9M0L Spratly Layang-layang DX-pedition

Plans are underway for a Dxpedition to take place from Pulau Layang Layang, Spratly (AS-051) during the first two weeks of April 2012.

Members of the Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitter Society (MARTS) and the 9M4SDX Team are behind the project, with Team leader being Neoh, 9M2CLN.

Sources:  http://dx-world.net/

DX0DX Spratly DXpedition “Permanently Cancelled”


After numerous setbacks, Chris Dimitrijevic, VK3FY, announced on the DX0DX website that the planned 2012 DX0DX DXpedition to the Spratly Islands has been “permanently cancelled.” No explanation was given for the cancellation and Dimitrijevic did not respond to e-mails from the ARRL. Spratly currently sits at #32 on DX Magazine’s “Most Wanted” List.

The DX0DX Spratly DXpedition had been pushed back at least twice. It was first supposed to happen in January 2011, and then it was delayed until April. According to Dimitrijevic, the postponement to April 2011 was “due to circumstances beyond the control of the DX0DX Team and in the best interests of the Team of Operators.” On April 10, 2011, Dimitrijevic sent out a notice that said that 10 of the original 37 operators of the planned 2011 DX0DX DXpedition indicated that they will return in April 2012, but that will not be happening.

In April 2012, however, another group is planning a DXpedition to the Spratly Islands. According to the September 4 edition of the Ohio/Penn DX Association’s bulletin, members of the Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitter Society (MARTS) are planning a “2012 Project” to activate Pulau Layang Layang (AS-051) in the Spratlys during the first two weeks of the month. The team leader is C.L. Neoh, 9M2CLN, with support by Tack Kumagai, JE1CKA, and the 9M4SDX Team. The DXpedition coordinator is Tex Izumo, 9M2TO. MARTS is Malaysia’s IARU Member-Society.

The Spratlys

The Spratlys are a group of more than 750 reefs, islets, atolls, cays and islands in the South China Sea between Vietnam, the Philippines, China, Malaysia and Brunei. They comprise less than 4 square kilometers of land area, spread out over more than 425,000 square kilometers of sea.

Small, remote islands such as the Spratlys have little economic value in themselves, but are important in establishing international boundaries. There are rich fishing grounds and geological surveys indicate the area may contain significant oil and gas reserves. As such, many countries claim the islands for their own, including the Philippines, Vietnam, the People’s Republic of China and Republic of China (Taiwan). Additionally, Brunei claims Louisa Reef, as well as an Exclusive Economic Zone around that and neighboring reefs. Malaysia claims portions of the state of Sabah, as does the Philippines.

On March 31, 1979, just three days after departing Brunei, North Borneo -- six hams -- Harry Meade, VK2BJL; Stew Woodward, K4SMX; Bill Poellmitz, K1MM; John Ackley, KP2A, Austin Regal, N4WW, and Bob Schenck, N2OO -- were on the boat Banyandah that would take them to the Spratlys. The boat was captained by the husband-wife team of Jack and Judith Binder. In the February 1998 issue of QST, Schenck recounted their trip: “We all cheered when we first spotted Amboyna Cay in the distance. It first appeared as a small white speck on the horizon. It was sheer torture in slow motion as we slowly crept closer. As we watched, our mood went from joy, to confusion, to despair, to hope, to sheer horror!”

When the boat was about one mile from the island, they saw that there were structures on the beach. Since the aerial photographs from only months before showed no structures and no people, the hams and crew were perplexed. “We saw no flag or other indication as to what country was represented on the island,” Schenck wrote. “Could they be Filipino fishermen?”

Binder wrote in his ship’s log that as the boat got closer to the island, “three distinct groups of people visible on that tiny mound of sand, a group at each end with a smaller number on the top. The ‘top’ hardly more than two meters above the sea. The smaller centralized group has begun signaling us with semaphore flags.”

