National Scouting Museum to Celebrate JOTA With ARISS Contact

The weekend of October 20-21, 2012 is Scouting's 55th Jamboree-on-

the-Air (JOTA). JOTA is a World Scouting event that bridges Scouts

all over the world via amateur radio.

The official hours are from Saturday at 00:00 hours local time to

Sunday 24:00. JOTA is not a contest but idea is to contact as many

stations as possible during the weekend. So you will hear Scouting

stations calling "CQ Jamboree," or answering the calls. All amateur

radio operators are invited to participate. An even better idea is

to invite Scouts to your station or club to take part in JOTA.

JOTA will be the main event at the National Scouting Museum. Numer-

ous amateur radio stations will be set up throughout the Museum,

allowing for both local and global communication by various modes.

There will also be many other fun and educational activities; such

as hidden transmitter hunts, electronic project assembly, solar

telescopes, demonstrations of satellite communications, and much

more throughout the day

The JOTA at the National Scouting Museum, Irving, Texas ARISS contact time

has now been confirmed. Contact will begin at 18:30:30Z via telebridge

station VK6MJ in Australia. If you cannot join us at the Museum, you are

invited to listen in to the contact via the 146.88 Dallas Amateur Radio Club

repeater, via the Echolink “AMSAT” conference bridge or on UStream via URL

Lets light up the birds this JOTA weekend with Scout to Scout contacts.

Find a club or scouting organization near you that is running a JOTA station

and ask them if you can participate. Many of them have never experienced a

satellite radio contact and you will hook ‘em. For a list of BSA registered

JOTA stations, please check out the growing list at and find one in your

area. You can download the full spreadsheet there as well which has contact

information for the local organizer who have registered their events.

Outside the US contact your local Scouting agency and find out how you can


JOTA is a great way to get out of the ham shack and demonstrate the thrill

of Amateur Radio Satellites to an eager audience.

Boy Scouts of America JOTA Page:

World Scouting Organization JOTA Page:


National Scouting Museum JOTA Page:

[ANS thanks the Boy Scouts of America, the National Museum of

Scouting, the World Scouting Organization, and the ARRL for

the above information]

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