** RULE CHANGE! ** 1. Deadline is shortened. 1month after the contest.

OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the world(DX) to contact JA stations in 
as many JA prefectures + JD1 islands as possible.
For amateurs in Japan to contact DX stations in as many DXCC entities
and CQ Zones as possible.
      CW Start Sat. 0700 -Sun. 1300UTC 2nd full weekend of April PH Start Sat. 0700 -Sun. 1300UTC 2nd full weekend of November PH 2012-11-10 0700 - 2012-11-11 1300 UTC CW 2013-04-13 0700 - 2012-04-14 1300 UTC
    2. BANDS:
      PH 3.5/7/14/21/28MHz (JAs on 3525-3575, 3599-3612, 3680-3687, 3702-3716 3745-3770 & 3791-3805KHz 7030-7200KHz also) CW 1.8/3.5/7/14/21/28MHz (JAs on 1810-1825 & 1907.5-1912.5KHz) Except for the WARC bands.
      **** CHOOSE ONLY ONE! **** 3-1.Single Operator(*1) High Power(*2) Abbreviation = category AB = SINGLE-OP ALL-BAND HIGH-POWER 28 = SINGLE-OP 28MHz SINGLE-BAND HIGH-POWER 21 = SINGLE-OP 21MHz SINGLE-BAND HIGH-POWER 14 = SINGLE-OP 14MHz SINGLE-BAND HIGH-POWER 7 = SINGLE-OP 7MHz SINGLE-BAND HIGH-POWER 3.5 = SINGLE-OP 3.5MHz SINGLE-BAND HIGH-POWER 1.8 = SINGLE-OP 1.8MHz SINGLE-BAND HIGH-POWER 3-2.Single Operator Low Power(*3) ABL = SINGLE-OP ALL-BAND LOW-POWER 28L = SINGLE-OP 28MHz SINGLE-BAND LOW-POWER 21L = SINGLE-OP 21MHz SINGLE-BAND LOW-POWER 14L = SINGLE-OP 14MHz SINGLE-BAND LOW-POWER 7L = SINGLE-OP 7MHz SINGLE-BAND LOW-POWER 3.5L = SINGLE-OP 3.5MHz SINGLE-BAND LOW-POWER 1.8L = SINGLE-OP 1.8MHz SINGLE-BAND LOW-POWER 3-3.Multi Operator (*4) MOP = MULTI-OP (SINGLE-TX ALL-BAND HIGH-POWER) 3-4.Maritime Mobile(*5) MM = MARITIME-MOBILE # All categories, except Multi Op, only one transmitted signal is allowed at any one time. # All stations can use the spotting network(like DXsummit). # No SELF-SPOTTING of any form is allowed in all categories. Self-spotting is defined as generating spots for your contest callsign by yourself. # All stations, except Maritime Mobile, must not change the operating location in entire contest period. # Anyone may only submit one entry in spite of the callsign used. Submission of check logs for operation on other bands or other callsigns are encouraged. # JA stations must sign their call area as "/#" if they operate from different call area against their callsign. *1 Single operator must do all contest related things by himself. +Single-Operator can change bands at any time. +Multiple Single-Operator entries from the same location must use different callsigns. *2 High Power: Output power 100w over *3 Low Power: Output power 100w or less *4 Multi Op station must remain the same band at least 10 minutes when they make the contact on that band (RUNNING station). They can transmit one other band simultaneously only when the station worked is a new multiplier (MULTIPLIER station). The above 10 minutes rule will be applied to each RUNNING station and MULTIPLIER station separately. *5 All Maritime Mobile stations must sign "/MM" after the callsign. They will send CQ-Zone number for exchange with JA stations only. Their scores will be listed in the result but not eligible for the awards.
      JAs : RS(T) + Prefecture number(01 to 50) Others: RS(T) + CQ Zone number You can download the Prefecture number= jidxmult.lst
    5. POINTS:
      Only contacts between JA and DX(+/MM) are worth contest points. (DX-DX, DX-/MM or JA-JA contacts are no point and no multi) 1.8MHz................. 4pts 3.5/3.8MHz ............ 2 points 7MHz, 14MHz and 21MHz.. 1 point 28MHz.................. 2 Points The same station may be worked only once per band. No cross mode, cross band nor repeater contacts are allowed.
      JAs :The number of different DXCC country (except JD1) and CQ Zone worked on each band. QSO with /MM stations is worth for Point and Zone multi but no Country multi. Others:The number of different Japanese Prefecture plus Ogasawara Is.(JD1), Minami-Torishima Is.(JD1) and Okino-Torishima Is. worked on each band. Maximum of 50 (See the List) per band.