At that point, Jack Binder and Woodward decided to go to the island in the dinghy and check things out. “Suddenly the person sending the semaphore threw down his flags,” Schenck recalled. “Within seconds, we heard four loud canon blasts from the island! The shells missed us by a wide margin, but their message was clear -- we were not welcome.” Binder wrote in his log that as they began their final approach to the island, one operator was at the radio scanning the bands and listening for a possible contact with the island. They were then shot at by the people on the island and got out of the area quickly. “We quickly put the 2 knot diesel into gear, put up the sails and steered away from Amboyna Cay,” said Schenck.

The boat returned to Brunei. Regal went back to the States, but Ackley and Schenck stayed in Brunei while the other three amateurs went back out in search of an island; Ackley and Schenck agreed to maintain a backup operation as VS5KV and VS5OO. Eventually, Binder assisted Mead, Woodward and Poellmitz get to what he called “a tiny scrap of sand.” The reef was Barque Canada Reef, a 30 foot wide sand cay that was only a foot or two above water at high tide. Here the three amateurs set up what became 1S1DX, making nearly 14,000 QSOs

In 1982, a Singapore yacht operated by the owner and his wife were carrying four German hams on a DXpedition to Amboyna Cay in the Spratlys. The boat was fired upon by Vietnamese forces. Diethelm Mueller, DJ4EI, was hit by an artillery round and fell overboard as the yacht caught fire. The rest of the party drifted for 11 days on debris, but Gero Band, DJ3NG, passed away from thirst the day before the group was rescued by a passing Japanese freighter and taken to Hong Kong. -- Thanks to Bob Schenck, N2OO, and Captain Jack Binder for some information

Sources: http://www.arrl.org/news/dx0dx-spratly-dxpedition-permanently-cancelled

Spratly Islands DXpedition

Members of the Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitter Society (MARTS) are planning a '2012 Project' to activate Pulau Layang

Layang (AS-051).

The DXpedition is expected to be during the first two weeks of April 2012.

The team leader is Neoh 9M2CLN, with support by Tack JE1CKA and the 9M4SDX Team.

The coordinator is Tex, 9M2TO.

More details should be forthcoming.

Sources: http://www.southgatearc.org/news/september2011/spratly_islands_dxpedition.htm

TEAM LEADER 9M2CLN bring up discussion on Layang-Layang DX-pedition.

The suggested date is 5 to 17 April 2012, divided into 3 groups.

Team A : 5 to 17 April 2012

Team B : 5 to 11 April 2012

Team C: 10 to 17 April 2012

All are welcome to participate in this DX-pedition.

Sources: http://9m0l.legendchew.com/2011/08/upcoming-project-discussion/

9M6DXX / 4W6AA - Steve Telenius-Lowe

Steve was first licensed as G8FEO in 1970 while still at school in England. He has been lucky enough to live and work in Iran, Sweden and Papua New Guinea over the years, from where he was active as EP2SL, G4JVG/SM0 (and OH0/G4JVG), and P29DX / P20A.

Before retiring to Sabah in 2005, Steve worked as editor of the RSGB’s RadCom magazine. He was a founder member of the Five Star DXers Association (FSDXA) and a member of the 1998 9M0C Spratly Islands, 2001 D68C Comoros and 2007 3B7C St Brandon DXpedition teams. He was joint editor with G3NUG of the book DXpeditioning Behind the Scenes.

Steve is now licensed as 9M6DXX and has operated from Sabah’s Coastal Islands, OC-133, on a number of occasions. In March – April 2010 he was a member of the Southern Line Islands DXpedition team that activated four ‘new ones’ for IOTA: T32MI (OC-279), T32SI (OC-280), T32CI (OC-281) and T32VI (OC-282). He was a member of the only two DXpeditions to have activated Sebatik Island, OC-295, in 2006 and 2010.

