Malaysian amateur radio league ( marl )

Malaysian Amateur Radio League (MARL) has been registered yesterday - May 16th, 2012. It is an effort on a body unifying and representing all amateur radio associations in Malaysia. Members are amateur radio associations only. MARL is an organization designed to represent and voice out the interest and opinion of all Malaysian amateur radio assignment holders. It is an approach modeling on Communications & Multimedia Act 1998 requirements on formation of industry forums.

I am pleased to inform that the Protem Committee of MARL are:

President : Y.A.M Tengku Sri Temengung Raja D.K, S.S.M.T, Y.A.M Dato' Seri Tengku Baharuddin Ibni AlMahrum Sultan Mahmud Al Muktafi Billah Shah (9M2TBM)

Vice President : Abdul Aziz Bin Mohd Noor (9M2AU) - MARES

Secretary : Abd lah @ Abdullah Bin Awang (9W2HOZ) - JASRA

Asst. Secretary : Azmeir Bin Zaki (9W2EKP) - JASRA

Administrative Secretary : Ashwar Bin Abdul Aziz (9W2FG)

Asst. Administrative Secretary : Mohd Iqbal Bin Mohd Noor (9M2BAL)

Treasurer : Amrun Bin Mamat (9W2HAV) - SQUAD99

Committee :

i. Fahroradzi Bin Ibrahim (9W2BBS) MARES

ii. Marzuki Bin Saad (9M2MZ) - Kedah HF

iii. Jamaludin Bin Mat Akhir (9W2BDS) - KSRAC

iv. Khairul Asyraf Bin Jaafar (9W2CRO) - MERACC

v. Mohamad Alawi Bin Md Noor (9W2AWQ) - AKRAB

vi. Abu Hashim Bin Nordin (9W2AHJ) - SIK AMATEUR

Easily access MARL Facebook page, bookmark us at

vy 73,

Mohd Iqbal, 9M2BAL.




phone: +60 197770435

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