2 orang Marshall bersama dirtbike menunjuk laluan kepada pendahulu.

Pemandangan indah sekitar kawasan MARDI Serdang

Selekoh pertama yang agak licin

Menuju puncak kelihata ramai rider diatas bukit dihujung

Menanti cabaran seterusnya yang sangat mencabar

trafic jam

Hari ini aku berkesempatan untuk melihat aksi-aksi riders di UPM MTB FETE 2012 yang mendapat sambutan terhebat dewasa ini. Apa taknya lebih 1500 orang yang mendaftar bagi menyertainya.

Aku hanya sempat melihat dari jauh sahaja, memandangkan basikal aku masih terperuk dalam stor lagi. Mungkin jamboree lain bolehlah aku berkayuh pula.

Gambar diatas aku rakam di MARDI merupakan permulaan off-road dikawasan kebun sayur. Seterusnya dari sini aku dapat lihat rider  terus mendaki bukit yang licin memandangkan malam sebelum event hujan telah turun. Aku juga melihat semakin ramai rider tiba menyebabkan kesesakan berlaku kerana kebanyakan dari mereka hanya menolak basikal sahaja.

Apabila peserta semakin kurang akupun terus keluar dari trek untuk ke check point yang lain pula. Seterusnya aku ke tempat letak kereta MAEPS pintu 2 merupakan laluan keluar dari trek hutan.

Kedengaran deruan enjin dirtbike yang ditunggang oleh 2 orang marshall di dalam hutan itu menandakan pendahulu akan muncul dari celah-celah hutan itu. Dua rider yang sememangnya mendahulu dari awal tadi kelihatan semula mengekalkan momentumnya. 2 rider pendahulu ini aku lihat terus memecut basikalnya tanpa rasa lesu dimuka. Beberapa minit kemudian kelihatan 2 rider lagi mengejar untuk mendapat tempat dikejuaraan ini.

Selepas puas mengambil gambar aksi-aksi rider di sini akupun memandu pulang melalui pintu 2 dan SKVE. Ketika memandu kelihatan rider-rider menolak basikal ditepi highway ini. Rupanya trek ditepi longkang menjadi salah satu cabaran untuk peserta.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


2 Kreatif dan 1 Nurani telah dinobatkan Juara Bola Sepak 1 Murid 1 Sukan SMKBTHO2 2012

Hari ini telah berlangsungnya pusingan akhir bagi Pertandingan Bola Sepak 1 Murid  1 Sukan 2012. Seawal jam 7.30 pagi telah diadakan perlawanan menentukan juara Rabu tingkatan 1 iaitu 1 Dedikai bertemu 1 Progresif dimenangi oleh 1 Dedekasi 1-0. kemudian perlawanan penentuan juara Khamis tingkatan 2 iaitu antara 2 Progresif dengan 2 Dinamik telah dimenangi oleh 2 Progresif dengan jaringan 3-1.

Alhamdulillah cuaca sepanjang pertandingan kali ini sangat baik membolehkan para pemain memberi aksi yang terbaik walaupun keadaan padang tidak rata. Kemudian perlawanan seterusnya adalah perlawanan 1 Efektif bertemu 1 Produktif memberi kemenangan kepada 1 Efektif dengan jaringan 2-0.

Perlawanan separuh akhir pertama tingkatan 2 adalah antara 2 Proaktif bertemu 2 Kreatif yang kesudahan berpihak kepada 2 Kreatif 2-0. Bagi perlawanan separuh akhir pertama tingkatan 1 pula, perlawanan antara 1 Kualiti berlawan 1 Dedikasi seri 1-1. Penentuan tendangan penalti berpihak kepada 1 Dedikasi 2-0.

Manakala, perlawanan separuh akhir kedua tingkatan 2 adalah antara 2 Efektif dengan 2 Progresif seri 0-0. Penentuan tendangan penalti telah membawa 2 Efektif ke final dengan jaringan 3-1. Bagi separuh akhir kedua tingkatan 1 pula, 1 Nurani bertemu 1 Efektif berpihak kepada 1 Nurani 1-0.

Seterusnya, penentuan tempat ketiga bagi tingkatan 2 adalah antara 2 Proaktif bertemu 2 Progresif yang berpihak kepada 2 Proaktif
1-0. Bagi tingkatan 1 pula, antara 1 Kualiti bertemu 1 Efektif telah membawa kemenangan kepada 1 Kualiti dengan gol 2-1.

Penentuan juara adalah saat yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh pemain dan penyokong pasukan. Peringkat akhir tingkatan 2 antara 2 Kreatif bertemu 2 Efektif telah membawa kejayaan yang gemilang kepada 2 Kreatif dengan jaringan terbesar 4-0. Manakala peringkat akhir tingkatan 1 antara 1 Dedikasi bertemu 1 Nurani adalah kedua-dua pasukan sama kuat seri tanpa jaringan. Penentuan tendangan penalti berpihak kepada 1 Nurani menjadi juara dengan tendangan 2-1.

Akhir kata, kejohanan ini telah berjaya mencungkil  ramai bakat baru untuk diketengahkan pada tahun hadapan. Ramai pemain berpotensi untuk digilapkan menjadi pemain bola sepak di masa hadapan. Kewujudan kejohanan ini telah memberi peluang kepada semua murid melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti sukan yang berfaedah.

Mereka telah memberi komitmen yang tinggi bagi mencapai kejayaan dengan membuat latihan sendiri serta kerap mengadakan perlawanan persahabatan sesama sendiri. Murid juga sanggup mengeluarkan wang sendiri bagi menempah jersi untuk menunjukkan semangat kerjasama dan sanggup berkorban demi mengharumkan nama kelas masing-masing. Semangat ini harus diteruskan bagi membentuk keperibadian murid dengan nilai-nilai murni melalui sukan.

Kejohanan tahunan ini akan terus diadakan pada tahun hadapan kerana sememangnya ditunggu-tunggu terutama bagi pasukan yang tewas. Sekian terima kasih, majulah sukan untuk negara.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA

World Diabetes Day Walkathon & 10km Fun Run

World Diabetes Day 2012

The World Diabetes Day 2012 campaign marks the fourth year of the five-year focus on “Diabetes education and prevention.”

The World Diabetes Day 2012 campaign will link the urgent need for action to the protection of the health of our future generations. Particular focus will be placed on highlighting the importance of education - for health professionals, people with diabetes and people at risk – in reducing the impact of diabetes throughout the world.

The slogan chosen for the campaign is:

The 2012 campaign will have a special focus on children and young people as the driving force for the promotion and dissemination of education and prevention messages that we hope will inspire and engage local communities to recognize the importance of early awareness of the risks and dangers of diabetes. The aim is to build awareness among children and young people of the warning signs and risk factors for diabetes and that in many cases type 2 diabetes can be prevented through healthy eating and physical activity.

The three key messages of the campaign are:

Access to essential education for everyone

The way we live is putting our health at risk

People with diabetes face stigma and discrimination

WDD 2012 - Key Messages

Access to Essential Education For All

The general public must be made aware of the need to recognise diabetes early and how to prevent diabetes and the serious health consequences of the disease.

