20110731 02:58 7123.0 9A1JSB 9A Croatia ::ffff:

20110731 02:59 7123.0 403A ::ffff:

20110731 03:00 7123.0 G5FZ Thanks! G England ::ffff:

20110731 03:01 7123.0 YY4CVI YV Venezuela ::ffff:

20110731 03:02 7123.0 KG8BA Thanks! K United States ::ffff:

20110731 03:02 7123.0 4O3A 4O Montenegro ::ffff:

20110731 03:03 7131.5 AB4VV K United States ::ffff:

20110731 03:04 7131.5 YO3CZW Thanks! YO Romania ::ffff:

20110731 03:05 7131.5 OM3TWM OM Slovakia ::ffff:

20110731 03:05 7131.5 EA2WD Thanks! EA Spain ::ffff:

20110731 03:08 7131.5 SP9NWN Thanks! SP Poland ::ffff:

20110731 03:09 7131.5 UT5RB Thanks! UR Ukraine ::ffff:

20110731 03:10 7131.5 KB8KE K United States ::ffff:

20110731 03:10 7131.5 RM2U Thanks! UA2 Kaliningrad ::ffff:

20110731 03:11 7131.5 W9DKC Thanks! K United States ::ffff:

20110731 03:12 7131.5 VE2XAA Thanks! VE Canada ::ffff:

20110731 03:12 7131.5 VE3ZZ/VY2 Thanks! VE Canada ::ffff:

20110731 03:13 7131.5 WA2JQK Thanks! K United States ::ffff:

20110731 03:14 7131.5 VA3IR Thanks! VE Canada ::ffff:

20110731 03:16 7131.5 RV3ZN UA European Russia ::ffff:

20110731 03:17 7131.5 HP1RAT Thanks! ! HP Panama ::ffff:

20110731 03:19 7135.0 SV1JGX Thanks, new DXCC country! SV Greece ::ffff:

20110731 03:22 7138.6 K2WZN Thanks! K United States ::ffff:

20110731 03:25 7141.0 S52WW S5 Slovenia ::ffff:

20110731 03:26 7141.0 ve3dz Thanks! VE Canada 9w2dya

20110731 03:32 7149.4 yt8a YU Serbia 9w2dya

20110731 03:39 7141.1 s52ww Thanks! S5 Slovenia 9w2dya

20110731 03:41 7141.0 pv8abc Thanks! PY Brazil 9w2dya

20110731 03:42 7141.0 k1niu K United States 9w2dya

20110731 03:43 7141.0 W0YY Thanks! K United States 9w2dya

20110731 03:43 7141.0 N4DTF K United States 9w2dya

20110731 03:44 7141.0 N2BJ K United States 9w2dya

20110731 03:45 7141.0 US5IND UR Ukraine 9w2dya

20110731 03:47 7123.0 E7TT Thanks! E7 Bosnia-Herzegovi 9w2dya

20110731 03:56 7139.5 IQ2LS I Italy 9w2dya

This is a WebSDR receiver, located in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. It is operated by Harry and Martin, e-mail pa3dsc-at-veron.nl

Ini merupakan contest kedua aku monitor melalaui webSDR. Kali ini IOTA contest yang berlangsung pada 30 dan 31 Julai 2011. Setelah mencari-cari webSDR yang sesuai untuk monitor hanya websdr second receiver at University of Eidhoven, NL menunjukkan aktiviti contest yang aktif. QTH Negara Belanda JO21rl menunjukkan propagasi yang baik menyebabkan aktiviti contest sangat aktif. Antara rakan ham terdiri daripada Croatia, England, Venezuela, Amerika Syarikat, Montenegro, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Poland, Ukraine, Kaliningrad, Canada, Russia, Panama, Greece, Slovenia, Serbia, Brazil, Bosnia Herzegovinia dan Itali. Alangkah bagusnya kalau dapat contact bersama mereka. Namun tiada pula rakan dari Asia sewaktu contest ini. Moga selepas ini ada pula rakan dari 9M-land menyertai contest ini.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA

Ready for ILLW 2011 - 9M4LHC

Menjemput rakan-rakan yang berminat untuk mengikuti aktiviti DXing. Aktiviti ILLW 2011 akan diadakan pada 20 & 21 Ogos 2011. Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan adalah : Dxing, eyeball, experimental, jamuan berbuka puasa & sembahyang sunat terawih. Rakan-rakan yang berminat bolehlah email terus kepada 9m2rdx[at]gmail.com. Tarikh tutup permohonan pada 30 Jun 2011.



From West Malaysia:-

We had a great weekend with my good friends starting 1st time ILLW event at Cape Rachado Lighthouse year 2008 and 
now 2010 in Tg Gelang Lighthouse MY0002. We arrived at Tg Gelang Lighthouse at 01.00 am, Saturday early morning. 
The antenna is still up , so not much of a problem fixing the station and going on air. About 5.00 am take a break for 'sahur'. 
We manage to setup the station with 2 station operating on 20m band with antenna Buddy stick, 2 el monoband & spider 
beam for the 40m bandthe antenna is dipole & G5RV only. 
The keeper of the lighthouse from Jabatan Laut wass very impressed by the thing we did and the contacts we made 
especially he saw the couple of QSL cards for the ILLW on the last year. 
In sumarry, we manage to log 57 contact on 20m band, 8 contact on 10m band & 27 contact on 40m band. 
So in total we manage to log 92 stations in this ILLW 2010. 
Many thanks especially all best friends are staying together like 9W2GUU, 9W2KRZ, 9M2SQL, 9W2TTK, 9M2RZL & 9W2WF. 
Special thanks to Jabatan Laut, TLDM Tg Gelang & PERAMAH friends like 9W2WWW, 9W2JDY and all hams friend from
Kuantan for the sapporting this activity.

