Two members of the Victorian Scout Radio & Electronics Service Unit will be again hiking the French Island National Park southeast of Melbourne to operate the scout callsign VK3SAT for the Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award. Peter VK3ZPF and Matt VK2ADF will be active from Fairhaven camping ground on 7 and 8 January 2012.

The bands proposed are 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m using wire antennas.

The team will carry all of the gear in backpacks, riding the ferry across and hiking to the camp site.

VK3SAT hopes to make many contacts and will be QRV Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday morning.

French Island is also part of the OC-136 IOTA group.

VK3SAT will attempt to keep the published schedule, but please understand thattheyhave limited battery capacity and are at the mercy of the weather.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Band Frequency Local UTC (7 Jan 2012)

10m 28.480 1300 0200

15m 21.200 1400 0300

20m 14.190 1500 0400

40m 7.100 1700 0600

40m 7.145 1930 0830

80m 3.610 2000 0900

Sunday 8 January 2012

Band Frequency Local UTC (7 Jan 2012)

80m 3.610 0800 2100

40m 7.100 0830 2130

20m 14.190 0900 2200

15m 21.200 0930 2230

10m 28.480 1000 2300

The SRESU is a service unit of the Scouts Australia, Victorian Branch. Established to provide radio and electronics related services for Scouts, the SRESU provides health and welfare communications for large Scouting activities, helps Scouts obtain amateur radio licences by running theory classes and examinations and is responsible for co-ordination of the annual event Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) and Jamboree On The Internet (JOTI) in Victoria.

The SRESU also participate in contests and field activities often using the VK3SAT callsign.

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