Portable Taman KOSAS, Ampang

Atas urusan saltmine untuk kali  ketiga dalam bulan ini aku keluar lagi, kali ini portable di Taman KOSAS Ampang pada waktu pejabat.

Bermula pada hari ini 30 Oktober hingga 1 November 2012 aku akan berkursus di sini.

Jika berkelapangan bolehlah aku monitor di mana-mana jalur. Kali ini aku tidak terjumpa mana-mana jelopi yang bercallsign di sini.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA




CQ Contest

20121028 01:22 14169.0 KC1XX K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:22 14169.0 NX9G K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:24 14173.0 HK3C HK Colombia 9W2DYA

20121028 01:24 14173.0 AK8E K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:25 14173.0 HK3C HK Colombia 9W2DYA

20121028 01:26 14173.0 AB9M Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:27 14173.0 AB1 K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:27 14173.0 RU9UC UA9 Asiatic Russia 9W2DYA

20121028 01:27 14173.0 K6KAL K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:28 14173.0 K8GW K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:28 14173.0 KC4H K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:29 14173.0 W0AR K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:29 14173.0 W9AV K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:29 14173.0 N8AYY K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:30 14173.0 RA0QQ UA9 Asiatic Russia 9W2DYA

20121028 01:30 14173.0 N6HA K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:31 14173.0 N6HE K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:31 14173.0 K3PP K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:31 14173.0 N5CLK K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:32 14173.0 XE2AU XE Mexico 9W2DYA

20121028 01:33 14173.0 N9PS K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:34 14173.0 CE2LS ! CE Chile 9W2DYA

20121028 01:34 14173.0 W4RJC K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:34 14173.0 K9EN K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:35 14173.0 N7ZO K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:36 14173.0 W4FOT K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:38 14188.0 N6HE K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:39 14186.0 XE2AU XE Mexico 9W2DYA

20121028 01:43 14173.0 N4PSE K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:44 14173.0 RK0LWW UA9 Asiatic Russia 9W2DYA

20121028 01:44 14173.0 K8PO K United States 9W2DYA

WebSDR at K7UEB Walla Walla University Club Station


20121028 01:49 7112.0 RT6A UA European Russia 9W2DYA

20121028 01:50 7130.0 W3LPL Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:52 7109.0 ED5O Thanks! EA Spain 9W2DYA

20121028 01:52 7109.0 R2OFF Thanks! ! UA2 Kaliningrad 9W2DYA

20121028 01:52 7111.5 RT6A Thanks, new DXCC country! UA European Russia 9W2DYA

20121028 01:54 7138.0 W2RE Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:55 7142.0 G0EV Thanks! G England 9W2DYA

20121028 01:56 7147.0 UT5ERV Thanks! UR Ukraine 9W2DYA

20121028 01:57 7147.0 KB3WD Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 01:59 7160.0 W3UA Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 02:00 7170.0 K3PP Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 02:04 7170.0 DF0HQ Thanks! DL Germany 9W2DYA

20121028 02:05 7147.0 KC1XX Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 02:07 3706.0 OK2BQ Thanks! OK Czech Republic 9W2DYA

20121028 02:07 3706.0 DQ4WDQ4W Thanks! DL Germany 9W2DYA

20121028 02:08 3706.0 DL2CC Thanks! DL Germany 9W2DYA

20121028 02:08 3706.0 OH2PQ Thanks! OH Finland 9W2DYA

20121028 02:09 3706.0 DQ4W Thanks! DL Germany 9W2DYA

20121028 02:11 3710.0 HF8N Thanks! SP Poland 9W2DYA

20121028 02:12 3720.0 OH2PQ Thanks! OH Finland 9W2DYA

20121028 02:13 3720.0 OZ5E Thanks! OZ Denmark 9W2DYA

20121028 02:13 3720.0 RK9CYA Thanks! UA9 Asiatic Russia 9W2DYA

20121028 02:14 3720.0 RD3AW Thanks! UA European Russia 9W2DYA

20121028 02:16 3709.5 HF8N Thanks! SP Poland 9W2DYA

20121028 02:16 3694.0 HG7T Thanks! HA Hungary 9W2DYA

20121028 02:18 7147.0 KC1XX Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 02:18 7147.0 UV3Q Thanks! UR Ukraine 9W2DYA

20121028 02:18 7147.0 UV3QF Thanks! UR Ukraine 9W2DYA

20121028 02:19 7137.0 K4ZW Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 02:20 7137.0 RW6FP Thanks! UA European Russia 9W2DYA

20121028 02:20 7137.0 K4ZW Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

20121028 02:21 7130.0 W3LPL Thanks! K United States 9W2DYA

This receiver is located in the SP3PGX ham radio club at the University of Zielona Gora, Poland, JO71SW.