All people with diabetes and those at risk of diabetes, no matter where they live, have the right to learn about diabetes, how it can be prevented, how it can be managed effectively and how to access educational and clinical resources.

Diabetes-specific education is required for healthcare personnel and people with diabetes.

Diabetes self-management education is a critically important, fundamental and integral component of diabetes prevention and care and should be available and accessible to everyone.

The primary barrier to access to education is shortage of qualified diabetes educators.

Investment in diabetes education and diabetes prevention programmes will save money in the long term and deliver significant returns in quality of life for people with diabetes and people at high risk of diabetes.

The Way We Live Is Putting Our Life At Risk

Type 2 diabetes is a common and serious global health problem, which, for most countries, has developed together with rapid cultural and social changes, ageing populations, increasing urbanisation, dietary changes, reduced physical activity, and other unhealthy behaviours.

Lifestyle interventions and socially responsible policies can promote healthy living and help prevent type 2 diabetes.

There is conclusive evidence that type 2 diabetes can be prevented through nutrition counselling, increasing physical activity and modest weight reduction

Healthy nutrition and physical activity are not just a matter of personal choice.

The causes of diabetes are complex and multi-faceted. All sectors of society have a responsibility to act.

People With Diabetes Face Stigma and Discrimination

People with diabetes face stigma and discrimination, preventing them from playing active roles in society.

Increasing diabetes awareness and reducing stigma, myths and misconceptions are important elements in the care and prevention of diabetes.

People with diabetes should be at the centre of the diabetes response.

Action is required to ensure that the human rights of people with or at risk of diabetes are protected.

Giving people with diabetes, their families and communities the right and opportunity to play a central role in diabetes care, prevention and research is critical if the current burden of diabetes and its complications it to be reversed.


This competition is conducted under the rules of the Malaysian Athletic Federation (MAF) and Competition Rules of World Diabetes Day 5km Walkathon & 10km Fun Run 2012.


This competition is open to all ages of 18 years as at 31 Dec 2012 for 10km Fun Run & walkathon is open to all who are fit to walk.


The first 3 winners in each category will get a medal in addition to Cash awards, however the first 100 (one hundred) finishers in each category will get a Medal.


T-shirts and numbers will be distributed on the following days:-


: 9 & 10 Nov 2012 (Friday & Saturday)

Time : 10.00am – 6.00pm

Venue : Level 2C, Multipurpose Hall,

Wisma OCM, Jalan Hang Jebat,

50150 Kuala Lumpur.


Certificates will be issued to all participants who complete the run and walkathon


a. Entry forms can be obtained from:


Level 2, Wisma OCM, Jalan Hang Jebat, 50150 Kuala Lumpur.

b. Entry forms can be downloaded from:




: RM15.00 per entry

10km Fun Run

: RM30.00 per entry


a. Payment at the counter can be in the form of cash or cheque. Please make all cheques payable to Malaysian Endocrine and Metabolic Society and has to be forwarded to:


Level 2, Wisma OCM, Jalan Hang Jebat, 50150 Kuala Lumpur.

b. Incomplete entries and late entries will be rejected.

c. No refund will be made for wrongful or multiple registration

d. Substitution and changing of categories is NOT allowed. Therefore please ensure to select the category that you’re eligible to participate correctly

Payment details

Malaysian Endocrine and Metabolic Society

Bank: CIMB Bank

Account No : 1416 0016252 051


Before 20th Oct 2012 or upon reaching 5,000 participants whichever comes first.


All winners from the 1st to the 3rd position in each category must produce their identity card (I/C) or original birth certificates or any other documents to certify their date of birth to authorized technical official (Referees) on request.

Winners must be present for the prize presentation at the end of the World Diabetes Day 5km Walkathon & 10km Fun Run 2012, failing which the prizes will be automatically forfeited.

There will be no fee refund if the event is cancelled for reason of force majored i.e. due to occurrence of incidents that are beyond the control of the organizer and which renders it impossible or unsafe to hold the event.


For any general enquiries pertaining to the competition, please contact FTAAA at +603-27152843 OR

Event Organizers Office at +603 5192 0071 / 5192 0771


Attractive lucky draws are to be conducted (To be confirmed).


Start and Finish at Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur.


There shall be three water stations for 10km run and one water station for 5km walk.


Walkers in the 5km Walkathon Competition must strictly walk and if found running they will be disqualified either on the route or even after they have finished the race on receiving reports from walk judges on the route.


MBFM Pasoh de' jamboree 2012



2 Disember 2012


Dataran Pentas Budaya Felda Pasoh 1,

Simpang Pertang, Jelebu, N.Sembilan.


36 km


Sabtu 1 Disember 2012

11.00 am - 6.00pm : Penyerahan bag goodies dan nombor plate

di Dataran Pentas Budaya Felda Pasoh 1

Ahad 2 Disember 2012

6.30am - 7.30am : Penyerahan bag goodies dan nombor plate di Dataran Pentas Budaya Felda Pasoh 1.

7.30am - 8.00am : Taklimat

8.00am : Flag Off

1.30pm : Perlumbaan MBFMPasoh1de' Jambore tamat

Makan tengahari dan solat

2.30pm : Penyampaian Hadiah dan Cabutan bertuah

3.00pm : Bersurai


Bayaran Penyertaan

Rm 50.00 Sebelum 17 Nov 2012

Rm 60.00 Selepas 17 Nov 2012

Goodies : Sijil Penyertaan

T. Shirt ( Micro Fibre)

Cenderahati Penaja

Dan lain-lain.


Terbuka Lelaki

Terbuka Wanita

Junior ( Bawah 17 tahun )

Veteran ( 45 tahun keatas )


Terbuka lelaki - 1 hingga 10 : wang tunai + medal
Terbuka Wanita 1 hingga 5 : wang tunai + medal
Junior - 1 hingga 5 : Wang tunai + medal
Veteran - 1 hingga 5 : Wang tunai + medal


Pertandingan Bola Sepak 1 Murid 1 Sukan 2012

Pertandingan Bola Sepak 1 Murid 1 Sukan 2012 dianjurkan oleh Unit Kokurikulum dan Panitia Pendidikan Jasmani dan Pendidikan Kesihatan (PJPK).

Objektif utama penganjuran pertandingan ini adalah untuk mencungkil bakat baru dan seterusnya mencari pemain bagi menggalas pasukan bawah 15 pada tahun hadapan. Ia juga menyahut seruan kementerian bagi menggalakkan penglibatan 1 murid 1 sukan.

Pertandingan ini dijalankan secara kalah mati, di mana setiap pasukan memiliki 9 orang pemain utama dan 6 orang simpanan. Tempoh permainan adalah 8-1-8. Pelaksanaannya dijalankan pada waktu PJPK untuk peringkat awal dan peringkat akhir pada hari sabtu 29 September 2012. Sebanyak 25 perlawanan akan diadakan bermula pada hari ini 24 September 2012.

