Calling all Amateur Radio Operators and SWL around the world! Make yourself available on the weekend of 19th and 20th May 2012. This is the time to get to know other Ham operators around the country and around the region.

Talk to the Elmers ("Elmer" is a nickname or term used to describe someone that can answer lots of your Ham Radio related questions when you are starting out in Ham Radio). Learn how to send Morse Code or participate in CW (CW stands for "continuous wave" or Morse Code) race.

At the same time learn from other senior ham operators on how to make long distance contact (DX) and talk with style.

Get your questions answered. What type of questions?

What is Ham Radio?

How do I get into Ham Radio?

How do I get my first Ham Radio License?

How does Ham Radio work?

Is there more than one Ham Radio license?

What can I do with Ham Radio?

Why is it called "Ham" Radio?

Is the exam Hard? Yes, (if you don't study)

How much does a Ham License cost?

Do I have to learn Morse Code?
We have made a special arrangement with the Park Management to allow participant to put up tent during the 2 day event. All fees to pitch your tent and usage of toilet and shower have been paid. Free of charge for you to put up your tent.

Taman Metropolitan Batu is a combination of open area, with several ponds and mature tropical trees. Very windy and breezy during the day and warm and cooling during the night.

Now is the best time to transmit and communicate with other Ham Operator around the world, and with the exclusive Hamfest Callsign you can transmit at 20, 40, 80 and 160! Something that you can't do before with Class B license.


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