
is the callsign of the London ham radio station celebrating the London Olympic Games and Paralympics

The project is being run by members of Cray Valley Radio Society. We are located at the Avery Hill Scout Activity Centre in New Eltham, which is in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, one of the six ‘host boroughs’ for the Games. Five stations are active simultaneously, three on HF and two on VHF

Operation started on Wednesday 25th July 2012 and already after 12 hours operation there are over 3,600 QSOs in the log, with 92 countries. We will be active for the whole period of the Olympics and Paralympics, including the two weeks in between. In total we plan to make at least 60,000 contacts during the seven week period. Visitors may view an exhibition about radio communications and electronics, and sit down at the radio and make contact with amateur radio operators right around the world. We are also offering ‘bite-sized’ talks giving an overview of radio and its importance in the modern world

All hams who visit the Olympics, from anywhere around the world, are encouraged to visit 2O12L. It is easily reached by bus from Greenwich, and is close to New Eltham station (services from London Bridge).


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