We are looking forward to working ILLW again on next year.

Thanks & regards
Rizal 9M2RDX
West Malaysia

Eyeball bersama 9W2CEH

Pada 26 Julai 2011aku menghadiri Majlis Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Guru-guru dan Kakitangan Perkhidmatan Pelajaran Daerah Hulu Langat 2010. Majlis yang penuh gemilang ini diadakan di Dewan Refflesia, ESSET Bangi. Ia dirasmikan oleh Tuan Haji Ismail Bin Musa merupakan Ketua Sektor Jaminan Kualiti JPN Selangor. Bagi kami di Hulu Langat beliau merupakan mantan Pegawai Pelajaran Daerah. Habis sahaja majlis aku bersama rakan saltmine bergambar kenangan bersama Pengetua. Selepas itu bergambar lagi di atas pentas sebagai tanda kenangan sempena majlis tersebut. Pada pukul 12 tengahari aku keluar dari dewan untuk pulang. Memandangkan QTH ini berdekatan dengan base Abg Bonar 9W2CEH aku cuba memanggilnya. Rupanya disambut olehnya dan terus QSO dan menyatakan aku ingin bersalaman dibasenya.Rupanya abg bonar kurang sihat hari ini menyebabkan dia ada dibase. Aku terus memandu sambil QSO hinggalah ke basenya. Tiba dibasenya aku disambut mesra dan bersalaman. Sebelum ini aku pernah kebasenya. Perubahan yang ketara adalah antena diatas bumbung rumahnya. Di bawah ini info daripada email beliau tentang antena yang digunakan.

ok info mengenai antenna saya

1. 3 Element Yagi = 10m mono band HomeBrew covering 28.400MHz to 28.500MHz - perlukan antenna tuner untuk memancar lebih atau kurang dari frequency itu - Tuner saya LDG AT-200Pro

2. Rotary Dipole = dual band HomeBrew covering 20m & 40m - still need a tuner to tuned it

3. VHF - 2m collinear antenna HomeBrew - info di http://www.hamuniverse.com/2m440collinearvertical.html - tapi saya tune 2m sahaja.. UHF tak guna..

4. Diamond CR-8900 - Quad band mobile antenna - 10m/6m/2m/70cm = 29MHz/50MHz/144MHz/430MHz - info di http://www.rfparts.com/diamond/cr8900a.html

Terima kasih sudi2 singgah di based kita..

InsyaAllah.. dilain kesempatan.. akan mengunjungi based anda pula.. 73

Terima kasih Abg Bonar atas eyeball tadi. Moga sihat hendaknya dan Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa yang bakal menjelma. Info-info yang diberikan amat berguna. 73

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA

QSO with 19HS410

Petang ini sempat QSO bersama 19HS410 Andre dari Belanda di Hamsphere. Beliau merupakan ahli CB yang aktif dari Belanda. Menurut Andre beliau QRV di 11m frequensi 27.555MHz. Katanya lagi ketika ini window open dari europe ke asia dan Australia. Beliau sering QSO rakan CB dari Australia, Singapore, Indonesia,Thailand dan berharap ramai lagi rakan 113MB dapat QSO bersamanya lagi. Thank you Andre for the contact via HS but i dont have CB radio to QSO with you. Good luck for amateur radio examanation. 73

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA.



For European amateur radio stations to contact other European
Amateur radio stations and compete for the "EUROPEAN HF CHAMPION"
title. Only EU to EU contacts count, considering CQWW countries
Calling: CQ EU on CW and CQ EUROPE on SSB.

Every year, first Saturday in August, from 12:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC.
(in year 2011 - August 6th)

All amateur bands from 1.8 through 28 Mhz, except WARC bands.
Operating in DX segments is not allowed!

Single operator all band category only in six classes:
I. CW/SSB - High power (maximum 1500W output)

II. CW/SSB - Low power (maximum 100W output)

III. CW - High power (maximum 1500W output)

IV. CW - Low power (maximum 100W output)

V. SSB - High power (maximum 1500W output)

VI. SSB - Low power (maximum 100W output)
ONLY ONE transmitted signal is allowed at any time. CW contacts in
SSB portion of the bands and SSB contacts in CW portion are not
allowed. Only one operator is allowed to perform all of the
operating and logging functions and only one callsign is allowed
from a particular radio station. Use of DX CLUSTER, spotting nets
or any other forms of alerting are NOT permitted.

RST report (CW) or RS report (SSB), plus a two digit number,
meaning the last two digits of the year of operator's first
official amateur radio license (i.e. RST 82 or RS 82 means that
operator received his/her first official amateur radio license in
the year 1982).
Operators operating from club stations and guest operators
operating from stations owned by other amateurs, must sign a two
digit number corresponding to the year of their OWN first official
amateur license.
Multipliers are different two-digit numbers, meaning the last two
digits of the year of operator's first official amateur radio
license. The multiplier (XX) is counted only once per band
regardless of mode.

Each completed contact counts one (1) point regardless of mode.
The same station may be worked once per band and mode.

The final score is the sum of QSO points from all bands multiplied
by the sum of multipliers from all bands.

