Alpha Project

Developed by: Head ICT Prefect of SMK Bandar Tun Hussein Onn 2, Cheras Selangor

Managed by: ICT Prefect Institution of SMK Bandar Tun Hussein onn 2

What is Alpha Project System?

Alpha project system is asystem initiated by the Head ICT Prefect of SMK BTHO2. It was inspired by the E-Lil sytem which is used by teachers nowsday.
This system is a multi-functional system, used to replace the manual hand-written management system which is still used nowadays as the era changes.

Main idea

Alpha project(AP) is the product of ICT Prefects Institute of SMKBTHO2. The name of Alpha Project System is derived from the class name of the programmer which is 5 Alpha.

This is due to contribution to the class. Somehow, AP is the copyright of its developer, the Head ICT prefect of SMK BTHO2, as it is hand-coded and maintained continuously.

Our price is The Greener Earth.
We are some kind of Non-Gov Organization (NGO) which is environmentally friendly. We reduce the use of papers as possible as we can.

Upon reaching our goals, here is the list of few of our services we have made available:

Project 1 :
Friendconnect E-Learning system  Free registration is needed

Project 2 :
ICT Prefects Management system

Project 3 :
Teacher Rating System

Inside the engine
You are need to register an account to be logged in. Registration is free, and will always be. The registration is compulsory as we need to make the statistic and graph analysis for number of usage per annum

Next, we do the win-win situation. You can view th Power Point files freely, and also can upload your, so it can be shared with others. Sharing is caring, right?

live at:

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