European Football Championship 2012 Award

Award Rules

1. The Polish Amateur Radio Association (PZK) issues an award in collaboration with the Ukrainian Amateur Radio Association (UARL), in a joint effort during the European Football Championship EURO 2012 which takes place in Poland and in Ukraine.

2. This activity is carried out under the honorary auspices of The Polish Football Association (PZPN).

3. This activity takes place from June 1st to July 5th, 2012. During this period, radio amateurs may collect points needed to obtain the Award.

4. To obtain the award, the following number of points need to be collected:

40 points - SP and UR stations;

25 points - European stations;

15 points - DX stations.

5. QSOs with the following organizing stations are 2 points each:

* PZK: SN2012PZPN, HF2012EFC, 3Z2012EFC, SN2012GD, SN2012PO, SN2012WA, SN2012WR

* UARL: EM2012EFC, EN2012EFC, EO2012EFC, EN2012L, EN2012I, EN2012W, EN2012U

while QSOs with any other station operating in the "EFC-2012 on the air" program are 1 point.

• It is allowed to repeat a QSO with a given station once on another band or mode.

• A special distinction in the form of an "EXCELLENT" sticker will be provided for QSOs with all organizing stations listed above and additionally with 60 other stations from Poland and Ukraine taking part in the "EFC-2012" program.

6. Short wave listeners are also eligible for the award after meeting the same point requirements as amateur radio operators.

7. Certificate fees.

• The award in electronic form (in .pdf form) is free.

• The award in paper form is free for PZK and UARL members and club stations from Poland and Ukraine.

• The cost for a paper award for other stations is: 20 zloty/ 5 Euro/ 6 USD/ 6 IRC.

The fee should be paid to the PZK HQ bank account: PL 33 1440 1215 0000 0000 0195 0797, Nordea Bank Polska S.A. with the annotation: „EFC2012” and one's own call-sign.

8. Applications for the Award should be made by electronically by submitting a form from the Internet web page or by sending a standard application which should be sent to the following address: DOT PZK, Box 1977, 53-316 Wroclaw 14, Poland.

E-mail address:

QSL cards are not required - the verification of the application is based on electronic logs of organizing stations, after having received the award fee (if required).

9. Award applications shall be made before December 31st, 2012.

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