In addition to Sabah, he currently holds licences in Sarawak (9M8Z), Thailand (HS0ZHX), and USA (KH0UN), as well as the UK (G4JVG). In all, he has operated from 39 DXCC entities and the same number of IOTA island groups. Steve is a member of the RSGB, BARC (Borneo Amateur Radio Club) and CDXC (Chiltern DX Club). Although officially retired he is still doing some free-lance work for the RSGB, including production of the 2007 and 2009 RSGB IOTA Directory. He compiled and is editor of the World Licensing and Operating Directory. (follow the link and scroll down the page a short way)

Steve only operates SSB, plus some RTTY on expeditions.

sources  http://www.4w6a.com/



Larian Tahunan TBNSA 2011


3 Disember 2011,


8.30am- 1.00pm


Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam (TBNSA)


Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam (TBNSA)


Kelab Rekreasi Shah Alam (KRESA)

Terma & Syarat

1.Terbuka kepada semua pengunjung Taman Botani Negara, Shah Alam (TBNSA).

2.Yuran Penyertaan PERCUMA, peserta perlu membayar tiket masuk ke Taman Botani Negara sebanyak RM3.00 Sahaja.

3.Kategori: Lelaki Terbuka (12Km) / Wanita Terbuka (7Km).

4.Setiap peserta akan diberikan Sijil Penyertaan.

5.Hadiah : 1 - 3 (Percutian ,Medal, Hamper & Sijil) 4 - 10(Medal,Hamper & Sijil).

6.Peserta Larian ini tidak akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang kepada pihak penganjur atau wakil penganjur jika berlaku sebarang kemalangan, kematian atau kecederaan semasa peserta mengikuti larian ini dan bersetuju untuk menerima rawatan jika terjadi sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini.

7.Untuk sebarang pertanyaan lanjut, sila hubungi En.Saifful Pathil (016-995 0285) / En.Wan Mohd Shuqrie Wan Ahmad (012-907 0146).


Thank you very much Mr Tony VK3FTAB for the contact via HS. Hope catch you again in another frequency via HS.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


Spratly Islands DXpedition cancelled

    Next year's planned DX0DX expedition to the Spratly Islands has been cancelled and will not be rescheduled, according to organizer Chriss Dimitrijevic, VK3FY. The "ARRL Letter" reports that no explanation was given in the website announcement, but the trip had already been delayed twice from its originally planned date in January 2011. However, the "Letter" reports that a different group of hams, from Malaysia, is planning to active one of tha Spratly islands (Pulau Layang-layang) next year.

     The islands, in the South China Sea, are claimed by multiple countries and some previous DXpedition attempts have been met with military gunfire.

Ham Radio News
CQ November 2011
page 2


DL7UXX bersalaman diudara melalui transnasional ASTRA

Ketika monitor dijalur transnasional pada 9.40 malam ini kedengaran audio rakan dari German yang sedang maritime mobile masuk bergabung. Ketika itu rakan-rakan sedang QSO iaitu 9W2ASF, 9W2OOS, YF5OR dan YF5NZ. DL7UXX radio operator Uwe Lange dari Berlin sedang maritime mobile di Johor menggunakan pengulang Pulai. Beliau mendapat maklumat tentang kewujudan repeater di Malaysia melalui maklumat dari negara beliau di German. Thank you very much for the contact mr Uwe. Hope your audio can hear again in Malaysia. Be carefull and save your journey. Selamat tinggal terima kasih. 73

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


Gunung Hitam (1220 Meter dpl),Sg.Leweng,Hulu Langat,Selangor.

Sejarah Gunung Hitam

-Gunung Hitam ini pernah menjadi laluan penduduk kampung sekitar

Sungai Lui ke Kuala Klawang untuk mendapatkan bekalan makanan seperti

beras dan sebagainya semasa pemerintahan Jepun dan pada zaman darurat

ketika komunis bermaharajalela .

Tempat Mula Pendakian

-Pendaki akan memulakan pendakian dari bekas kawasan rekreasi

Sg.Leweng.Pendaki akan melalui kawasan kebun orang asli dan kemudian

melalui kawasan yang mempuyai tumbuhan buluh liar dan terdapat

beberapa rumah orang asli di sepanjang laluan .

Air Terjun Sungai Leweng

-Kira-kira 1 jam 30 minit perjalanan dari tempat mula

pendakian,pendaki akan sampai di sebuah kawasan air terjun dikenali

sebagai air terjun Sungai Leweng yang mempuyai kolam yang kecil tetapi

dalam,sesuai untuk mandi-manda dan terjun tiruk.

