20140801 02:27    7130.0 YT1AA                                         YU  Serbia           9W2DYA
20140801 02:30    7130.0 DB5L                                          DL  Germany          9W2DYA
20140801 02:31    7130.0 YV1EX                                         YV  Venezuela        9W2DYA
20140801 02:32    7130.0 W0KAN                                         K   United States    9W2DYA
20140801 02:33    7130.0 AA0PO                                         K   United States    9W2DYA
20140801 02:34    7130.0 YT1AA                                         YU  Serbia           9W2DYA
20140801 02:40    7130.0 W2SFD                                         K   United States    9W2DYA
20140801 02:43    7130.0 R6EP                                          UA  European Russia  9W2DYA
20140801 02:50    7156.5 SM0XBI                                        SM  Sweden           9W2DYA
20140801 02:50    7156.5 SM0XBJ                                        SM  Sweden           9W2DYA
20140801 02:51    7156.5 KP2EK                                       ! KP2 Virgin Is.       9W2DYA
20140801 02:51    7156.5 KP2EK                                         KP2 Virgin Is.       9W2DYA
20140801 02:52    7156.5 SM0XBI                                        SM  Sweden           9W2DYA
20140801 02:53    7156.5 AB0AL                                         K   United States    9W2DYA
20140801 02:53    7156.5 YY5DR                                         YV  Venezuela        9W2DYA
20140801 02:54    7156.5 YY5DAR                                        YV  Venezuela        9W2DYA

This is a HF/WebSDR receiver on University of Technology Eindhoven.
 It is operated by Harry and Martin, e-mail pa3dsc-at-veron.nl.
 Thanks to Pieter Tjerk de Boer PA3FWM for creating WebSDR.!!!!!!
  More information about the WebSDR project can be found on http://www.websdr.org

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