Hill 2 Hill: Titiwangsa Challenge 2012

This event is the first ever in Malaysia to challenge cyclist to win the “King of Mountain” title.

There are six (6) categories in this event:

1.Man Open

2.Woman Open

3.MTB Man Open

4.Man Under 23 years old

5.Man 36 – 45 years old

6.Man 46 years above

This event have two (2) stages to complete for FUNRIDE.

1.Stage 1 funride starts from Tanah Rata to Brinchang and downward to Pos Betau and ends at Kuala Medang Bridge.

2.Stage 2 funride from Kuala Medang Bridge to Taman Tasik Raub, stop for refreshment and then ride Fraser Hill’s roundabout.

3.For Racers, rolling start from Taman Tasik Raub to 0km at Tranum junction. Race begins here towards Fraser Hill’s roundabout.

But for those who want to have a really enchanting weekend cycling down from Cameron Highland and have a very delicious dinner meals “kampong cuisine” at Kuala Medang (a place to visit for its beautiful panoramic scenery and lots of places to visit), this is the right time to join.

The very next day, riders starts cycling to Taman Tasik Raub (Feeding Zone) rest for a while and start cycling again to Fraser Hill. For riders who signup for the race, the rolling start is from Taman Tasik Raub to Tras. 0km starts here. The race ends at the Fraser Hill’s roundabout.


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