Sukasuka Ride Jamboree 2012

Anjuran : Rebz Venture Team

Dengan Kerjasama : Persatuaan Belia dan Sukan Rumah Awam lll & XTG Crews

Disokong Oleh : Pejabat Belia & Sukan Daerah Batang Padang, Tapah

Tarikh : 09 Dis 2012

Bayaran : RM50.00

Masa Berlepas : 0800H

Jarak : 30km±

Lokasi : Hutan Lipur Kuala Woh, Tapah, Perak.

Collect Godies : 08 Dis 2012 Jam 1200H - 1800H

Tarikh Tutup : 25 Nov 2012

Hot Line : +60195609577 / +60176652273 / +60194981642 / +60174031812

SMS : +60125828102

Email : rebzventure@gmail.com


1. Semua peserta WAJIB menggunakan peralatan dan pakaian yang bersesuaian (kasut & helmet) sepanjang hari pertandingan.

2. Pihak penganjur tidak bertanggungjawab keatas sebarang kerosakan, kehilangan peralatan dan kecederaan kepada peserta sepanjang pertandingan berlangsung.

3. Peserta mestilah sihat tubuh badan dan bebas dari sebarang penyakit kronik.

4. Penganjur berhak membatalkan penyertaan kepada peserta yang gagal serta tidak mematuhi arahan.

5. Segala keputusan penganjur adalah MUKTAMAD.

6. Penganjur berhak membuat sebarang perubahan pada waktu dan jarak perlumbaan.


Lelaki sesat di Gunung Nuang ditemui

KUALA LUMPUR — Seorang pendaki, Faiz Wan Zahidi, yang sesat dan dipercayai hilang sejak Isnin lepas di Gunung Nuang, Hulu Langat ditemui oleh pasukan penyelamat pada 5.50 petang semalam.

Penolong Pengarah Operasi Bomba dan Penyelamat Selangor, Mohamad Sani Harul berkata, Faiz, 32, ditemui di atas gunung, tiga jam perjalanan dari kaki gunung oleh anggota bomba, dalam keadaan selamat dan stabil.

Beliau berkata, Faiz yang sesat ditemui dalam keadaan keletihan dan dua hari tidak makan.

"Mangsa kini dirawat di Hospital Ampang untuk rawatan susulan,” katanya kepada Bernama ketika dihubungi di sini.

Sani berkata, pendaki dari Bangi itu mendaki secara individu dan telah dihantar oleh rakannya ke sana pada Isnin lepas.

"Kehilangan mangsa hanya disedari oleh rakannya apabila seharian tidak pulang. Rakan mangsa cuba menghubunginya tetapi tidak dapat,” katanya.

Operasi menyelamat dimulakan pada 1 petang semalam sejurus menerima laporan dari pihak polis.
Turut membantu operasi mencari dan menyelamat ialah polis dan anggota Jabatan Pertahanan Awam (JPAM), keanggotaan keseluruhan melibatkan seramai 27 orang. — BERNAMA

Operasi Mencari dan Menyelamat Mangsa Hilang Di Gunung Nuang

24 Oktober 2012 - Penolong Pengarah Bahagian Operasi Kebombaan dan Penyelamat JBPM Negeri Selangor, PgKB I Mohd Sani Harul berbangga dengan Pasukan Penyelamat yang bekerja keras menjalankan operasi mencari dan menyelamat ini. Menurut Komander Operasi, PBK II Seman Awang BBP Kajang, mangsa dikatakan hilang pada 22 Oktober 2012 di Gunung Nuang, Ulu Langat (Sumber PDRM). Walaubagaimana pun, mangsa berjaya dijumpai kira-kira pada jam 5.50 petang dalam keadaan lemah. Mangsa yang berumur 32 tahun itu berjaya dibawa turun pada jam 8.30 malam. Operasi SAR ini melibatkan pelbagai agensi antaranya PDRM, JPAM, Ambulans dan Pasukan Bomba.


Rupanya berita tentang kehilangan orang sesat di Gunung Nuang adalah benar. Tidak silap aku ada monitor di jalur komersial yang mengatakan terdapat laporan tentang seseorang ingin meminta bantuan di Gunung Nuang.
Ternyata si pelapor ingin meminta bantuan adalah benar kerana laporan dari pihak berkuasa dan media telah mengesahkan kejadian itu.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


Kenderaan bergerak perlahan di jambatan Sg Semenyih Lebuhraya Utara Selatan Arah Selatan

Bermula jam 4.30 petang ini kenderaan  Lebuhraya Utara Selatan di jambatan Sungai Semenyih arah selatan telah bergerak perlahan. Ketika artikel ini ditulis kadangkala kenderaan berhenti menunjukkan kesesakan untuk pulang ke selatan tanahair menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha esok.