Sebanyak 12 pasukan daripada kelas tingkatan 2 dan 13 pasukan daripada kelas tingkatan 1 akan menyertai pertandingan ini. Berikut adalah jadual pertandingan:

Isnin 24/9/12
1 Inovatif lwn 1 Efektif

Selasa 25/9/12
2 Kualiti lwn 2 Proaktif
.............. lwn 2 Inisiatif
1 Objektif lwn 1 Produktif
.............. lwn 1 Proaktif

Rabu 26/9/12
1 Inisiatif lwn 1 Dedekasi
1 Progresif lwn 1 Dinamik
2 Inovatif lwn 2 Kreatif

Khamis 27/9/12
2 Progresif lwn 2 Produktif
................. lwn 2 Nurani
1 Kualiti lwn 1 Optimis
2 Optimis lwn 2 Dinamik

Jumaat 28/9/12
1 Kreatif lwn 1 Nurani
2 Dedikasi lwn 2 Efektif

Menjadi harapan penganjur agar pertandingan ini dapat berjalan lancar seperti yang dirancang.

HamSphere JOTA

HamSphere JOTA

Boys Scouts around the world

(Jamboree ON THE AIR)

Oct 20-21 2012

The theme this year is: “How big is your world”?

Participate in this year’s event; join in on October 20 –21 2012. Please consider inviting some local Boys Scouts from your area to meet with you to demonstrate HamSphere (simulated HAM RADIO). Operating time to suit you locally with your guests and HamSphere Operator.

The JOTA worldwide commences 00:00 utc Saturday (oct 20th) and runs until 23:59 utc Sunday (oct 21st). HamSphere frequencies will be the 80 Meter band.

Expected stations from around the globe are invited to participate………. Contacts can be made between HamSphere Operators and this introduction from the different areas of the world may interest the Scouts themselves by using the program HamSphere. The Scouts are encouraged to talk into the microphone to say hello and exchange information with fellow scouts. Having these controlled QSO’s will be of interest and exciting to the Scouts. HamSphere Operators could prepare a special QSL CARD for this event and exchange with the stations they connect with.


Giving the Boys Scout the exposure to the “Spirit of HAM RADIO” using HamSphere over the INTERNET. Communication with worldwide areas is easy and shows how the Internet has made the World so much smaller with modern technology!

Please consider joining in and have some fun, by sharing your HamSphere experience and spending time with the BOYS SCOUTS of the world ……….

Date October 20 –21 2012 on HamSphere 80 meter band ………

Come and JOIN in on the fun !!


5 pengunjung ke kawasan peranginan Lata Bayu sesat

BALING: Lima pengunjung ke kawasan peranginan Lata Bayu dekat sini, hilang dipercayai sesat dalam kawasan hutan itu, sejak petang semalam.

Gerakan mencari dan menyelamat dimulakan sejak 10 malam tadi membabitkan lebih 50 penduduk Kampung Banggol dan Asam Jawa serta kawasan sekitar, sebaik mendapat maklumat lima pengunjung ke Lata Bayu tersesat di kawasan itu. Usaha awal penduduk kampung malam tadi terpaksa dihentikan kerana keadaan hutan tebal serta tiada sebarang maklum balas daripada mangsa.

Pagi ini, gerakan mencari dan menyelamat diteruskan membabitkan lebih 100 orang terdiri daripada anggota polis, Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat, Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia (JPAM) dan penduduk tempatan.

Hingga petang ini, usaha mencari masih diteruskan dan tertumpu pada kawasan awal yang dimaklumkan di mana mangsa tersesat.

Pengerusi Biro Kelab Radio Amatur dan Rekreasi Baling (KARIB), Zahir Saad, 32, yang ditemui Bernama berkata mangsa menghantar isyarat kepada anggota radio amatur itu kira-kira 3 petang semalam memaklumkan lima orang tersesat di kawasan Lata Bayu dan meminta bantuan.

Zahir berkata, pengirim maklumat melalui radio amatur itu mendakwa salah seorang rakan mereka dipatuk ular dan seorang rakan wanita meninggal dunia.

Beliau berkata, selepas menerima maklumat itu, pihaknya mengarahkan semua anggota kelab itu menjalankan usaha mencari dan menyelamat sebelum anggota pasukan penyelamat tiba.

"Hingga petang ini kami kehilangan petunjuk dan maklumat untuk mengesan mangsa kerana mangsa dipercayai gagal menghantar maklumat akibat kehabisan bateri pada radio mereka," katanya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Baling, Superitendan Mohd Daud Mohd Hasan, berkata sehingga kini identiti kelima-lima mangsa yang didakwa sesat di kawasan itu masih belum diketahui dan usaha mencari serta menyelamat masih diteruskan.


Laporan Bernama pada hari Jumaat lalu 14 September 2012 menyatakan ada orang hilang di Lata Bayu, Baling. Apa yang menariknya kejadian ini adalah laporan awal mengatakan maklumat tentang kehilangan adalah diperolehi dari perhubungan radio amatur. Rakan ham yang menghubungi meminta bantuan itu telah berjaya menyampaikan trafik kecemasan kira-kira 3 petang Khamis tentang lima orang tersesat dan meminta bantuan.

Sehubungan mendapat trafik itu, Kelab Radio Amatur dan Rekreasi Baling (KARIB) telah menjalankan usaha mencari dan menyelamat sebelum anggota pasukan menyelamat tiba. Tetapi malangnya mangsa yang dicari tidak dijumpai kerana gagal mendapat maklumat tepat kerana mangsa yang melaporkan itu telah kehabisan bateri.

Usaha yang dilakukan oleh KARIB amat dihargai kerana bertindak pantas untuk memberi bantuan. Laporan-laporan media mengatakan usaha ini diberhentikan kerana tiada petunjuk yang mengesahkan kejadian ini benar-benar berlaku.

Menurut 9W2BCN abg Raja yang berada ditempat kejadian. Berita dan maklumat ini 50-50 kebenarannya. Mungkin palsu atau sebaliknya. Berdasarkan teori yang digunakan ditempat kejadian adalah sukar untuk memancar ke pengulang Jerai jika berada di celah-celah bukit ataupun gaung seperti yang dilaporkan oleh pelapor. Jika berada dipuncak atau tanah tinggi sememangnya pasti boleh terus memancar.

Tetapi kebanyakan rakan yang monitor pada hari itu mengesahkan bahawa si pelapor memberi trafik yang tepat tentang tempat kejadian di Lata Bayu. Jika si pelapor memberi maklumat palsu amat malang sekali kerana menyalahgunakan kemudahan yang ada.

Sebagai seorang pemegang lesen Radio Amatur tindakan yang dilakukan oleh si pelapor itu sememangnya tidak beretika dan telah menyusahkan semua pihak yang terlibat. Tindakan perlu diambil jika benar-benar si pelapor ini terbukti bersalah agar menjadi pengajaran kepada dirinya dan orang lain.

Apa yang membanggakan adalah komuniti ham ini bertindak pantas dalam memberi bantuan kecemasan. Maklumlah kematian adalah suatu perkara yang serius sepertimana yang dilaporkan seorang dipatuk ular dan seorang rakan wanita meninggal dunia. Berita ini bukannya boleh dibuat main-main.

