
Radio amateurs can now achieve two-way, real-time visual communicatins from within a dynamic simulation scenario using the new APRS Live add on for Depiction mapping and simulaton software.

Depiction is apowerful tool for integration of multiple types of data, including images, spreadsheets, and GIS files.

Depiction has been used extensively in emergency communications of mapping, information recall, and many other functions.

APRS is a digital communications protocol for exchanging data between multiple radio stations across a region, including position information, telemetry, weather data, short text messages and more.

is used by amateur radio users for position tracking, gaining situational awareness during emergencies, coordinating large-scale public service event such as bike races and marathons and more.

The add-on allows APRS packet information received by a radio and transmitted to a computer using a terminal node controller (TNC) connected to a serial port to be displaed within Depiction as simulation elements.

For example, search-and-rescue workers can be tracked alongside a simulation of an 8-foot storm surge,or bike race volunteers can be tracked along race maps.

Depiction and APRS Live both function without internet access, but if the internet is available, the add-on can bring in APRS data from any of the many public APRS-IS servers across the world.

For more information, go to

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