In CW and SSB categories maximum 10 band changes per full hour
(i.e. 11:00 - 11:59 UTC) are allowed and in CW/SSB category
maximum 10 band and mode changes per full hour are allowed
(example: 5 band + 5 mode changes, where band together with mode
change counts as one change). All contacts made after 10 band
changes in particular hour will be removed from the log.

A separate list of national scores (the sum of all scores from on
DXCC country), regardless of club affiliation, will be published.
a) All logs must include following data: time in UTC, frequency (band),
mode, callsign of worked station, sent and received exchanges.
b) Logs must be sorted in chronological order, regardless of band
and mode of operation.
c) It is strongly recommended to write exact operating frequency for
each QSO in the band column.

d) All competitors who use computer logging or established 200 and
more QSOs are obliged to submit log in a computer file. Preferred
format is Cabrillo. If not Cabrillo, log must be in ASCII format
and files shall be named: "callsign.LOG" and "callsign.SUM".
e) In case of paper logs, a summary sheet including all relevant data
needed to calculate final score, used power output, name, family name,
address and year of operators first licence in block capitals and
signed statement of compliance with rules must accompany each log.
f) We strongly recommend submission of logs via e-mail.

European Champions in classes I. - VI. will be awarded with plaques
according to recommendation of the Paragraph 11.c).
The Contest Committee will, upon its own judgment, award certain
number of certificates in each class/category.

For unmarked duplicate QSOs (in case of paper log), broken calls,
bad exchanges and QSOs, which do not appear in correspondent's log,
QSO points and additional one (1) QSO point for each such error
will be removed. 10% or more bad contacts, or violation of contest
rules shall result in dropping participant from the classification.
Other reasons, like non-submission of PC files or other information
requested from participant, could also lead to dropping the
participant from the classification.

The Organizer reserves it's right to appoint different persons to
check operation of different stations during the competition.

Violation of contest rules, unsportsmanlike conduct or very high
percentage of unverifiable QSOs will be deemed sufficient cause
for disqualification. Disqualified operator will not be classified
in EUHF Championship standings in the year following


All submitted logs must be postmarked no later than August 31st of
that year. Indicate EU HF CHAMPIONSHIP and CATEGORY on the
E-mail submission address: euhfc@hamradio.si
Please send paper logs and diskettes to:
Slovenia Contest Club
Saveljska 50
1000 Ljubljana


                                 BAND            FINAL SCORE              QSO    PREFIXES
9M2NNM                 ALL                        280,770                   471         245
9M2DRL                    14                             11,682                    85          66


9M6YBG                    ALL                         64,974                    210         102
9M6XRO                    ALL                         10,140                      53           52

End of Shuttle Program Marks End of Era in Ham Radio As Well

The landing of Atlantis in mid-July marked the end of the U.S. space shuttle program, but it also marked the end of a nearly-30-year association between ham radio and the shuttle program. The first ham radio operation from space was conducted aboard the shuttle Columbia in 1983 by then-Astronaut Owen Garriott, W5LFL. The ongoing tradition of ham radio contacts between astronauts in orbit and children at schools around the world began on the shuttle as SAREX, the Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment, which has since morphed into ARISS, Amateur Radio on the International Space Station.

On the topic of ARISS, the ARRL reports that four astronauts and astronaut candidates recently passed their ham radio license exams, and one astronaut upgraded from Technician to General.

Posted by CQ Newsroom

Islands on the Air (IOTA) Contest 2011

islands on the Air (IOTA) Contest 2011
(The General Rules for RSGB HF Contests do not apply to this event.) 
IOTA Contest Section here - (Contaning previous years results, all time record scores, trophy list and online log submissions.)
1. GENERAL The aim of the contest is to promote contacts between stations in qualifying IOTA island groups and the rest of the world and to encourage expeditions to IOTA islands.
2. WHEN 1200UTC Saturday 30th July to 1200UTC Sunday 31st July 2011 (the contest always takes place over the last FULL weekend of July).
3. BANDS AND MODES 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28MHz, CW and SSB. IARU band plans must be observed, with CW contacts being made only in the recognised CW ends of the bands (see RSGB Yearbook and similar sources, for recognised IARU band plans). Contest-preferred segments must be observed, no operation to take place on 3500-3510, 3560 - 3600, 3650 - 3700, 14060 - 14125 and 14300 - 14350kHz. 
All entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category when performing any activity that could impact their submitted score. All equipment (transmitters, receivers and antennas) plus all operators must be located within a 500m diameter circle or within the property limits of the station licensee’s address, whichever is the greater.
4.1    Location:
•    Island (Any station operating from a qualifying island, as listed in the IOTA Directory. Island stations must ensure beforehand that the island from which they are operating is a valid qualifying island for IOTA. Any questions about the IOTA programme and island validity should be addressed to the IOTA Manager (see RSGB IOTA Web site).
•    World (any station not on a qualifying island).