Kem Penyengat

-1 Jam perjalanan dari Air Terjun Sg.Leweng,pendaki akan tiba di Kem

Penyengat.Kawasan kemsite agak luas sedikit tetapi tiada punca air

berhampiran kem ini.

Sungai Kecil(Punca air terakhir)

-Setelah 25 Minit perjalanan ,pendaki akan menjumpai anak sungai kecil

yang merupakan sumber air terakhir sebelum ke puncak.Terdapat

batu-batu yang agak besar berhampirannya.Pendakian menjadi agak

mencabar dari sini.

Puncak Gunung Hitam

-Setelah hamper 2 jam pendakian,pendaki akan tiba di puncak Gunung

Hitam yang berketinggian 1220 meter dari aras laut.Tiada pemandangan

menarik di puncak gunung ini,hanyalah terdapat pokok-pokok yang

berlumut tumbuh setinggi 2-3 meter.Suhu di puncak ini antara 15-24

darjah celcius.Puncak gunung ini sentiasa diselubungi kabus,mungkin

disebabkan ianya terdedah kepada laluan angin.Puncak gunung ini juga

ditanda dengan sebuah bongkah batu kecil.


Faizal Samat(FBK)

Yassir(pak sheikh)


15th International EME Conference

The UK Microwave Group are hosts to the 15th International EME Conference which is to be held at Churchill College Cambridge in August 2012.

Previous EME conferences have been held in Prague, Wurzburg, Florence, Paris, amongst other cities, and most recently in Dallas where the UK Microwave group won the bid to host the 15th Conference.
EME conferences attract visitors, from all over the world, who come to meet others involved in this challenging branch of amateur radio and to exchange information on the latest techniques for design of low noise amplifiers, receivers, Software Defined Radio, antenna systems and transmitters all of which require peak performance to make Earth-Moon-Earth communications possible.
There is great synergy between this branch of amateur radio and the rapidly developing field of amateur radio astronomy so there will be a lot to interest those keen on that branch of the science of Astronomy.
For more information please visit the conference web site at  http://www.eme2012.com/  where you will find an outline description of the program.
The UK microwave group, who are organising this conference on a not for profit basis, are grateful to Waters and Stanton for their generous sponsorship and will be using this opportunity to publicise amateur radio as a valuable science based hobby.

GlobalSET dan MySET 2011

Hari ini 12 November berlangsungnya acara GlobalSET jam 1100 hingga 1500 waktu tempatan. Tujuan untuk simulasi dalam menghadapi sebarang bencana alam dalam komunikasi antara pelbagai negara. Kesempatan ini aku ambil untuk mempelajari bagaimana ia dijalankan di 9M4CME. Selepas menghantar xyl ke Hotel Equatorial Bangi kerana menghadiri jamuan teh Koperasi saltmine aku terus ke Jalan Tinggi Petaling Jaya terletaknya rumah kelab. Ketika itu hujan renyai kelihatan ramai juga rakan ham menghadirinya. Aku tiba lebih kurang jam 12 tengahari kelihatan peralatan telah tersusun rapi bagi menjalankan aktiviti simulasi ini.
Report pertama kepada JA1RL dari 9MCME oleh 9M2USB tentang laporan cuaca dan suhu sekitar di Kuala Lumpur. Tetapi sebelum itu JA1RL oleh JA1LDY memberi laporan cuaca di Tokyo.
Report kedua pula dari VR2HK oleh VR2USP di Hong Kong dan 9M4CME oleh 9M2USB melaporkan keadaan di Kuala Lumpur.

Manakala untuk MySET pula kedengaran 9M4CCM di Kuala Terengganu oleh 9M2MSL melaporkan keadaan di Kuala Terengganu frekuensi 7.110MHz. Kemudian selepas beberapa minit kemudian laporan oleh 9M2BAL pula melaporkan keadaan di Terengganu.