Jadi, sememangnya kemudahan radio amatur ini dapat berfungsi memberi bantuan kcemasan jika diperlukan. Setiap rakan ham perlu dilatih dalam memberi bantuan komunikasi kecemasan dengan cara yang betul dan bukan untuk disalahgunakan. Tepuk dada tanya selera.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


kamera kupang: Kronologi Kes orang 'HILANG' di Lata Bayu Baling.

kamera kupang: Kronologi Kes orang 'HILANG' di Lata Bayu Baling.: Mangsa sesat maut dipatuk ular BALING - Salah seorang daripada empat lelaki dan seorang perempuan yang  sesat dalam hutan berdekatan Pusat P...

kamera kupang: Terkini !!! Kes orang 'Hilang' di Lata Bayu, Balin...

kamera kupang: Terkini !!! Kes orang 'Hilang' di Lata Bayu, Balin...: Maklumat terkini berhubung operasi mencari dan menyelamat orang 'hilang' di Peranginan Lata Bayu, B...

Kejohanan Futsal Piala Menteri Pelajaran 1 Murid 1 Sukan Peringkat Negeri Selangor tahun 2012

Kejohanan Futsal Piala Menteri Pelajaran 1 Murid 1Sukan peringkat negeri Selangor telah diadakan pada 14 dan 15 September 2012. Kejohanan sulung ini diadakan di U-One Pusat Sukan Futsal, Bandar Baru Klang. Sebanyak 10 daerah di negeri Selangor telah mengambil bahagian dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan.

SMK Bandar Tun Hussein Onn 2, Cheras (SMKBTHO2) telah mewakili daerah Hulu Langat dan diletakkan dalam kumpulan A. Perlawanan pertama SMKBTHO2 telah mengalahkan daerah Sabak Bernam 7-0 dan seterusnya mengalahkan daerah Hulu Selangor
3-1. Pada perlawanan dengan pasukan Kuala Selangor, SMKBTHO2 telah tewas 1-3. Manakala perlawanan terakhir liga SMKBTHO2 telah seri 1-1 bersama daerah Gombak yang diwakili oleh SMK Taman Keramat.

Menduduki tempat ketiga dalam kumpulan A apabila hanya perbezaan 2 gol daripada Kuala Selangor apabila jumlah mata adalah 7. Seterusnya penentuan tempat kelima dan keenam SMKBTHO2 telah tewas kepada pasukan daerah Petaling Utama
1-3. Walaupun mendapat tempat keenam keseluruhan sekalung tahniah harus diucapkan kepada pasukan yang bertungkus-lumus hingga ke peringkat negeri ini. Terima kasih kepada PPD Hulu Langat yang menyediakan kemudahan pengangkutan dan elaun serta t-shirt.

Pada acara penutup , Tuan Hj. Abdul Khalid bin Hj. Jaafar merupakan Ketua Sektor Pembangunan Kemanusiaan Jabatan Pelajaran Selangor telah menyampaikan sijil penyertaan serta pingat kemenangan. Juara futsal negeri Selangor telah dimenangi oleh daerah Gombak (SMK Taman Keramat), tempat kedua daerah Kuala Selangor (SMK Puncak Alam) dan tempat ketiga daerah Kuala Langat (SMK Telok Panglima Garang).

SMK Taman Keramat akan mewakili negeri Selangor pada peringkat kebangsaan yang akan diadakan pada 4 hingga 7 November 2012. Negeri Selangor akan menjadi tuan rumah yang akan diadakan di tempat yang sama. Pasukan Selangor telah diundi dalam kumpulan D bersama Pulau Pinang, Kelantan dan Terengganu. Semoga pasukan ini dapat memberi persaingan yang sengit pada peringkat kebangsaan ini.

North American SSB Sprints

Eligibility: Any licensed radio amateur may enter.

Object: For North American stations to contact as many licensed radio amateurs as possible. For non-North American stations to contact as many North American stations as possible.

Entry Classification: High power, low power (100W) and QRP (5W). Single operator only. Use of spotting information obtained directly or indirectly from any source other than the station operator, such as from other stations or automated tools, is prohibited.

Contest Periods:

September/October 2012 Contests:

CW: 0000Z - 0400Z September 9, 2012 (first Sunday following first Monday in September)

SSB: 0000Z - 0400Z September 16, 2012 (second Sunday following first Monday in September)

RTTY: 0000Z - 0400Z October 14, 2012 (Sunday of second full weekend in October)

February/March 2013 Contests:

CW: 0000Z - 0400Z February 3, 2013 (Sunday of first full weekend in February)

SSB: 0000Z - 0400Z March 17, 2013 (Sunday of third full weekend in March)

RTTY: 0000Z - 0400Z March 10, 2013 (Sunday of second full weekend in March)

These are entirely separate four-hour Sprints.

Mode: CW only in CW Sprints, SSB only in SSB Sprints, RTTY only in RTTY Sprints.

Bands: 80, 40 and 20 meters only. Suggested frequencies are around 3540, 7040 and 14040 kHz on CW; 3850, 7225 and 14275 kHz on Phone; and 3580, 7080 and 14080 kHz on RTTY. You may work the same station once per band.

Exchange: To have a valid exchange, you must send all of the following information: the other station's call, your call, your serial number, your name and your location (state, province or country). You may send this information in any order. For example:



Valid Contact: A valid contact consists of a complete, correctly copied and logged two-way exchange between a North American station and another station. Proper logging requires including the time of each contact. Serial numbers must begin with serial number one and be sequential thereafter.

North American Station: Defined by the rules of the CQ WW DX Contests. Note that KH6 is not in North America.

Scoring: Multiply total valid contacts by the sum of U.S. states, Canadian Provinces and other North American Countries to get final score (do not count USA and Canada as countries). District of Columbia counts as Maryland. KH6 is not counted as a State and is not a North American country (but counts for QSO credit). The eight Canadian multipliers are Maritime (VE1, VE9, VO1, VO2 and VY2), VE2 through VE7, and Yukon-NWT (VYØ, VY1 and VE8). Non-North American countries do not count as multipliers, but do count for QSO credit for North American stations.

Special QSY Rule: If any station solicits a call (by sending CQ, QRZ?, "going up 5 kHz," or any other means of soliciting a response, including completion of a QSO where the frequency was inherited), they are permitted to work only one station in response to that solicitation. They must thereafter move at least 1 kHz before calling another station, or at least 5 kHz before soliciting other calls. Once a station is required to QSY, that station is not allowed to make another QSO on the vacated frequency until or unless at least one subsequent QSO is made on a new frequency.

Additional Rules: Simultaneous transmission on more than one frequency is prohibited. All contacts must be sent and received using means requiring real-time human intervention, detection and initiation. Each operator must use only one call sign during the contest.

Log formatting: All logs must be submitted electronically (web upload, e-mail, CD, 3.5-inch floppy, etc.). The file format for electronic logs for NCJ-sponsored contests is Cabrillo (Version 2.x or 3.x). Entrants who do not use computer logging are encouraged to use the manual log entry web-to-Cabrillo on-line forms available at the links given below to enter the QSO info from their paper logs.