4.2    Operators:
•    Single operator QSO
alerting assistance of any kind (this includes, but is no limited to, packet, local or remote Skimmer and/or Skimmer-like technology, Internet) places the entrant in the Single-operator Assisted category.
•    Single-operator Assisted 
One person. One signal at any one time. QSO alerting assistance is allowed (this includes, but is not limited to, packet, local or remote Skimmer and/or Skimmer-like technology, Internet). Self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not allowed. 
•    Multi-Operator (24-hour Mixed Mode only. Multi-ops are restricted to a maximum of two transceivers, the second station to be used to find and call other stations only if the station is a new multiplier. It must not be used to solicit other contacts, e.g. by calling "CQ" or "QRZ". Any non-multiplier QSOs made accidentally on the second station must be logged, but will be scored as zero points. 
QSO alerting assistance is allowed (this includes, but is not limited to, packet, local or remote Skimmer and/or Skimmer-like technology, Internet). Self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not allowed. Multi-operator entrants should include a full list of operators with their entry). 
4.3    Mode:
•    CW
•    SSB
•    Mixed-mode (multi-operator entries must be Mixed Mode).
4.4    Operating Time:
•    24 hours
•    12 hours (Multi-operator entries must be 24 hours, In the 12-hour categories, operation need not be for one continuous 12-hour period but, once operation has commenced, off periods must be a minimum of 60 minutes.).
4.5    Power (Any station not indicating transmitter power will be classified as High Power):
•    High-power (maximum, as permitted by the station licence but, in any case, no more than 1500 watts output)
•    Low power (maximum 100 watts output),
•    QRP (maximum 5 watts output).

5.1    Island stations may, additionally, indicate that they are a DXpedition station as defined below, and compete for a range of expedition trophies and certificates (an additional listing will be shown in the results). It is essential that you make this clear on your cover sheet as notification after the entry deadline cannot be accepted.
5.2    The definition of DXpedition for this optional listing is one:
•    where the island can only be reached by boat or air (islands which can be accessed by bridge or causeway - man-made or natural - are not eligible),
•    where none of the operators is resident on the island,
•    where the operators take all radio equipment and antennas with them and do not rely on a resident for any part of the station,
•    where, in the case of 100W IOTA Island DXpedition stations, the antennas are limited to one element per band (e.g. dipole, vertical). (High power DXpeditions have no antenna restrictions).

Send RS(T) and serial number starting from 001, plus IOTA reference number if applicable (island stations MUST include the IOTA reference as part of their exchange). Do not use separate numbering systems for CW and SSB. Stations may be contacted on both CW and SSB on each band. Multi-operator entrants may find it convenient to allocate separate blocks of serial numbers for the run and multiplier stations, but do ensure if possible that there is no duplication of serial numbers.
7.1 QSO Points – All entrants can work anyone, island or non-island. Contacts with non-island stations count 3 points.  Contacts with IOTA islands count 15 points except that, if you are on an island, contacts with your own IOTA reference count 3 points.
7.2 Multiplier - The multiplier is the total of different IOTA references contacted on each band on CW, plus the total of different IOTA references contacted on each band on SSB. Multi-op stations may not work members of their own group for multiplier credit.
7.3 Total Score - The score is the total of QSO points on all bands added together, multiplied by the total of multipliers.
8.1 Electronic submission of logs by disc or e-mail is encouraged - and in fact required - for all high scoring entrants and all who use a computer to log or prepare the logs. Entrants submitting paper logs will not be eligible for certificates or awards. Those who log on paper are encouraged to get the log typed up by a friend and submit electronically. Electronic submissions should be in Cabrillo format (a definition of Cabrillo, as applied to the IOTA contest, can be found on the RSGB HFCC Web page). Word, Excel or other proprietary file formats are no longer acceptable. Many popular contest logging programs support the IOTA contest. Single-operator entrants are recommended to try SDI from EI5DI, which is free and can be downloaded from here

8.2 For Cabrillo logs, the categories and category overlays are:
CATEGORY:                         [SINGLE-OP, MULTI-OP] ALL [HIGH, LOW, QRP] [SSB, CW, MIXED]
[12-HOURS, 24-HOURS]
So, a single-op, World, low power, 12-hours, CW, unassisted would show:
CATEGORY:                         SINGLE-OP ALL LOW CW
CATEGORY-TIME:              12-HOURS

A multi-op island station may, for example, indicate:
CATEGORY:                          MULTI-OP ALL HIGH MIXED