Jam 2.15 aku mula berangkat ke Bangi semula mengambil xyl . Sempat bersalaman bersama-sama rakan yang hadir sebagai tanda terima kasih.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA



Zoran Stojkovic

Pobrezje 143
2284 Videm pri Ptuju

Frequency: 7128.00kHz

Band: 40m 6m 2m


5.28 kHz @ -6dB; 5.74 kHz @ -60dB.

20111105 00:53 7128.0 wb4ctx K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 00:55 7128.0 wb4med K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 00:55 7128.0 s57y S5 Slovenia 9W2DYA

20111105 00:56 7128.0 M1AEB G England 9W2DYA

20111105 00:56 7128.0 S57Y S5 Slovenia 9W2DYA

20111105 00:59 7128.0 VE1BMJ VE Canada 9W2DYA

20111105 01:01 7128.0 WD4DHJ K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:03 7128.0 M6HMY G England 9W2DYA

20111105 01:03 7128.0 W3GT Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:04 7128.0 W3GT K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:07 7128.0 IT9QQO I Italy 9W2DYA

20111105 01:07 7128.0 N1MXB K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:09 7128.0 W9DKC K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:10 7128.0 UA9UMB UA9 Asiatic Russia 9W2DYA

20111105 01:12 7128.0 EA2LE Thanks! EA Spain 9W2DYA

20111105 01:13 7128.0 N3UJM K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:14 7128.0 KJ4NT K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:15 7128.0 WE4J K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:16 7128.0 N8F K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:19 7128.0 W5CGV K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:20 7128.0 WA3LNQ K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:21 7128.0 W2UHA K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:22 7128.0 WA2MVH K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:23 7128.0 VE3KKM VE Canada 9W2DYA

20111105 01:24 7128.0 N3KV K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:26 7128.0 KA1WJ K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:27 7128.0 WA4DB K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:28 7128.0 K3CLT K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:29 7128.0 W1TRB K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:30 7128.0 N4LGR Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:31 7128.0 CT2JZE Thanks! CT Portugal 9W2DYA

20111105 01:33 7128.0 VP2ETE ! VP2EAnguilla 9W2DYA

20111105 01:34 7128.0 VE3SR VE Canada 9W2DYA

20111105 01:36 7128.0 WA4RXC K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:38 7128.0 XE1REM XE Mexico 9W2DYA

20111105 01:39 7128.0 HP1DSD HP Panama 9W2DYA

20111105 01:40 7128.0 HI7SBR HI Dominican Republ 9W2DYA

20111105 01:40 7128.0 W3RQC K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:43 7128.0 KJ4GTI K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:44 7128.0 WA4GQJ K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:44 7128.0 K2SHA K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:46 7128.0 KD8QBV K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:46 7128.0 N8GEN K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:47 7128.0 N9QK Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:49 7128.0 KJ3L K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:51 7128.0 W0BR K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:53 7128.0 NG4D K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:54 7128.0 K4TTZ K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:55 7128.0 N5IL K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:56 7128.0 KW5K K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 01:58 7128.0 VO1JNS VE Canad

20111105 02:00 7128.0 N1FDX K United States 9W2DYA

20111105 02:01 7128.0 AA2DW K United States 9W2DYA

a WebSDR receiver, located in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. It is operated by Harry and Martin, e-mail pa3dsc-at-veron.nl.


Fraser Cameron Range Ride 2011 pada 13 Nov.

Fraser Cameron Range Ride 2011 pada 13 Nov.