Log Submission: Entries must be received no later than 7 days after the Sprint. Methods of log submission in order of preference are as follows:

Upload Cabrillo-formatted log via web form (preferable):

All modes: Upload Logs

E-mail log (ASCII text file):

CW: cwsprint@ncjweb.com

SSB: ssbsprint@ncjweb.com

RTTY: rttysprint@ncjweb.com

Mail CD or 3.5-inch floppy disk, containing ASCII log file, to the appropriate address listed below.

Manually convert paper log to Cabrillo log using one of the following tools:

CW: CW Web-to-Cabrillo Form

SSB: SSB Web-to-Cabrillo Form

RTTY: RTTY Web-to-Cabrillo Form

Mail original paper log to the appropriate address listed below. Send CW logs to: Boring Amateur Radio Club

15125 Bartell Road

Boring, OR 97009


E-mail: cwsprintmgr@ncjweb.com

Send SSB logs to: Chris Tate, N6WM

12450 Del Valle Rd

Livermore, CA 94550


E-mail: ssbsprintmgr@ncjweb.com

Send RTTY logs to: Ed Muns, WØYK

P.O. Box 1877

Los Gatos, CA 95031-1877


E-mail: rttysprintmgr@ncjweb.com

Team Competition: Team competition is limited to a maximum of 10 operators as a single entry unit. Groups having more than ten team members may submit more than one team entry. To qualify as a team entry, the team registration form on the NCJ web site must be completed before the contest starts. Use one of the following links:

CW Team Registration: http://www.ncjweb.com/cwsprintteamreg.php

SSB Team Registration: http://www.ncjweb.com/ssbsprintteamreg.php

RTTY Team Registration: http://www.ncjweb.com/rttysprintteamreg.php

Penalties and Disqualification: Contacts with incorrect received information will be removed. Contacts not found in the other station's log will be removed with a one QSO penalty. Entries with score reductions in excess of 5 percent may be disqualified. Any entry may also be disqualified for illegibility, illegal or unethical operation.


CQ 40M 2O12L

20120909 14:07 7133.0 2O12L 9W2DYA

20120909 14:10 7133.0 PA0WZS Thanks! PA Netherlands 9W2DYA

20120909 14:12 7133.0 F4CQP Thanks! F France 9W2DYA

20120909 14:16 7133.0 DL1GB Thanks! DL Germany 9W2DYA

20120909 14:16 7133.0 DL1GHB Thanks! DL Germany 9W2DYA

This receiver is located in the SP3PGX ham radio club at the University of Zielona Gora, Poland, JO71SW.


Powerman Malaysia 2012

Powerman Malaysia 2012 will be held on 4th November 2012.

Category & Distance:

INDIVIDUAL LONG DISTANCE : 11.4km Run - 64km Bike - 11.4km Run

Men's Elite(20 & above)

Men's 20 - 29

Men's 30 - 39

Men's 40 - 44

Men's 45 - 49

Men's 50 - 59

Men's 60 & above

Women's Elite(20 & above)

Women's 20 - 29

Women's 30 - 39

Women's 40 - 44

Women's 45 - 49

Women's 50 - 59

Women's 60 & above

MALAKOFF POWER RELAY - LONG DISTANCE : 11.4km Run - 64km Bike - 11.4km Run

Men's Relay

Mixed Relay

MALAKOFF SPRINT DUATHLON - SPRINT DISTANCE : 5.7km Run - 32km Bike - 5.7km Run

Sprint Men's

Sprint Women's

For further inquiries, contact:

Quick Release Adventures

11, Lorong Datuk Sulaiman 2,

Taman Tun Dr. Ismail

Kuala Lumpur



Telephone: (603) 7710 9984

Fax: (603) 7710 9985


Visit website for more information.

Tags : Powerman Malaysia 2012

Registration Details

Registration starts : 01 Jun 2012

Entry info & cost:

Registration fee:


Local Participants only (Singaporeans included)

Closes: 31 July 2012

Individual - Elite & Age Group - RM170

Individual - Students - RM170

Team Relay - Men's & Mixed Teams - RM240

Team Relay - Students - RM240

Sprint - Men's & Women's - RM80

Sprint - Students - RM80


Local Participants (Singaporeans included)

From 1 Aug to 15 September 2012

Individual - Elite & Age Group - RM200

Individual - Students - RM170

Team Relay - Men's & Mixed Teams - RM270

Team Relay - Students - RM240

Sprint - Men's & Women's - RM100

Sprint - Students - RM80


Foreign Participants

Individual - Elite & Age Group - RM250

Individual - Students - RM250

Team Relay - Men's & Mixed Teams - RM300

Team Relay - Students - RM300

Sprint - Men's & Women's - RM120

Sprint - Students - RM120


Rakan Radio Amatur ptt

Hari ini aku dapat QSO bersama rakan di channel Rakan Radio Amatur ptt Zello. Baru semalam aku lihat tiadapun channel ini, tetapi pada hari ini terdapat satu channel berkaitan dengan radio amatur.

Apabila monitor tiada kedengaran audio rakan-rakan. Jadi aku tidak tahu bagaimana bentuk dan gaya mereka berkomunikasi. Pada fikiran aku tidak salah aku menggunakan SOP radio amatur kepada mereka yang boleh QSO dengan baik. Memandangkan ini channel tertulis Rakan Radio Amatur ptt.

Tetapi sebenarnya ada sebilangan users tidak senang dengan SOP radio amatur. Mungkin kerana mereka tidak memahami tatacara berkomunikasi dalam radio amatur. Itu semua tidak menjadi masalah kerana kita dapat belajar melalui monitor.

Terdapat juga users ingin belajar bagaimana QSO dijalankan. Inilah peluang rakan SWL belajar dengan wujudnya channel ini.

Rakan Radio Amatur ptt created by Toki dan subscribers 263. Terdapat info "Salam 73 rakan radio amatur.. Malaysia ke Ch ptt zello 9W2WWM Pokda.

Tak QSL siapa yang telah mewujudkan channel ini merupakan satu cara untuk mempromosikan hobi. Jika rakan gian nak tekan ptt radio, dengan zello kini kita boleh QSO juga dengan syarat mempunyai internet.

Aku berkesempatan QSO bersama SWL Jamal di Kuantan. Beliau telah lulus RAE dan sedang memohon callsign. Menurut beliau 12 orang daripada 14 orang calon RAE telah lulus selepas mengikut kelas RAE atas bimbingan 9M2KDA. Tahniah kepada semua, sebenarnya 2 orang itu tidak hadir menduduki RAE.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


Zello beri info trafik

Zello is a free push-to-talk application for Android, BlackBerry, iPhone and PC.

Push the button for instant, radio-style communication. It’s faster and handier than phone calls, SMS and online chats. International conversations are free, too.

Talk one-on-one, start your own channel or join one of thousands of existing public channels. Connect globally in 11+ languages.

Check Zello@Work if you want to use Zello on rugged Windows Mobile devices or within a company network.