8.3 Logs must show: Time, Callsign, Band, Mode, RST / serial number / IOTA reference sent, RST / serial number / IOTA reference received. Please ensure you send a single log in order of sent serial number. Do not send separate logs for each band. Logs from IOTA stations must state their island name and IOTA reference number. The log data in a Cabrillo log should be of the format:
QSO: 28024 CW 2003-07-26 1338 G3XTT         599  001 EU-005 ZS6EZ         599  018 ------
QSO: 21003 CW 2003-07-26 1341 G3XTT         599  002 EU-005 G4TSH         599  130 EU-005
QSO: 21002 CW 2003-07-26 1343 G3XTT         599  003 EU-005 5B4/G3UFY     599  036 AS-004
High scoring entrants are encouraged to log the actual frequency, not just the band. Multi-operator entrants must also identify the transmitter on which the QSO is made (in accordance with normal Cabrillo formats, this is shown by a numerical identifier at the right-hand end of the QSO line, i.e. after the received IOTA).
8.4 Entries can be emailed to iota.logs@rsgbcc.org and should be sent as a normal attachment to the e-mail. Send as an uncompressed file. Do NOT send more than one attachment. In the "subject" line of your e-mail message, please include your contest callsign. Please take a moment to check your log via a text editor before sending it, to avoid potential problems. You will receive an acknowledgement by e-mail within 24 hours, directing you to a Web page to complete the submission process, or advising you if there is any problem with your log. Further help on IOTA log submission is available by going to IOTA FAQs.  
8.5 Please note that the RSGB has a new address, which should be used for postal (paper and disc) entries. This is: RSGB IOTA Contest, Radio Society of Great Britain, 3 Abbey Court, Fraser Road, Priory Business Park, Bedford,  MK44 3WH, UK.
8.6 The closing date for all logs is 3 weeks after the contest, 21 August 2011.
8.7 Island Stations - By submitting a log for this contest you agree that the RSGB can automatically grant credit to IOTA participants' scores for claimed QSOs that reasonably match the data in your submission (this facility is included in the Next Generation IOTA Software).
8.8 Photographs of IOTA contest operations are very welcome and will be posted on the HFCC Website or used in RadCom. Do not send these as part of your log submission, but mail them separately to iotacontest@rsgbcc.org There is also be an opportunity to upload photographs , YouTube clips and your location (by way of Google Earth) when you complete your log submission.
Points may be deducted, or entrants disqualified, for violation of the rules or the spirit of the contest. This includes, for example, refusal by IOTA island stations to make contacts with their own country when requested, use of a third party to make contacts on a list or net, working CW multipliers on an SSB frequency, failing to observe the contest-preferred band segments, or not giving the IOTA reference for every contact. The decision of the IOTA Contest Manager and RSGB Contests Committee is final in all matters of dispute.
Certificates will be awarded to leading stations in each category and section, and in each continent, according to number of entries. A large number of Awards and Trophies is now available, and new sponsors are always welcome. Please see the full list on the RSGB HFCC Web site.
There is no longer an SWL section in the IOTA Contest, but the Mediterraneo DX Club runs an IOTA SWL Contest in parallel with the IOTA Contest. SWLs can find full details on the MDXC Web page: http://www.mdxc.org/swl
The IOTA Contest Manager can be reached via the contest website. IOTA Contest information, including rules, trophies available, previous results, soapbox and photographs, and logs received can be found on the RSGB Contests Committee Web site at www.rsgbcc.org Copies of the IOTA Directory, if required, can be purchased from RSGB (see www.rsgb.org). A full list of IOTA islands, and other information relating to the IOTA program can be found on the RSGB IOTA Web Page (www.rsgbiota.org).

Perjumpaan SWL Sesi #2

Written by MARES News Desk

Jul 14, 2011 at 10:01 AM

Assalamualaikum Dan Salam Sejahtera,
Warga Radio Amatur yang dihormati,

Pada bulan Jun 2011 yang lalu kita telah mengadakan satu perjumpaan "SWL" yang pertama. Bagi mereka yang berminat atau ingin tahu apa itu "SWL" yang sebenarnya anda semua di jemput hadir untuk mengikuti perjumpaan "SWL" kali ke II yang akan diadakan pada hujung minggu ini.
Dengar cerita perjumpaan kali ini lebih meriah lagi kerana ramai yang ingin turut serta termasuk rakan dari Ipoh, Temerloh, Negeri Sembilan dan Johor. Pada perjumpaan pertama yang lalu 9M2RS membawa sebuah Receiver Sony ICF 5900W yang boleh menerima pancaran SSB. Pada perjumpaan kali ini, 9M2AU akan membawa sebuah Receiver Eton E5 dan beliau juga akan menunjukkan sebuah receiver yang menggunakan TUBE/ Valve iaitu RCA AR88. Selain itu, kita akan berkongsi beberapa bahan bacaan tentang "short wave listening",
Bagi yang berminat anda semua di jemput hadir tidak mengira 9Ms, 9Ws atau SWL.

Tarikh: Sabtu, 16 Julai 2011

Masa: 2:00 - 5:00 petang

Lokasi: Rumah Kelab 9M4CME, 4A, Jalan Tinggi 6/12, Off Jalan Selangor, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

MARES mengalu-alukan semua warga radio amatur dan mereka yang berminat untuk menjadi ahli radio amatur ke perjumpaan ini. Beberapa sesi penerangan dan berkongsi pengalaman juga akan diadakan.

Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi 9M2SQL Mutalib ( 9m2sql@mares.org.my / 017-6391632) atau 9M2AU Aziz ( 9m2au@mares.org.my )

