EmComm Training Conducted in Malaysia

    Jim Linton, VK3PC, Chairman of IARU Region 3's Disaster Communications Committee, reports via Southgate ARC News that "a 'battery-power only' emergency Communications exercise based at Miri in Sarawak, Malaysia tested message handling and disaster training in mid-September.

    According to Johnny Tan, 9M8DB, of the Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters Society (MARTS), the event was led by Amateur Radio Club of Sarawak. Communication was conducted between remote sites and local EOC.

   "The suggested IARU Region 3 emergency center-of-activity frequencies on the 40-, 20-, and 15-meter bands (were) used, with appropriate training announcements," Linton reported. "The day-time test (managed) battery power, use of telephony, and PSK31," and measured the Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) propagation on 40 meters, "while (trying) out west-east paths across the country on 20 and 15 meters."

   9M8DB said evaluations would be made of the remote stations, examining their setups, antennas and "how orderly they operate."

Public Service by Richard Fisher KI6SN
November 2013 CQ page 53

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