    7. SCORING:
      The final score is the result of the (Total QSO points) multiplied by (Total multiplier). Ex. 100 QSO points x 59 multi = 5,900
      ** Only one log is accepted for the result regardless of the callsign used. 8-1. All times must be in UTC. 8-2. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged. **DO NOT FORGET TO RECORD YOUR ZONE/PREFECTURE ON EITHER LOG or SUMMARY** 8-3. Indicate the new multiplier only the FIRST TIME it is worked on each band. 8-4. Duplicate contacts on same band must be clearly shown and marked as 0 QSO point. 8-5. Electronic Log: Please follow the ELECTRONIC LOG instructions. You can send it by following 2ways to the committee. DISK LOG: MS-DOS compatible 3.5" disk only. (No 5" disk or Mac format) EMAIL LOG: send the Log file as email attatchement. The instruction [jidxelog-e.html] is here. send your email logs to cw@jidx.org ph@jidx.org 8-6. Use a separate sheet for each band. Use a separate sheet for Multi Op, RUNNING and MULTI station. 8-7. Each entry must be accompanied by a summary sheet showing all scoring information, class of entries, name and address in BLOCK LETTERS, and a signed declaration that "All contest rules and regulations for amateur radio in the entity of operation have been observed. JIDX Contest committee decision is final" 8-8. All entrants, except Electronic Log submittion, are required to submit dupe-check sheets (an alphabetical list of calls worked) for each band if 200 or more QSOs were made on that band, or for all bands if a total of 500 or more QSOs were made.
    9. PLAQUES:
      Plaques will be awarded to the winners which have donnors. The Single Op/Sigle band plaques will be awarded to the highest scorer regardless of the High/Low power category. ==== 2012 PHONE Plaque Donors ==== JAPAN Cate. Donor AB Far East DX-Ploiters ABL JH1NBN 28 JA1NSJ 21 JA0-DX-Gang 14 JJ1IHS 7 Western Radio Co. 3,8 JR4LNG Mop JA2IVK AFRICA AB Akita DX Association 28 JA6WJL 21 JA6WIF 14 TZ6JA 7 -Wanted- 3,8 -Wanted- Mop -Wanted- ASIA AB JS3CTQ 28 JA7SGV 21 JA1UT 14 JJ0KRD 7 -Wanted- 3,8 -Wanted- Mop Paper DXers EUROPE AB JH1FVE 28 JH1LPF 21 JA7MYQ 14 Okayama DX Club 7 JA4DND 3,8 -Wanted- Mop JH4UYB NORTH AMERICA AB Mito DX Club 28 Tokyo 610 DX Group 21 JH1LPF 14 -Wanted- 7 JS1NDM 3,8 -Wanted- Mop -Wanted- OCEANIA TOP AB Kurume DX Viking 28 DU9RG 21 JH1XPA 14 -Wanted- 7 -Wanted- 3,8 -Wanted- Mop Paper DXers SOUTH AMERICA AB JA0DBQ 28 JM1LRQ 21 -Wanted- 14 -Wanted- 7 -Wanted- 3,8 -Wanted- Mop -Wanted- ++ If you wish to be the Donor of the above -Wanted- category, please contact Tack, JE1CKA (je1cka ## gmail.com). You can pay the charge by PayPal. (Please change ## to @ for email)
      First(plus 2nd & 3rd, depending on number of entries) place certificates will be awarded in each class in every entity and in each call area of the USA if the station got SUFFICIENT* score. **CHANGE** Certificate will be the PDF file after 2012 Phone contest. The winners will get the PDF certificate and print it by yourself. *What is sufficient? Depending on the band conditions, activities etc, judged by the committee.
      A original log and a summary sheet will be requested with a SAE with one IRC but any log forms will be accepted. All logs should be sent to JIDX "PHONE/CW" Contest c/o FIVE-NINE MAGAZINE P.O.Box 59, Kamata, Tokyo, 144-8691 Japan The contest results will be sent with one IRC and SAE. Email log submissions will be judged with the time stamp of the email and it should be sent to; Separate addresses for each (Phone & CW) contests NOW!! Please use the following email addresses; CW : cw@jidx.org Phone: ph@jidx.org (Log submissions only) The acknowledgment will be sent when the email log is received and the result also will be sent by email. Email Log Submission Guide is available here. CABRILLO FORMAT is recommeneded.
      No later than ONE month after the end of contest. PH 2012-12-10 CW 2013-05-13 The deadline will be extended up to 2 weeks if the JIDX contest committee accept the request with the reason by email prior to the deadline. Email: jidx-chairman@jidx.org
      Violation of the contest rules. False statement in the report. The decision of the JIDX contest committee is final.
    13.Information on the Internet
      You'll be able to get JIDX related informations at the JIDX Official HomePage. http://jidx.org/
    --------- JIDX contest committee chairman Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM Internet: jidx-chairman@jidx.org


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