Terima kasih dan 73

Monitor di V27 Seremban

Selepas saltmine hari Khamis 14 Julai 2011,aku bersama XYL ke Seremban untuk berjumpa dengan adiknya di SDAR. Ini kerana ada beberapa tugasan yang perlu disiapkan memandangkannya akan menghadapi PMR nanti. Sedang sibuk dengan tugasan itu aku monitor menggunakan handy antena rubber duckies. Bermula dari SDAR lagi, aku mendengar audio Abg Bad 9W2BDL di seremban terima 5/9 dibantu dengan keadaan muka bumi SDAR di atas bukit. Selepas itu memulakan tugasan ke Seremban Jaya dideretan kedai untuk menyiapkan tugasannya  itu. Aku mencuri-curi monitor tetapi tak QSL siapa dijalur kerana audionya terlompat-lompat akibat bermobile. Tetapi yang pasti audio Abg Bad pasti mantap lagi diterima 5/9 mungkin basenya terlalu dekat dengan QTH aku.
Selepas adik menyiapkan tugasannya terus hantar pulang ke SDAR. Aku bersama XYL kelaparan dan mengambil keputusan untuk makan malam di Seremban Jaya sahaja sebelum pulang ke Bangi. Aku terus monitor lagi kedengaran beberapa rakan sedang QSO dijaluran. Audio yang paling mantap tetaplah abg Bad 9W2BDL. Kedengarannya beliau sedang QSO dengan Abg Sham 9W2AYH di Putrajaya tetapi negatif tidak dapat menerima audionya. Kemudian kedengaran pula Abg Aky 9W2AKY masuk bergabung, tetapi aku terima dalam 3/8 masih boleh dicopy audionya. Tak pasti QTH beliau di mana agak-agak masih di sekitar Seremban. Kemudian kedengaran callsign Pak Taib disebut oleh Abg Bad 9W2TBD yang sedang bermobile. Aku tak dapat copy mungkin di highway tetapi beberapa lama kemudian apabila di sekitar seremban aku dapat terima audionya dalam 4/8. Aku teringin juga hendak bersalaman di udara tetapi handy aku hampir kehabisan bateri. Jadi aku mengambil keputusan untuk monitor sahaja. Kedengaran Abg Aky dan Pak Taib hendak bereyeball tetapi aku tidak copy QTH nya di mana. Selepas makan jam 10.15 malam akupun pulang ke Bangi semula. Lama sudah tidak monitor di simplex memandangkan base baru ini tidak dapat copy mana-mana jalur. Antena base masih dalam perancangan lagi. Dulu dibase lama xtvt monitor sangat hebat  maklumlah ditempat tinggi. Bukan monitor sahaja QSO pun boleh pakai rubber duckies je hi hi Jadi lokasi di tempat tinggi sangat membantu bagi TX dan RX. Biasa boleh kedengaran audio dari Kuala Kubu Bharu, Kota Damansara, Sungai Buloh, Gombak, Ampang, Shah Alam, Klang, Puchong, Salak Tinggi, Seremban, Mantin dan persekitaran base seperti Bandar Baru Bangi, Kajang, Alam Damai, Semenyih, Sungai Ramal, Seri Kembangan, Bandar Tun Razak, Cheras, Beranang, Nilai dan Sungai Merab serta Putrajaya. Namun propagasi juga turut membantu dalam menerima audio dengan sangat baik. Sekian.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA.

Perkhemahan Agung Pengakap 2011

Pada 11 dan 12 Julai aku berkesempatan ke pantai timur atas urusan keluarga. Sepanjang perjalanan aku monitor mana-mana jalur yang kedengaran audio. Perjalanan melalui Lebuhraya Pantai Timur dari Karak hingga keluar ke Jabor. Bilalah agaknya LPT ini boleh siap ke Kuala Terengganu pula? Boleh menjimatkan lagi tempoh perjalanan. Tiba di kawasan Gambang lewat petang kedengaran rakan sedang QSO di frekuensi 146.100MHz. Audio 9W2ABR, 9W2WMW dan 9W2BWB.
Manakala di Dungun kedengaran audio Kak Za agaknya kerana pernah aku monitor katanya base di Politeknik Dungun. Perjalanan terus ke Kota Bharu hingga pukul 2.30 pagi.
Keesokannya lepas segala tugasan lepas pukul 10.00 pagi bertolak semula ke Kuala Terengganu. Ketika melalui Jertih aku scan di 146.675MHz  dan terus kedengaran audio rakan yang sedang mengendalikan aktiviti radio amatur di Perkhemahan Agung Pengakap di Kem Pengakap Jeram Pasu. Pengendali ketika itu adalah 9W2ZMM telah memberi peluang kepada peserta untuk mengendalikan radio dua hala secara betul. Ia juga telah mendapat kerjasama yang baik daripada rakan ham yang lain seperti 9W2KQR, 9W2LTT dan 9W2WCL. Ahli pengakap yang QSO menunjukkan minat yang mendalam tentang mengendalikan radio. Rata-rata dapat dilihat mempunyai semangat untuk meneruskan mempelajari tentang dunia radio amatur yang mempunyai ilmu yang sangat luas untuk diteroka. Walaupun pertama kali mencubanya kedengaran mereka berani mencuba dan tidak kekok untuk QSO dengan rakan dijaluran. Syabas dan tahniah kepada rakan yang berjaya memperkenalkan aktiviti radio scouting kepada ahli pengakap yang terlibat pada perkhemahan ini. Rasanya aktiviti ini sentiasa mendapat sambutan dan tumpuan pada setiap kali aktiviti perkhemahan diadakan. Perkhemahan tamat pada 14 Julai mungkin ketika ini aktiviti ini masih diteruskan. Syabas dan tahniah diucapkan kepada rakan ham yang bertungkus lumus memperkenalkan radio amatur ini. Harap ahli pengakap ini suatu hari nanti mendapat lesen dan seterusnya memancar menggunakan callsign sendiri.
Salam Pengakap.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA.

1,500 pengakap sertai Peraja 2011

PASIR PUTEH 12 Julai – Seramai 1,500 ahli pengakap jajahan Pasir Puteh menyertai Perkhemahan Agung Pengakap Jajahan Pasir Puteh (Peraja) 2011 yang diadakan di Jeram Pasu dekat sini, selama empat hari bermula semalam.

