UBA SSB Contest

1 - Purpose

To contact as many Belgian and other amateurs as possible and to provide a way to achieve the WABP and the EC Awards in the "UBA Contest".

2 - Periods

SSB - January 28 - January 29, 2012 (starts every year on the last Saturday of January).

CW - February 25 - February 26, 2012 (starts every year on the last Saturday of February).

From 13:00 UTC on Saturday to 13:00 UTC on Sunday.

3 - Categories

Stations with QTH in Belgium

AH - Single Operator 6 hours High Power All Bands,

AL - Single Operator 6 hours Low Power All Bands,

BH - Single Operator 12 hours High Power All Bands,

BL - Single Operator 12 hours Low Power All Bands,

CH - Single Operator 24 hours High Power All Bands,

CL - Single Operator 24 hours Low Power All Bands,

D - Multi Operator All Bands,

E - Single Operator QRP All Bands (Maximum 18 hours of operation),

BASE - Single Operator Basic License (Restricted to ON2/ON3 stations operated by a holder of a Basic License),

F - SWL (ONL) All Bands (Rules under item 12).
Stations with QTH outside Belgium

A10HP - Single Operator 10 meter High Power (24 hours of operation allowed),

A10LP - Single Operator 10 meter Low Power (24 hours of operation allowed),

A15HP - Single Operator 15 meter High Power (24 hours of operation allowed),

A15LP - Single Operator 15 meter Low Power (24 hours of operation allowed),

A20HP - Single Operator 20 meter High Power (24 hours of operation allowed),

A20LP - Single Operator 20 meter Low Power (24 hours of operation allowed),

A40HP - Single Operator 40 meter High Power (24 hours of operation allowed),

A40LP - Single Operator 40 meter Low Power (24 hours of operation allowed),

A80HP - Single Operator 80 meter High Power (24 hours of operation allowed),

A80LP - Single Operator 80 meter Low Power (24 hours of operation allowed),

CHP - Single Operator High Power All Bands (24 hours of operation allowed),

CLP - Single Operator Low Power All Bands (24 hours of operation allowed),

D - Multi Operator All Bands,

E - Single Operator QRP All Bands (Maximum 18 hours of operation),

F - SWL All Bands (Rules under item 12).


Stations in category D are limited by the "10 minute" rule. A run station must stay at least 10 minutes on a band before changing bands. The starting time will be determined by the first QSO made on that particular band. The use of a multiplier-station however is allowed, but only to work multipliers on a different band.

High Power > 100 Watts output.

Low Power < 100 Watts output.

QRP SSB maximum 10 Watts output, CW maximum 5 Watts output.

Belgian holders of a Basic License are allowed to enter another category then BASE, but this must be indicated clearly in the log.

4 - Bands

Bands to be used: 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. The IARU band plan as well as the frequencies proposed by the UBA HF Contest committee must be adhered to. At this time, the preferential frequencies are:

SSB: 3.600 - 3.650, 3.700 - 3.775, 7.060 - 7.100, 7130 - 7200, 14.125 - 14.300, 21.175 - 21.350 and 28.400 - 28.700 MHz.

CW: 3.510 - 3.560, 7.000 - 7.025, 14.000 - 14.060, 21.000 - 21.080 and 28.000 - 28.070 MHz.

The band segments 3.500 - 3.510 and 3.775 - 3.800 shall not be used unless for DX contacts (this means no one shall call "CQ Contest" in those segments).

5 - Contest call and exchange



ON stations: RS(T) + serial number starting from 001 + Belgian province. The province is part of the exchange and must be mentioned in the log.

DX stations: RS(T) + serial number starting from 001.

6 - Scoring

Stations with QTH in Belgium

A QSO with a Belgian station 1 point,

A QSO with a station in one of DXCC countries from the European Union as listed below 2 points,

All other QSO's 3 points.

Stations with QTH outside Belgium

A QSO with a Belgian station 10 points,

A QSO with a station in one of DXCC countries from the European Union as listed below 3 points,

All other QSO's 1 point.

An additional bonus will be given depending on the percentage of QSO s with Belgium on your total valid QSO's. Example: 50 QSO's with Belgium (500 QSO points) on a total of 320 QSO's means 15.6 % of QSO's with Belgium and will give you (15,6 % of 500 Belgian QSO points) an extra of 78 QSO points on your total QSO points. This calculation will be done after the log checking.

7 - Multipliers

Stations with QTH in Belgium

All DXCC countries once on each band.

Stations with QTH outside Belgium

Once on each band.

All Belgian provinces: AN, BW, HT, LB, LG, NM, LU, OV, VB and WV. The region of Brussels: BR.

All Belgian prefixes e.g. ON4, ON5, ON6, ON7, ON8, ON9, OR0, OT4, etc...