Zello is based on peer-to-peer architecture and works behind most firewalls and NATs. The software is lightweight (installer less than 1 Mb) and unobtrusive. Normally it runs in the background and can be activated with hotkey without switching the focus or popping up the application window.

The advantages of Zello over existing messaging systems include speed, asynchronous style and voice messaging.

Zello merupakan satu aplikasi push to talk yang percuma boleh dimuat turun pada gajet yang mempunyai sistem operasi Android, BlackBerry, dan iPhone serta lain-lain.

Ramai pengguna telah menggunakannya dan buktinya terdapat beberapa channel telah wujud dalam aplikasi ini.

Antara channel menarik perhatian aku ialah maklumat tentang trafik di Lebuhraya Utara Selatan. Berdasarkan monitor yang aku buat, info diberi oleh rakan-rakan yang sedang bermobile.

Walaupun tidak menggunakan frekuensi radio secara langsung seperti kita QSO menggunakan rig dan antena. Fungsinya masih tetap sama dengan hanya menggunakan telefon bimbit atau tablet.

Jadi info trafik terkini masih dapat diperolehi dengan syarat internet dapat berfungsi sepenuhnya.

Ia menarik, bukan. Sekarang semua orang boleh berkomunikasi secara cepat dan pantas seperti fungsi radio dua hala. Selamat mencuba.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


Kejohanan Piala Menteri Pelajaran 1 Murid 1 Sukan kali Pertama Daerah Hulu Langat tahun 2012

Kejohanan yang dianjurkan oleh Unit Sukan PPD Hulu Langat telah berjaya dilaksanakan bagi sukan Futsal semalam 6 September 2012. Terdapat dua jenis sukan yang akan berlangsung minggu hadapan iaitu sukan Balapan dan Padang serta Bola Jaring 3 on 3.

Sukan futsal telah dijalankan di gelanggang futsal Jalan Broga Semenyih. SMK Bandar Tun Hussein Onn 2, Cheras telah berjaya menjadi juara kejohanan sulung ini. Pasukan SMKBTHO2 telah mengalahkan SMAP Kajang 3-0.

Sebelum ke peringkat akhir SMKBTHO2 telah bertemu SMK Abdul Jalil, Hulu Langat dengan jaringan seri 1-1. Kemenangan berpihak kepada SMKBTHO2 apabila tendangan pinalti telah berjaya diselamatkan oleh penjaga gol.

Pada peringkat awal SMKBTHO2 telah diundi dan diletakkan dalam kumpulan B, bersama SMK Dato Ahmad Razali, Ampang, SMAP Kajang dan Maahad Hamidiah, Kajang.

Ke semua perlawanan telah dimenangi oleh SMKBTHO2 tanpa balas.

Kejuaraan ini telah melayakkan SMKBTHO2 untuk mewakili daerah Hulu Langat di peringkat Negeri Selangor yang akan berlangsung pada 13 dan 14 September 2012. Ia akan berlangsung di gelanggang futsal Bukit Raja, Klang.

Tahniah dan syabas kepada para pemain dan guru yang terlibat. Semoga boleh menunjukkan prestasi yang lebih baik dan cemerlang di peringkat negeri pula.

Cheras Selatan to Semenyih

EveryTrail - Find hiking trails in California and beyond

Cheras Selatan to Semenyih at EveryTrail
EveryTrail - Find hiking trails in California and beyond

Sejarah wujudnya 9W

Merujuk kepada artikel   http://advanced-skynet.blogspot.com/2012/07/sejarah-yang-dilupakan.html

Pemegang lesen B iaitu 9W wujud pada tahun 1997. Ia telah diluluskan oleh Jabatan Telekom Malaysia pada ketika itu. Sementara Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia masih belum diwujudkan lagi.

Tahukah anda bagaimana tercetus idea untuk mewujudkan lesen novice ini? Merujuk kepada penulis itu, ia adalah syor daripada 9M2AV Avatar Singh kemungkinan pada tahun 1982 ketika mesyuarat AJK Marts. Namun demikian, idea itu tidak mendapat sambutan.

Seterusnya diawal tahun 90-an, 9M2ZA, 9M2SS dan 9M2RS dan lain-lain telah membuat kertas kerja mengenai perkara ini (9W) dan menghantarnya kepada Jabatan Telekom Malaysia.

Kertas kerja itu berharap mana-mana individu yang lulus ujian RAE boleh bekerja difrekuensi 6 meter, 2 meter, 70cm dan ke atas.

Namun beberapa tahun kemudian pihak Jabatan Telekom Malaysia memberi jawapan kelas B hanya boleh bekerja di frekuensi 144.600MHz sahaja.

Begitulah rentetan bagaimana sukarnya kita untuk mendapatkan frekuensi sepertimana yang kita dapat sekarang.

Jadi sebagai pemegang lesen B seharusnya berterima kasih kepada mereka yang bertungkus-lumus untuk memastikan wujudnya lesen B seperti sekarang. Jasamu sangat dikenang dan pengorbananmu tidak dapat dibalas dengan apa-apa kecuali ribuan dan jutaan terima kasih.

Generasi baru harus mengambil ikhtibar dan pengajaran bagi mencapai satu tujuan dan matlamat bagi mencapai cita-cita.

Jika anda ingin bekerja lebih jauh lagi belajarlah CW, walaupun negara-negara maju yang lain telahpun menghapuskannya. Usaha tangga kejayaan, siapa yang banyak berusaha pasti ia mencapai kejayaan yang lebih gemilang.

Tiada perkara yang datang bergolek. Semuanya perlu dicari dan digali bagi memperluaskan lagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman.

Sekali lagi kita perlu menghargai veteran RA yang berpengalaman dan banyak berjasa.

Kesinambungannya perlu dipikul oleh generasi baru bagi meneruskan perjuangan mereka agar RA terus berkembang di masa hadapan. Rasanya pemimpin-pemimpin MARL boleh berperanan dalam memperjuangankan hala tuju RA di masa depan.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA



WOSM's voice on the air

The amateur radio station of the World Scout Bureau will be on the air from Geneva on all short-wave and VHF bands during the full JOTA weekend with the Bureau’s call sign HB9S. In addition, HB9S uses the Echolink network to connect to distant radio stations.

The station operates from the Geneva Scout Centre " Les Perouses" on the outskirts of Geneva for the full JOTA weekend.

QTH locator: JN36AE.

Coordinates: 46° 12' 18" 38 N, 6° 2' 19" 17 E.

The station will be run by an international team of Scout radio operators as well as Yves, HB9AOF, station manager and Richard, PA3BAR, World JOTA Organizer.

With a bit of luck, you may be able to make a contact using your local repeater station and just a portable radio.

At HB9S, you can speak directly with the camp participants and the World Scout Bureau staff.

You may send requests for pre-arranged contacts (skeds) in advance to the station manager by email: jotaSPAMFILTER@scout.org. Please note the propagation predictions when selecting sked times.

Making a contact with HB9S may sometimes take some patience. Usually many stations are calling

at the same time. The operators will do their very best to make contact with Scout stations worldwide

and speak to Scouts in as many languages as possible.