Pemerhatian ini aku lakukan daripada base station yang dapat melihat pergerakan kenderaan yang perlahan. Cuaca pada ketika ini mendung dan kemungkinan besar akan ribut petir berdasarkan ramalan cuaca.

Kepada pemandu yang pulang berhari raya berhati-hati ketika memandu. Semoga selamat sampai dan berjumpa orang yang tersayang.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha diucapkan kepada muslimin dan muslimat.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


Ujian Kod Morse kedua 2012

Hari ini telah berlangsungnya Ujian Kod Morse kedua bagi tahun 2012. Aku berkesempatan bertandang di SKMM Cyberjaya untuk memberi sokongan kepada calon-calon yang akan berjuang hingga titis terakhir.

Ketika tiba di SKMM kelihatan tempat letak kereta penuh memaksa aku meletak jelopi dibelakang bangunan. Ketika meletak jelopi terdapat sebuah jelopi turut sampai iaitu 9M2BAL dan calon CW 9W2JJF dari Johor tetapi bermalam disini terlebih dahulu. Akupun mengambil kesempatan untuk bersalaman dengan mereka berdua.

Seharusnya aku mengucapkan tahniah kepada 9W2JJF Ustaz Ilyas yang sememngnya telah lulus selepas keputusan dikeluarkan. Cerita tentang kesungguhan beliau telah dicoretkan dalam blog 9M2ZAK.

Berikut adalah senarai calon yang lulus dan gagal yang dipetik dalam blog 9M2BAL http://9m2bal.blogspot.com/2012/10/keputusan-sesi-receive-morse-code-test.html


9W2NBQ - Abd. Aziz bin Abd. Malek

9W2DEL - Ahmad Fadhil B. Izharuddin

9W2TZA - Ahmad Rizal Bin Jusoh

9W2DYJ - Amran B Hj Sarip

9W2JJI - Azizi Bin Rahman @ Abd Rahman

9W2RZI - Md. Razi B Mohd Zin

9W2FWA - Mohamad Azla Bin Kamaruddin

9W2JJF - Mohamad Ilyas Bin Ismail

9W2DSH - Mohd Shahiran Bin Mohd Yusoff

9W2RDQ - Muhamad Subian Bin Sukaimy

9W2SGN - Shahrul Azril Bin Sulaiman

9W2GNS - Shahrul Nizam Bin Hashim

9W2WND - Wahid Bin Mohamed

9W2VDO - Wan Abd Rahim Bin Wan Ibrahim


9W2AKL - Ab LLah Bin Hamat

9W2LLH - Ahmad Safri Bin Abdul Aziz

9W2XCL - Ahmad Shafi Boniface Bin Abdullah

9W2BGG - Azwan Bin Ariffin

9W6CEM - Edmond Mosiun

9W2JSY - Jemain Bin Othman

9W2FNN - Khairul Affandie Bin Che Hassan

9W2OHM - Khaleelullah Quraishi

9W2MLW - Mohamad Zahlan Bin Abu Hassan

9W2MBT - Mohamed Bin Ali

9W2MFP - Mohd Faisal Bin Sahbudin

9W2OYY - Mohd Mujahideen Bin Noordin

9W2RIC - Mohd Sabri Bin Ali

9W2YND - Mohd Sahidan Bin Abdullah

9W2BTQ - Muhammad Naim Bin Abdullah

9W2JNX - Noor Hisham Bin Yusop

9W2GSG - Nornazmi Bin Julaini

9W2TS - Saad Bin Mat

9W2ZBS - Zakaria Bin Seman

9W2ZRZ - Zanzuri Bin Ab Rahman

Tidak Hadir:

9W2PIE - Ahmad Supiee Bin Yadi

9W2ATR - Amarul Bin Talip

9W2BBS - Fahroradzi Bin Ibrahim

9W2BDM - Nor Azmi Bin Mohamed Nor

9W2TGR - Radzi Bin Nawi

9W2RCJ - Richard A/L Clarence Joseph

9W2CZC - Zainal Abidin Bin Ali

Lulus : 34%

Gagal : 49%

Tidak Hadir: 17%  

Kemudian aku berselisih dengan rakan ADARC47 yang lama tak berjumpa  iaitu 9M2AIR, 9M2AIS dan 9M2BMX serta 9W2MHJ serta calon cw 9W2YND. Apapun kepada shark jangan kecewa kegagalan kali ini, mungkin lain kali boleh cuba lagi. Berikut gambar-gambar dari laman blog http://adarc47.blogspot.com/

Suasana ruang legar SKMM sebelum ujian

Eyeball sempena Ujian CW

9W2YND Mohd Sahidan Bin Abdullah

Ini aku hehe 9W2DYA terima kasih Hatta 9W2MHJ ambil gambar ini hehe

9M2BMX Azman

9M2AIR Halim dan 9M2AIS Faiz

Kemudian kami semua masuk ke dalam ruang legar bersalaman ramai rakan yang datang memberi sokongan kepada calon-calon. Ramai nama besar hadir memberi sokongan pada kali  ini, memeriahkan suasana ujian untuk kali kedua bagi tahun 2012.

