feat. Malaysian Astronaut Dr Faiz

Launch Time: Tuesday 12 April 2011, 9pm Onwards
Pad Location: Palate Palette, 21 Jalan Mesui (Bukit Bintang, Near One Residency)
Return To Earth By 2am

ENROLL FOR FREE (No Cover Charge)

The 1st Yuri’s Space Party In Malaysia, Connected To Others By A Worldwide Webcam Link!
Yuri’s Night Is An Annual Worldwide Celebration On April 12th That Fuels Public Interest In Space Exploration And The Aerospace Industry. On That Date In 1961, Yuri Gagarin Became The World’s First Cosmonaut, A Mission That Marked The Beginning In Human Exploration Of Space. This Pioneering Effort Is Honored Through A Worldwide Night Of Celebration Bridging Continents And Countries And Keeping The Spirit Of Space Exploration Alive.

In 2011, Yuri’s Night Will Be Held At 150 Locations In 35 Countries!
More Info:

Launch Window Starts At 9pm Sharp.

Launch Sequence:
- 9pm: Presentation And Book Signature By Malaysian Astronaut: Dr Faiz
- 9.30pm: "First Orbit" Movie Premiere
- 11.30pm: Space Fashion Show / Star-wars Costume Contest
- 11.35pm: Pre-party Countdown And Warm-up By DJ French Chris
- 00.00am: Orbital Party With The Epic Tribe: Oddicon / Thesuperglo / Yzdar
-> Video-projected Space Footage
-> Glow In The Dark Acrobats
-> Laser Show
- 2am: Back To Earth!

The Space After Party Is Proudly Sponsored By SKYY.

FREE Goodies Bags By: Eh! Magazine

To Watch The Party Live From Midnight Onwards, Just Connect To: Http://

Media Coverage By:
- SpaceEdu TV: Http://
- Demoplanet TV: Http://

In Partnership With:
- STS-MC: Http://
- Yayasan Salam Malaysia: Http://

Media Appearance
- Utusan Malaysia

"Circling The Earth In My Orbital Spaceship I Marveled At The Beauty Of Our Planet. People Of The World, Let Us Safeguard And Enhance This Beauty — Not Destroy It!" Yuri Gagarin, 1st Person In Space

YN - Space Education Exploration
Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Tun Dr Ismail
Date/Time: 12 April, 2011 - 13:00 to 23:00 local time

Conjunction With This World Event, Space Tourism Society Malaysia Chapter (STS-MC) In Collaboration With Yayasan Salam Malaysia Was Invited To Be Part Of It And Manage The Yuri’s Night – Space Exploration By Our STS New York President. Space Tourism Society Malaysia Chapter (STS-MC) Is A Major Chapter Of Space Tourism Society (STS) In The World, A Not-for-profit Organization (non-government), Registered In Los Angeles, USA. We Are One Of The Most Active Chapters In The World Taking The Lead Along Other Chapters Such As US, Canada, United Kingdom, Sweden, German, Netherlands And Japan. STS-MC Has Taken An Active Approach To Develop A Program Towards Engaging The Space Tourism Industry That Includes Research Activity And Suborbital Tourism Spaceplane Development.


Global Premier Of First Orbit
Suborbital Spaceplane Drawing Contest
Launching Of The 'SPACE LAND' And Club Aerospace For SKTTDI (1) By - Malaysian Astronaut - Mjr Dr Faiz
Award Ceremony To The 10 Finalist Of National Suborbital Spaceplane Design Competition
Award Ceremony To Nurul Eeman Hj Mansor As Junior Student Space Tourism Award 2011

Media Coverage :-

Have Been Featured In MHI (TV3)

- TV3
- SpaceEdu TV
- Demoplanet TV

The Radio Spectrum

Radio transmissions are regulated in the United States by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). The FCC is an independent regulatory agency which administers spectrum for non-Federal Government use. The NTIA is an operating unit of the Department of Commerce which administers spectrum for Federal Government use.

The FCC and NTIA arbitrarily define that the radio spectrum in the United States is that part of the natural spectrum of electromagnetic radiation lying between the frequency limits of 9 kilohertz and 300 gigahertz. That is a merely legal definition for regulatory purposes. There is no scientific reason that radio transmissions cannot be made at lower or higher frequencies, although there are serious technical problems associated with using lower or higher frequencies in most practical radio applications at the current state of the art.

The electromagnetic spectrum is divided various ways into many individually-named sub-spectrums. The following names are commonly used to identify some of the lower portions:

3 kHz to 30 kHz Very Low Frequencies (VLF)

30 kHz to 300 kHz Low Frequencies (LF)

300 kHz to 3,000 kHz Medium Frequencies (MF)

3,000 kHz to 30,000 kHz High Frequencies (HF)

30,000 kHz to 300,000 kHz Very High Frequencies (VHF)

300,000 kHz to 3,000,000 kHz Ultra High Frequencies (UHF)

Those named portions are all within the larger portion arbitrarily defined for regulatory purposes as the radio spectrum, except for the small 6 kHz portion from 3 kHz to 9 kHz. Each of the portions above are further subdivided into many other sub-portions or "bands." For example, the American AM Broadcast Band extends from 535 kHz to 1705 kHz, which is within the portion known as Medium Frequencies. AM Broadcast Band stations are therefore Medium Frequency stations, but not all Medium Frequency stations transmit within the AM Broadcast Band.
Examples of other named "bands" are the Amateur Radio Bands, Citizen Band, and International Broadcast Bands. Those bands are named by their approximate wavelengths (although some have more than one name). Band frequency limits vary to some extent in different countries, but many are the same or similar. They also are subject to regulatory changes from time-to-time.