The 55th JOTA 2012

The 55th Jamboree On The Air will take place on 20 and 21 October 2012.

This year's theme is: How big is your world?.


The Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is an annual Scouting event that uses amateur radio to link Scouts around the world, around the nation, and in your own community. Held on the third full weekend of October each year, this worldwide jamboree requires no travel, other than to a nearby radio amateur’s ham shack. Many times the hams will come to you by setting up at a Scout camporee, or perhaps they already have a ham shack at your council’s camp. There are many ways to get your Scouts involved in JOTA.

Tell Me More

Scouts of any age can participate, from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts and Venturers. Once at the ham radio station, the communication typically requires speaking into a microphone and listening on the station speakers. However, many forms of specialized communication can also take place, such as video communication, digital communication using typed words on the computer screen transmitted by radio, communication through a satellite relay or an earth-based relay (called a repeater), and many others. The exchanges include such information as name, location (called QTH in ham speak), Scout rank, age, and hobbies. The stations you’ll be communicating with can be other Scouts across town, across the country, or even around the world! The World Scout Bureau reported that the 2011 JOTA had nesrly 750,000 Scout participants from over 6,000 amateur radio stations! A participant patch is available, as is a certificate/log sheet that can also be used to fulfill a Radio merit badge requirement.

When Is It?

The 55th Jamboree-on-the-Air is October 20–21, 2012. The official hours are from Saturday at 00:00 hours local time (right at midnight Friday) to Sunday 24:00 (midnight Sunday evening). So you’ve got the whole weekend to make JOTA contacts.

How Can I Participate as a Scout?

Contact your local Scout council and see what may already be planned in your area. You can also contact a local ham radio operator or a local amateur radio club. You can find a searchable database of clubs at www.arrl.org/find-a-club . This website is operated by the American Radio Relay League, the national association for amateur radio, which is cooperating closely with the BSA on JOTA and many other activities.

Your local club may be able to direct you to its planned JOTA activities. These can include ham stations set up at camporees or other events. Or, if there are no planned activities, you can either work with them to get something set up or arrange to visit a local radio operator’s ham shack at a scheduled time to participate in JOTA.

How Can I Participate as an Amateur Radio Operator?

Contact your local Scout council and see what may already be planned in your area and how you can help. You can find your council at http://scouting.org/LocalCouncilLocator.aspx .

If nothing is currently planned, or if current plans aren’t reaching your area, you can work with the council or a local unit (pack, troop, crew) to set up a JOTA station or arrange for visits to your ham shack. You can also participate just by making QSOs with the many JOTA stations that will be on the air.


MFJ 40th Anniversary ARRL in the Park

Worked All Europe DX Contest

The Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC) invites radio amateurs world wide to participate in the annual WAE DX Contest.

1 Times

CW: August, second full weekend

Saturday, August 11, 2012, 0000 UTC until Sunday, August 12, 2012, 2359 UTC

SSB: September, second full weekend

Saturday, September 8, 2012, 0000 UTC until Sunday, September 9, 2012, 2359 UTC

RTTY: November, second full weekend

Saturday, November 10, 2012, 0000 UTC until Sunday, November 11, 2012, 2359 UTC

2 Bands

3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz.

According to IARU recommendations operation should be avoided outside contest-preferred segments. No operation to take place on:

CW : 3560-3800; 7040-7200; 14060-14350 kHz

SSB: 3650-3700; 7050-7060; 7100-7130; 14100-14125; 14300-14350 kHz.

3 Categories


Max. output 100 watts - all bands. Only one signal permitted at any time.


Output higher than 100 watts - all bands. Only one signal permitted at any time.


Band changes are allowed every 10 minutes; this includes all activities of a main station, including QSO & QTC traffic and CQing.

Only exception: Working of a multiplier. Other transmitters may be used in parallel to the main station to work multipliers on other bands.


(see §12)


•Transmitters, receivers and antennas used in the contest must be located within a 2 km diameter circle.

•The use of DX spotting nets is allowed in all categories.

4 Off Times

Single Operator stations may only operate 36 out of the 48-hour contest period.

The total of 12 hours off time may be taken in one part but not more than three parts. The off times must be shown on the summary sheet. If operation is interrupted for more than 12 hours the three longest off time periods must be a minimum of 12 hours.

5 Exchange

A contest QSO can only be conducted between a European and a non-European station (exception: RTTY, see §13). The exchange consists of RS/RST and a progressive serial number starting with 001. If the station worked does not send a serial number, log the contact with number 000. Each station can be credited only once per band.

6 Multiplier

For non-European stations the multiplier is the number of countries defined in the WAE Country List (see below) worked per band.

For European stations every non-European DXCC entity counts as a multiplier.

Exception: In the following countries up to ten numerical call areas count as multipliers:

W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA, PY and RA8/RA9 and RAØ -- without respect to their geographical location.

Examples: W1, K1, KA1 and K3../1 count as W1;

VE1, VO1 und VY1 count as VE1;

JR4, 7M4 und 7K4 count as JA4;

ZL2 and ZL6 are two different multipliers.

Multiplier bonus: Country multiplier points are "weighted" by band. Multiply the number of countries worked on 3.5 MHz by four, on 7 MHz by three, and on 14/21/28 MHz by two. The total multiplier is the sum of the weighted multiplier points of all bands.

7 QTC Traffic

Additional points can be achieved by QTCs. A QTC is the report of a contest QSO back to a European station (exception: RTTY, see §13).

The following rules apply:

1.A QTC contains time, call sign and serial number of the reported QSO. Example: "1307 DA1AA 431" means that DA1AA was worked at 1307 UTC and sent serial number 431.

2.Each QSO may only be reported once as a QTC. The QTC may not be reported back to the original station.

3.Every QTC that was correctly transferred, counts one point for the sender and one point for the receiver.

4.Two stations may exchange up to 10 QTCs maximum. The two stations may establish contact several times to complete the quota.

5.QTCs are transferred by means of QTC series. A QTC series is a block of one (minimum) to ten (maximum) QTCs. QTC series are numbered using the following scheme: The first figure is the progressive serial number starting with one; the second figure denotes the number of QTCs in the series. Example: "QTC 3/7" means this is the third QTC series transmitted by this station and it contains seven QTCs.

6.For every QTC series that is transmitted or received, the QTC number, time and frequency band of the QTC transmission must be logged. If any of this data is missing from your log, no credit will be given for this QTC series.

8 Scoring

The final score is the result of total QSOs plus QTCs on all bands multiplied by the sum of all multipliers weighted by the band bonus factor (see §6).

9 Disqualification

Violation of the rules of the contest or unsportsmanlike conduct will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification. The decisions of the contest-committee are final.

10 Submissions

URL: http://www.waedc.de

Messages to contest manager (no logs): waedc-info@dxhf.darc.de

Logs need to be sent in STF or Cabrillo-Format to the following e-mail address:

WAEDC CW : waecw@dxhf.darc.de

WAEDC SSB : waessb@dxhf.darc.de

WAEDC RTTY : waertty@dxhf.darc.de

Be sure to put the station call sign into the subject of each message.

