Family Radio Service

This was established in 1996 when Bob Miller, K2RM, a vice president with RadioShack, petitioned the Commission for 14 channels, narrow band, within the GMRS spectrum.
The no-license FRS equipment is generally inexpensive, small, reasonably rugged, and easy to use. Most FRS radios also have adequate voice quality, and use common inexpensive disposable batteries."Recently, more elaborate FRS radios have been developed that incorporate GPS capabilities to enable users to determine their location, and automatically pass that information to nearby similarly equipped FRS radios," says the FCC, and it rightly worries about the multi-band combination FRS radios.
It's generally acknowledged that the average end user has little concept of the difference between FRS and GMRS channels. Generally, it is not life threatening when users stray up into channels that currently require a license. What can be a life threatening, however, are the people who use combination FRS/Marine VHF transceiver and may, while fishing off a jetty with friends, mistakenly go on yak-yak-yakking Channel 14(not FRS Channel 14, but Marine Channel 14, 156.700). Unknowingly they are talking right on top of the US Coast Guard Vessel Traffic System radar approach marine VHF channel!
And it could get worse. Say these jetty fishermen, with a combo FRS/GMRS radio accidentally dial up the wrong Channel 16 and end up on the International Distress and Safety chanel, guarded by rescue agencies through out the world! Don't expect to see marine radio manufacturers continue with added FRS capabilities.

resources POP'COMM OCTOBER 2010 PAGE 31-32

Teringat dahulu semasa sering melakukan aktiviti pendakian gunung ada rakan mempunyai set walkie-talkie motorola Talkabout. Rupa-rupanya inilah yang dikatakan Radio FRS. Audio yang dapat dicopy memang cantik walaupun jarak yang dapat dijangkau dalam 5KM. Bermula dari sinilah aku mula berminat dengan dunia radio. Ada sekali diatas puncak sebuah gunung terdengar audio dari entah mana dan monitorlah semasa itu. Mungkin audio dari kereta tarik tak QSL. Selepas itu akupun beli satu set Radio FRS ini digunakan semasa xpdc dan juga aktiviti perkhemahan dan trekking. Kadang kala untuk aktiviti Flying Fox dan Abseiling. Memang tanpa perlu lesen untuk penggunaan alat ini kerana ia dijual berleluasa dipasaran.Ia juga sebagai batu loncatan untuk mendapat lesen radio amatur.
73, Jojet, 9W2DYA.

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