KUANTAN 24 Okt. - Penggemar aktiviti berbasikal dipelawa menyertai program Fraser Cameron Range Ride 2011 yang akan berlangsung pada 13 November ini melibatkan kayuhan dari Bukit Fraser ke Cameron Highlands.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pelancongan, Kesenian dan Warisan, Pembangunan Keluarga dan Hal Ehwal Wanita negeri, Datuk Shafik Fauzan Sharif berkata, program anjuran kerajaan negeri menerusi Perbadanan Kemajuan Bukit Fraser (PKBF) itu bakal memperkenalkan laluan baru ke Cameron Highlands kepada orang ramai.
Menurutnya, para peserta program itu akan memulakan kayuhan dari Bukit Fraser menuju ke bandar Raub, Sungai Koyan dan seterusnya ke Pos Betau sehinggalah ke Ringlet sebelum sampai ke Cameron Highlands.
"Peserta dijangka memerlukan masa perjalanan kira-kira lapan jam melibatkan jarak kayuhan sejauh 187 kilometer," katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas program Kayuhan Bandar Kuantan atau Kuantan Townride di sini semalam.
Kata Shafik Fauzan, Menteri Pelancongan, Datuk Seri Dr. Ng. Yen Yen dijangka melepaskan para peserta kira-kira pukul 7.45 pagi dan majlis penutup akan disempurnakan oleh Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk S.K. Devamany.
Kata beliau lagi, setakat ini pihaknya telah menerima kira-kira 250 penyertaan dan ia masih lagi dibuka sehingga hari pendaftaran pada 12 November hadapan.
"Kita membuka sebanyak 500 penyertaan dengan yuran hanya RM60 sahaja. Saya berharap penduduk di sini dapat bersama-sama menyertai program yang julung-julung kali diadakan ini," katanya.
Sesiapa yang berminat untuk menyertainya bolehlah menghubungi talian 019-9004008 (Mazlan), 013-9417417 (Zakaria), 012-9608000 (Ijah) atau 013-9225189 (Moni) untuk sebarang pertanyaan lanjut.

Date: 13 Nov 2011

Time: 8am

Venue: Bukit Fraser, Pahang

Distance: 187km

Registration fees: RM60

Contact: 019900 4008 (Lan)

Closing date: 4 Nov or 500 participants only

Dianjurkan Oleh:

Fraser Cameron

Maklumat Lanjut








TIME:9.00 PM


019-9004008 LAN

012-9608000 IJAN

013-9417417 ZAKARIA

013-9225189 MONI

QSL Cards from VA3IR

Semalam hari khamis 3 November 2011 aku mendapat surat air mail dari Canada. Thank you very much mr Mckinlay send to me QSL cards. This is first times i get from oversea hihi. Wait my QSL i will send to you too from Malaysia. Bye see you again.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA

Bersalaman di udara bersama 9W2AJQ

Malam tadi di jalur NESRAC aku monitor ketika itu abg razak 9W2AJQ QSO bersama abg zulfa 9W2WEB. Apa yang menariknya adalah kerana 9W2AJQ memancar terus ke pengulang 9M4RNS QTH Kuala Terengganu. Terima audio beliau 3/8  manakala abg zulfa 5/9. Walaupun jauh audio diterima sedikit berpasir masih dapat dicopy sepenuhnya apa yang diperkatakan beliau. Menurut abg razak memancar sepenuh kuasa iaitu 50 watt. Selepas abg zulfa QRT akupun cuba QSO dan dijawab oleh abg razak. Malam tadi audio aku kurang baik mungkin WX hujan menyebabkan beliau terima dalam readability 2 sahaja tetapi masih dapat dicopy. Apapun dapat salam contact kenal bersama beliau di Kuala Terengganu. Jumpa-jumpa lagi abg razak.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA

Monitor frequensi 146.500MHz

Pagi tadi sekitar jam 9.50 pagi hingga 10.30 pagi sambil bersiap hendak ke saltmine sempatlah aku monitor di jalur 146.500MHz WX sangat baik cerah memungkinkan aku mendengar audio 9W2WAK di Kota Warisan. Beliau sedang QSO bersama abg zamri 9W2ZBV di Seri Kembangan dan 9W2ODN di Bandar Baru Bangi. Ketiga-tiga rakan aku dapat copy audio sangat baik 5 9 dari base aku di Bangi. Kemudian dapat dicopy audio abg udi 9W2NBF apabila menggunakan kuasa pancaran 10 watt. Selepas itu audio terus menurun dan tidak dapat dicopy langsung.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


9M2OCX Berjaya Dapat Lesen Ozonsonde

  Petang tadi Arul 9M2OCX berjaya menemui ozonsonde yang jatuh di Simpang Morib. Ozonsonde 1032405023 telah jatuh jam 13:17 Koordinat 2.7833...