The following DXCC countries from the European Union: 5B, 9H, CT, CT3, CU, DL, EA, EA6, EA8, EI, ES, F, FG, FM, FR , FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, I, IS, LX, LY, LZ, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK , OM, OZ, PA, S5, SM, SP, SV, SV5, SV9, SV/A, TK, YL and YO.

Remark: A QSO with a Belgian station can give you 2 multipliers (province and prefix). Multipliers count once on each band.

8 - Final Score

Total QSO points (from all bands) times the total number of multiplier points (from all bands).

9 - Special Conditions

The use of DX-Cluster facilities is permitted. Selfspotting is absolutely forbidden.

10 - Logs

Number of logs: Only 1 log per station will be accepted.

We will only accept CABRILLO logs. Rename the files to MYCALL.CBR or MYCALL.LOG where "MYCALL" is your call sign. (Example ON7SS.LOG).

Make sure you send in the right Cabrillo format. Cabrillo instructions can be found on the UBA website.


Should be sent as a normal attachment to the e-mail.

Send as an uncompressed file.

Do NOT send more than one attachment.

In the "subject" line of your e-mail message, please include your contest callsign.

Please take a moment to check your log via a text editor before sending it, to avoid potential problems.

More info concerning the contest can be found here.

Paper logs: No paper logs are accepted anymore! A Cabrillo webapplication is available on the website of WA7BNM.

Cabrillo header must include:

Your call sign.

Your name, first name and complete address.

The category in which you took part. Logs where the category is not clear will be placed in the highest category, which is MULTIOPERATOR. (If needed edit your log with a text editor. DO NOT USE MICROSOFT WORD).

For the Multi op station, the complete list of the operators.

Incomplete logs will be used as "Check logs".
A selection of pictures (.jpg or .png) of operators in action will be published with the results, so please send us your picture in a separate mail to the contestmanager!

Remark: if you run in problems with your log, you can contact the (contestmanager) and we will try to help you.

Contestsoftware that supports the UBA Contest.

N1MM Logger (freeware).

WinOnContest from ON4AVJ (freeware).

Super Duper from EI5DI.

11 - Deadline and Address

All logs must be sent not later than 15 days after the contest.

February 13, 2012 23:59 UTC for SSB.

March 14, 2012 23:59 UTC for CW.

Late logs will not be considered for the contest and will be treated as checklog.

Send your contest logs via E-mail as an attached file to the following address:

(ubassb[at]uba[dot]be) for SSB and mention in the subject line "UBASSB - YOURCALL".

(ubacw[at]uba[dot]be) for CW and mention in the subject line "UBACW - YOURCALL".

Send your log as an attached file and not in the body of the email. Also do not zip your file. All logs must meet the specifications as outlined above. Take care that all your information is in your log. Do not put extra information in the body of your mail.

You will receive an email concerning the reception of your log. This can take sometimes more than 24 hours, we are not using a robot, so please be patient and don't send your log again before the next 24 hours.

For other info concerning the contest you can send a mail to the contestmanager.

12 - Special SWL Rules

Only stations taking part in the Contest may be logged for scoring purposes. Logs should show in columns: Time (UTC), call sign of "Station Heard", complete exchange sent by this station, call sign of station being worked and a RS(T) report on "Station Heard" at SWLs QTH. If both sides of a contest contact are heard they may be claimed as separate stations and the call signs have to appear in the "Station Heard" column. A station may only appear once per band as station heard. In the column "Station Worked" the same station may not be logged more than 10 times per band.

Please use the freeware program SWL_dqr_Log from SP7DQR. This program can be downloaded from http://sp7dqr.waw.pl/eng/index_en.html.

13 - Contest certificates

Belgian winners receive a trophy if a relevant number of QSOs is made.

AL: 150 QSOs, AH: 200 QSOs, BL: 300 QSOs, BH: 350 QSOs, CL: 600 QSOs, CH: 650 QSOs, D: 650 QSOs, E: 200 QSOs, Base: 200 QSOs, F: 300 QSOs.

Certificates will be made downloadable from the UBA Website.

The European Union Trophies go to the European Union in the Single Operator class (A, C or E) depending on who scores the most points of both the CW and the SSB Contest.

14 - Penalties and Disqualification


QSO’s with incomplete or incorrect exchanges will count for zero points, but no additional penalty will be applied.

QSO's that are not in the log of the other station will count for zero points, but no additional penalty will be applied.

QSO's in violation of the 10 minute rule will count for zero points, but no additional penalty will be applied.


For cheating, imaginary logging and clear, repetitive and intentional violation of the contest rules.

For continuous or repetitive violation or total negation of the IARU band plan.


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