Timbalan Ketua Perkhemahan Peraja, Che Azmy Che Yusoff berkata, perkhemahan itu melibatkan pengakap kanak-kanak dari 38 buah sekolah rendah, pengakap muda dan pengakap remaja dari 12 buah sekolah menengah, serta ahli pengakap kelana dari beberapa buah sekolah di Selatan Thailand.
Menurutnya, perkhemahan yang akan berakhir pada 14 Julai ini adalah sebahagian pendidikan di luar bilik darjah berasaskan ilmu kemahiran yang memberi fokus kepada aktiviti peningkatan disiplin dan kerohanian.
Lain-lain aktiviti yang diadakan adalah kawad kaki, pertanding menggubah buah tembikai, membina gajet dan pintu gerbang, kemahiran ikatan, mengendali radio amatur, meredah hutan, merempuh halangan, isyarat sulit pengakap, persetiaan dan undang-undang pengakap, kemahiran memasak di hutan dan pelbagai ilmu pertolongan cemas, katanya ketika ditemui pemberita di tapak perkhemahan Peraja 2011 dekat sini, hari ini.
Che Azmy berkata, pendidikan luar bilik darjah menerusi aktiviti pengakap adalah sebahagian usaha untuk melahirkan pelajar yang berketerampilan, meningkatkan disiplin diri dengan mematuhi peraturan, disiplin dan undang-undang perkhemahan yang ditetapkan.
Beliau berkata, pihak pengurusan pengakap jajahan sentiasa memantau setiap aktiviti yang dianjurkan supaya matlamat bekerjasama dalam satu pasukan, melahirkan insan yang mantap dalam aspek jasmani, emosi, rohani dan intelek tercapai.
Menurutnya, perkhemahan yang bertemakan Pengakap Cemerlang 1Malaysia memfokuskan nilai dan kekuatan dalaman peserta serta toleransi pelajar yang perlu dipupuk dan diberi penekanan untuk melahirkan generasi bertakwa, bermoral, cergas fizikal, penyayang serta kental.
Tambah beliau, generasi muda yang memimpin dan pewaris negara pada masa hadapan perlu di bentuk, dibimbing, diajar dan dibekalkan menerusi aktiviti kepengakapan yang boleh memainkan peranan yang positif dalam membantu kerajaan membina negara bangsa.

Dipetik dari Utusan Malaysia

Perjumpaan "SWL"


Alamat penuh adalah

Pusat Rukun Tetangga Seksyen 6
4A Jalan 6/12
Seksyen 6
Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Just for info...alamat di atas adalah dimana letaknya MARES CLUB HOUSE


Di atas adalah jawapan email dari satellite oscar mengenai QTH yang akan berlangsungnya perjumpaan "SWL".
Tarikh perjumpaan adalah pada 16 Julai 2011 jam 10.30 pagi.
maklumat lanjut boleh lawati http://advanced-skynet.blogspot.com/
73, Jojet, 9W2DYA.

CQ Field Day CQ Field Day

Pada 26 Jun 2011 sempat monitor melalui webSDR de W4AX aktiviti ARRL Field Day 2011. Walaupun tiada set HF, kita masih boleh monitor melalui receiver SDR di internet. Inilah yang dikatakan teknologi tanpa sempadan membolehkan RF boleh didengar melalui internet. Pada hari itu aku memilih band 40m yang lebih aktif berbanding dengan yang lain. Memang pada hari itu sangat meriah dengan CQ Field Day CQ Field Day. Bila dapat mengenal pasti callsign aku terus memasukkan ke dalam logbook yang disediakan di website itu. Selepas ini apa sahaja event di USA boleh monitor di website ini. Hi Hi

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA.

IARU HF Championship

1. Eligibility: All licensed amateurs worldwide.

2. Object: To contact as many other amateurs, especially IARU member society HQ stations, around the world as possible using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands.

3. Date and Contest Period: The second full weekend of July, beginning 1200 UTC Saturday and ending 1200 UTC Sunday (July 9-10, 2011). Both Single and Multi operator stations may operate the entire 24-hour period.

4. Entry Categories:

4.1. Single Operator

4.1.1. Categories Phone only – High, Low and QRP power levels CW only – High, Low, and QRP Power levels Mixed mode – High, Low and QRP Power levels

4.1.2. One person performs all operating and logging functions.

4.1.3. Use of spotting nets, packet, or multi-channel decoders (such as CW Skimmer) is not permitted. Single-operator stations that use spotting nets, packet or multi-channel decoders will be reclassified to the Multi-operator, Single Transmitter category.

4.1.4. All operators must observe the amateur radio regulations of their country at all times.

4.1.5. Single operator stations are allowed only one transmitted signal at any given time.

4.2. Multi Operator, Single Transmitter, Mixed Mode only

4.2.1. Must remain on a band and mode for at least 10 minutes before changing bands or modes.

4.2.2. Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any given time. You are not allowed a second radio that works only multipliers.

4.2.3. All operators must observe the amateur radio regulations of their country at all times.

4.2.4. Violation of the band change rules will reclassify the entry as a checklog.

4.3. IARU Member Society HQ Station

4.3.1. May have only one transmitted signal per band mode (160 CW, 160 Phone, 80 CW, 80 Phone, 40 CW, 40 Phone, 20 CW, 20 Phone, 15 CW, 15 Phone, 10 CW, 10 Phone) at the same time.

4.3.2. All stations involved in an HQ operation must be in a single ITU zone.

4.3.3. Only one HQ station callsign per member society per frequency band is permitted.

4.3.4. All operators must observe the amateur radio regulations of their country at all times.

5. Contest Exchange:

5.1. IARU member society HQ stations send signal report and official IARU member society abbreviation. IARU International Secretariat club station NU1AW counts as a HQ station. Members of the IARU Administrative Council and the three IARU regional Executive committees send “AC,” “R1,””R2,” and “R3” as appropriate.