By submitting an electronic log, the participant claims to fully accept the rules of the contest. A written declaration is not necessary.

Note: After publication of the results all logs will be put into the DARC Contest Logbook (DCL).

Hand-written logs:

After the contest use a proper logging program or LM from DL8WAA to enter your data.

See Link: http://contestsoftware.com/e/home.htm

If you do not have a computer, please ask a friend or family member to import the log.

11 DX & Contest Club Competition

The club score is calculated by adding the final results of all participating club members in all three WAE contests, excluding SWLs. To be counted, the name of the club has to be indicated in the log on a separate header line using the keyword "CLUB".

The club must not be an official national amateur radio club. For a club to be listed, a minimum of three logs must be submitted.

A trophy is sponsored for the top DX (non-EU) and the top EU clubs.

For DL stations participating in the German DARC/VFDB-Clubmeisterschaft put your DOK in the log on a separate header line using the keyword "SPECIFIC".

12 Special Rules for SWLs

SWLs record stations working in the WAEDC. Participation is only possible as a single operator all bands. Every call sign heard - European or non-European station - may be credited only once per band. Both call signs of a contest QSO have to be recorded.

Each station that is logged including the serial number that was sent by that station, counts one point. Every complete QTC which includes all QTC series information (up to a maximum of 10 per station) also counts one point.

Multipliers are counted according to the criteria indicated in §6, but both European and non-European multipliers are counted. A call sign can only be counted as a multiplier, if the serial number it sent was recorded. In the best case, for a completely recorded QSO, two points and two multipliers can be credited.

13 Special Rules for RTTY

In the RTTY portion of the WAEDC there are no continental limits; everybody can work everybody. Only QTC traffic must be performed between different continents.

Every station may send and receive QTCs. The sum of QTCs exchanged between two stations (sent plus received) must not exceed 10 (ten).

The European and non-European multipliers indicated in §6 count for all stations.

14 Log Deadline

Log deadline is always two weeks or, more specific, the third Monday after the end of the contest.

CW: August 27; SSB: September 24; RTTY: November 26, 2012.

15 Criteria for WAEDC Awards and Plaques

Continental winners will receive a plaque. Printable online certificates will be availabe for all stations on result publication.

Entries from countries split by numerical call areas for multiplier reasons (see §6) will be listed according to their reported location within their respective geographical call area.

Stations who activate a WAE country for the WAEDC from where no log was received over the last three years will be recognized as "WAEDC Hero" and receive a special prize. For 2012 these 9 countries are:

1AØ, HV, JW, JW/b, JX, R1F, SV/A, YU8, ZB

Stations who have been in the Top-Ten/Top-Six list for at least five times can apply for a special plaque.

The WAEDC committee reserves the right to honor special contest activities with additional plaques.

WAE Country List

1AØ, 3A, 4O, 4U1I, 4U1V, 9A, 9H, C3, CT, CU, DL, E7, EA, EA6, EI, ER, ES, EU, F, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GM/s, GU, GW, HA, HB, HBØ, HV, I, IS, IT, JW, JW/b, JX, LA, LX, LY, LZ, OE, OH, OHØ, OJØ, OK, OM, ON, OY, OZ, PA, R1F, RA, RA2, S5, SM, SP, SV, SV/A, SV5, SV9, T7, TA1, TF, TK, UR, YL, YO, YU, YU8, Z3, ZA, ZB.[R1M removed]


My 10M Group Sota Outing

Nama Program : My 10M Group Sota Outing

Tarikh : 22hb Sept 2012 ( Sabtu ) *

Tempat : Bukit Sentosa Rawang

Penyertaan : TERHAD 10 orang jejaka sahaja

Bayaran : RM30.00 **

Termasuk makan/minum

Baju Edisi Terhad ( cotton warna hitam )

Tag Nama Edisi Terhad

## Projek Bukan untuk ambil UNTUNG, kalau ada baki... dipulangkan kepada peserta

Tentative Program

1200 hrs Lapor Diri Di Base 9M2RMT

1300 hrs Makan Tengahari/Solat/Rehat

1600 hrs Bergerak ke Lokasi

1630 hrs Setup Peralatan, Dxing, Solat, Sharing Session Persiapan BBQ

2000 hrs Makan Malam@BBQ, Dxing, Solat, Sharing Session

2200hrs Mengemas kawasan, Persiapan Balik ke Rumah 9M2RMT

2300 hrs Berehat di Rumah 9M2RMT, "Borak-Borak Dxing", Teh Tarik, Urus Diri, Tidur


23hb Sept ( Ahad )Aktiviti Bebas bergerak balik ke rumah masiing-masing

Peserta :

9M2RMT ( Tuan Rumah ) XL

9W2SBD ( Pengarah Projek ) - Seri Iskandar - XL

9W2SUF - Ipoh - XL

9W2EDU - K.Lumpur - XL

9M2KNZ - Selangor - 2XL

MY10Mg DXERS Outing

Berminat dan ingin turut serta sila email kepada 9W2SBD Sidik Segaraga 9w2sbd@gmail.com atau sebelum 3hb Sept 2012 untuk urusan permit masuk.

Nama Penuh

No K/P


No Tel

Nama Program : MY10Mg DXers Outing

Tarikh : 22-23hb Sept 2012 ( Sabtu/Ahad ) *

Tempat : Empangan Sg Pertak, Kuala Kubu Bharu

Penyertaan : TERHAD

Bayaran : RM10.00 ** untuk makan/minum

Tag Nama Edisi Terhad : Sponsor by 9W2SBD

Tentative Program

22 hb Sept 2012 ( Sabtu)

1200 hrs Lapor Diri Di Pekan Kuala Kubu Bharu

1300 hrs Makan Tengahari/Solat/Rehat

15300 hrs Bergerak ke Lokasi

1630 hrs Setup Peralatan, Minum, Dxing, Solat,

2000 hrs Makan Malam@BBQ, Dxing sampai pagi, Solat, Sharing Session

23hb Sept 2012 ( Sabtu/Ahad )

0600hrs Urus Diri/Solat

0700hrs Sarapan Pagi

0800hrs Sambung DX, "Borak-Borak Dxing"

0930hrs Malaysia 40M Net #NCS portable by 9M2TPT backup by 9M2RDX

1100hrs Mengemas kawasan, Persiapan Balik ke Pekan Kuala Kubu Bharu

1230hrs Makan Tengahari/bersurai

Peserta :

9M2RMT ( Tuan Rumah )

9W2SBD (Event Coordinator ) - Seri Iskandar

9W2SUF – Tg Malim

9W2EDU – K/L

9M2TPT – K/L

9M2KRZ - Selangor

9M2AIA - Selangor

9W2RUT - Kepong

9M2PJU – K/L

9W2JOH - Johor

9M2RDX - Kuantan

9W2CEH - Selangor

9M2OCX Berjaya Dapat Lesen Ozonsonde

  Petang tadi Arul 9M2OCX berjaya menemui ozonsonde yang jatuh di Simpang Morib. Ozonsonde 1032405023 telah jatuh jam 13:17 Koordinat 2.7833...