N4S -50yrs First Man in Space/30 yrs of STS-1

To commemorate the 50 years of the First Man in Space: Russian pilot Yuri Gagarin who in April 12, 1961 was the first human being to go into space on an 108 minute flight, and the first flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia Sunday morning on April 12th, 1981, known as mission STS-1, opening what is called the Shuttle era. The Special Event callsign N4S will be on the air to remember these two events: one which changed the course of history, and the other helped expand our knowledge of the space sciences and in the construction of the International Space Station (ISS).
The Special Event will be active on the HF bands from 10 to 80 meters on SSB. The KP4IA-R (145.370 Mhz) and the simplex frequency 147.480 Mhz will be used for local contacts in Puerto Rico. A special electronic certificate will be issued for this occasion. For information go to or write to .

We want to remind also that the Arissat-1 satellite inside the ISS will be activated that same day and send voice messages and Slow Scan TV images, plus CW and data from the new PSK1000 mode on the frequency145.950 Mhz. For more info go to and

The Amateur's Code

The Radio Amateur is:

CONSIDERATE never knowingly operating in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others.

LOYAL offering loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs and the American Radio Relay League, through which Amateur Radio in the United States is represented nationally and internationally.

PROGRESSIVE with knowledge abreast of science, a well built and efficient station, and operation beyond reproach.

FRIENDLY with slow and patient operation when requested, friendly advice and counsel to the beginner, kindly assistance, co-operation and consideration for the interests of others. These are the hallmarks of the amateur spirit.

BALANCED Radio is an avocation, never interfering with duties owed to family, job, school or community.

PATRIOTIC with station and skill always ready for service to country and community

Amateur Radio Do's

Always be polite regardless of the circumstances. If not, avoid transmitting.

Set a good example especially for short wave listeners who may be thinking about becoming a ham.

Be a good listener. It will help you better organize your thoughts before transmitting.

Reply to a CQ, or call CQ yourself. It helps keep alive the magic of ham radio.

Speak clearly and slowly, especially when giving your call sign to someone you have never worked before.

Promote friendship and goodwill to DX contacts. Look for ways to get to know each other rather than simply exchanging signal reports and 73s!

Try to keep track of everyone in the QSO. Hopefully someone has assumed the role of "traffic director" to make sure everyone has a chance to contribute to the discussion. If not, don't hesitate to do it yourself.

Make it clear at the end of each transmission which station is expected to transmit next. Try to do this even when operating VOX.

Operate on frequencies that are in whole KHz (e.g. 7.070 Khz). This alleviates ambiguity and makes it easier for everyone to be on the same frequency.

Openly praise other hams when you observe them doing something that you feel is especially deserving. e.g., helping demonstrate ham radio to a group of scouts.

Always be ready to quickly and calmly respond to emergency situations. Rehearse what you would do if presented with various scenarios.

Make a point to try other bands than just 40 and 6 meters. Good operating practices are especially prevalent on these bands.

Look for opportunities to "Elmer" newly licensed hams when you hear them on the HF bands. Welcome them, solicit their questions and give them pointers on good operating practices.

Remember that no one country can proclaim to be the leader of the Amateur Radio world. Likewise, no one country's foreign policy is any more right or wrong than that of another country.

Develop good operating practices. You will be doing your part in helping insure the continuance of our long and proud tradition of self-regulation.

Amateur Radio Don'ts

Don't act like some sort of Broadcast Radio station. Your fellow Amateurs will most likely not appreciate such a blatant display of personal ego.

Don't acknowledge the presence of deliberate interference. After all, that's most likely the overall objective of the person doing the interfering.

Don't be excessively long winded especially when in a round-table discussion and during times when band conditions are changing.

Don't just talk about ham radio. Most hams have many more interests.

Don't operate when you are in a bad mood. You will be that much more vulnerable to losing your temper.

Don't overuse Q-codes and other ham jargon on the phone bands.

Don't claim or homestead any particular frequency for nets, schedules, etc. If your designated frequency is already in use, simply move up or down as necessary.

Don't transmit before first determining that the frequency is clear. This includes transmitting within 3Khz of other known QSOs.

Don't break into an ongoing QSO unless you can hear the majority of the participants.

Don't ignore someone new to a round table QSO. We should all do our part to make everyone feel welcome. Avoid making the discussion appear exclusive to your particular circle of friends.

Don't test your transmitter over the air. It is far better to use a dummy load.

Don't cough, sneeze or clear your throat into your microphone.

Don't become a "Band Policeman" quick to tell others what you feel they are doing wrong. In instances where it may be called for, always be polite and constructive.

Don't turn up your microphone gain or resort to excessive speech processing in order to be heard. Such practices will most likely result in diminished audio quality and increased likelihood of interference to nearby QSOs.

Don't use the word "break" when wanting to join an on-going QSO. Simply give your call sign between transmissions and reserve the use of the word "break" for more urgent situations.

Don't join an ongoing QSO unless you have something to contribute to the discussion. It is especially rude to interrupt other hams with a request for audio checks, signal reports, etc.

Don't operate in any fashion that is not in keeping with good amateur practice. Be certain to always comply with the provisions of Part 97 of the rules.

Don't knowingly interfere with an ongoing QSO just because you are working DX, especially split frequency.

Don't say that the frequency "is not" in use when you hear someone inquire. Refrain from responding at all unless you know for certain that the frequency or one nearby "is" in use.

Don't ridicule other hams or express any negative views of the overall state of Amateur Radio. If you don't have something positive and constructive to say, avoid saying anything at all.


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  Petang tadi Arul 9M2OCX berjaya menemui ozonsonde yang jatuh di Simpang Morib. Ozonsonde 1032405023 telah jatuh jam 13:17 Koordinat 2.7833...