5.2. All others send signal report and ITU zone.

5.3. A complete exchange must be logged for each valid QSO.

6. Valid Contact:

6.1. The same station may be worked once per mode per band for QSO credit.

6.1.1. Mixed-mode entries may work a station once per mode per band.

6.2. A station may only be worked for credit in the portion of the band that is generally accepted for the mode used.

6.2.1. On any band, a station may be worked once on Phone (in the Phone segment) and once on CW (in the CW segment).

6.2.2. Cross mode, cross band and repeater contacts are not valid QSOs.

6.3. Where contest-preferred segments are incorporated into regional band plans, participants must observe them.

6.4. The use of non-amateur radio means of communications (e.g. telephone or the Internet) for the purpose of soliciting a contact (or contacts) during the contest period is inconsistent with the spirit and intent of these rules.

6.5. Use of self-spotting techniques on packet or other mediums are inconsistent with the spirit and intent of these rules.

7. QSO Points:

7.1. Contacts within your own ITU zone, as well as QSOs with any IARU-member society HQ station or IARU official (counting as the special multiplier), count one point each.

7.1.1. Contacts with a station in the same ITU zone but on a different continent count one point.

7.2. Contacts within your continent (but different ITU zone) count three points.

7.3. Contacts with a different continent and IARU zone count five points.

8. Multipliers:

8.1. The total number of ITU zones plus IARU member society HQ stations worked on each band (not mode). IARU officials represent a maximum of four multipliers per band (AC, R1, R2 and R3).

8.2. IARU member society HQ stations and officials do not count for zone multipliers.

8.3. To qualify as the special multiplier, Administrative Council and Regional Executive Committee stations must only be operated by the individual station licensee as single operator entry.

9. Scoring:

9.1. The total number of QSO points times the total number of multipliers worked.

10. Reporting:

10.1. Entries must be postmarked or emailed no later than 30 days after the end of the contest (1200 UTC August 9, 2011).

10.2. Electronic entries must conform to the Cabrillo file format.

10.2.1. The Cabrillo file format and specifications may be found at http://www.kkn.net/~trey/cabrillo/ or in the November 1999 issue of QST magazine.

10.2.2. Any entry which has been generated using a computer (either during the contest or after the contest) must be submitted either as an attachment to an email or on a 3.5” diskette.

10.2.3. Electronic files must use the entrant’s callsign as the file name.

10.2.4. The log file must be a chronological list of QSOs as made not separated by band or mode.

10.2.5. Entries sent as attachments to email must be sent to IARUHF@iaru.org Email entries must include the callsign used during the contest on the SUBJECT line of the email.

10.2.6. Entries sent on diskette should be mailed to: IARU HF Championship, IARU International Secretariat, Box 310905, Newington, CT 06111-0905 USA. Diskettes must be clearly labeled with the station call sign, contest name, entry class and date.

10.3. Participants may manually convert their paper logs to a Cabrillo log one QSO at a time and submit their entry using the web applet found at www.b4h.net/cabforms.

10.4. Paper logs must be in chronological order, not separated by bands, and clearly indicate for each contact: band, mode, date, time (in UTC) callsigns, complete exchanges sent and received, multipliers and QSO points.

10.4.1. Multipliers should be marked in the paper log only the first time they are worked on each band.

10.4.2. Paper logs with more than 500 QSO’s must include dupesheets (an alpha-numeric list of all callsigns worked, broken down by band and mode.)

10.4.3. All contacts in paper logs must be in chronological order, not separated by bands.

10.4.4. Paper logs must be mailed to IARU International Secretariat, Box 310905, Newington, CT 06111-0905 USA.

10.5. All paper entries must include an official summary sheet or reasonable facsimile thereof with complete contest information.

11. Awards:

11.1. A certificate will be awarded to the high scoring entry in each category in each ITU zone, each DXCC country and each ARRL Section.

11.2. A certificate of participation will be awarded to each IARU member society HQ station and to each Administrative Council and Regional Executive Committee station..

11.3. Achievement level awards will be issued to those making at least 250 QSOs or having a multiplier total of 75 or more.

11.4. Additional awards may be made at the discretion of each country’s IARU member society.

12. Conditions of Entry:

12.1 By submitting a log to the IARU HF Championships, the submitter agrees that the log may be made public, at the discretion of the Contest Sponsor.

12.2. Each entrant agrees to be bound by the provisions of this announcement, by the regulations of his/her licensing authority, and by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee, acting for the IARU International Secretariat.

13. Disqualification:

13.1. Any entry may be disqualified if the overall score is reduced by more than 2%.

13.2. For paper log entries:

13.2.1. Score reductions do not include correction of arithmetic errors;

13.2.2. Any paper log entry may be disqualified if more than 2% of duplicate QSOs are left in the log and claimed for credit; and

13.2.3. A three-QSO reduction will be assessed for each duplicate QSO found during log checking or for miscopied callsigns.

13.3. For electronic logs, a one-QSO penalty will be assessed for a miscopied callsign.

14. Additional Rules:

14.1. For situations not covered in these rules refer to the ARRL General Rules for All Contests and the ARRL Rules for Contests on Bands below 30 MHz.

15. Additional Information:

15.1. Questions may be directed to contests@arrl.org or IARU HF Contest Information, PO Box 310905, Newington, CT 06111-0905 USA.

Gajah Akuatik

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