Aku juga dapat bersalaman dengan 9M2AUR Aimil dan rakannya dari Melaka. Dia bertanya pada aku bila nak ambil cw? hehe kena belajar dulu baru boleh ambil ujian.

Tepat jam 10.00 pagi ujian telah bermula di bilik seminar. Gelagat rakan-rakan di luar bilik dapat dilihat untuk mengetahui apakah soalan yang dikemukakan pada tahun ini.

Ohh begitu rupanya ujian ini dijalankan sekarang baru aku faham bagaimana suasana ujian ini berlangsung. Rakan memberi tip bagaimana kita hendak menghadapi ujian sebegini. Secara tidak langsung aku juga dapat mempelajari sesuatu walaupun buat masa ini sememangnya aku tidak faham Kod Morse itu.

Selepas setengah jam calon-calon keluar dengan pelbagai reaksi. Ada yang berpuas hati dengan pencapaian peribadi dan ada sebaliknya. Ini adalah perkara biasa pada suasana ujian. Menurut blog 9M2BAL Iqbal seorang calon telah digagalkan kerana menggunakan smartphone untuk decode. Mungkin selepas ini semua calon tidak dibenarkan membawa sebarang gajet terutamanya smartphone yang mempunyai CW reader.

Berikut adalah gambar dari blog 9M2BAL: http://9m2bal.blogspot.com

Sebelah Pak Yop itu adalah ustaz Ilyas 9W2JJF

Tahniah kepada yang berjaya dan yang gagal boleh cuba dan cuba lagi   73, Jojet, 9W2DYA   http://9w2dya.blogspot.com    

2012 CQ WW DX SSB Contest

SSB: October 27-28, 2012

CW: November 24-25, 2012

Starts: 0000 UTC Saturday

Ends: 2359 UTC Sunday

I. OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the world to contact other amateurs in as many zones and countries as possible.

II. BANDS: Six bands only: 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz.

III. For all categories:

1. All entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category when performing any activity that could impact their submitted score.

2. You must not exceed the total output power limitation of your chosen category on any band. Total output power on any band at any time is measured at the output of the active amplifier(s).

3. Operating location: All transmitters and receivers used by the entrant must be located within a single 500-meter diameter circle or within the property limits of the station licensee's address, whichever is greater.

4. All antennas used by the entrant must be physically connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the entrant.

5. Only the entrant's call sign can be used to aid the entrant's score.

6. A different call sign must be used for each CQ WW entry.

7. An entrant's remote station is determined by the physical location of the transmitters, receivers, and antennas. A remote station must obey all station and category limitations of Rule III.

8. A competitor who wishes to be judged for a top score in their category must agree to a potential visitation at any time during the contest by an observer appointed by the CQ WW Contest Committee (CQ WW CC). Failure of the entrant to respond to our correspondence or to allow a CQ WW CC observer full access to the contest QTH during the full contest period may result in the competitor being removed from award eligibility for 3 years.

9. Self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not allowed.

10. Only one signal on a band is allowed at any time.

11. Remote receivers outside the limitations of Rule III.3 are not allowed. The only exception is public remote skimmers which are allowed for the Multi-Operator, Assisted and Xtreme categories.

12. When two or more transmitters are present on the same band, a hardware device MUST be used to prevent more than one signal at any one time; interlocking two or more transmitters on a band with alternating CQs (soliciting contacts) is not allowed.

13. Post-contest correcting of call signs by using any database, recordings or confirming QSO's is not allowed (Rule XII.2 always applies).

14. All competitors are expected to have read and to comply with the rules of the chosen category. The entrant agrees that any violation of CQ WW contest rules makes the entrant subject to either a red or yellow card (see rule XIII).


A. Single Operator (All-Band or Single-Band): only one person (= the entrant) can contribute to the final score during the official contest period. Call sign alerting assistance of any kind places the entrant in one of the Single Operator Assisted categories. For all single operator categories, all-band or single-band, only one signal is allowed at any time; for the all-band category the operator can change bands at any time.

1. Single Operator: QSO alerting assistance of any kind is not allowed.

a. Single Operator High Power (All-Band or Single-Band): Total output power must not exceed 1500 watts on any band at any time (see III.2).

b. Single Operator Low Power (All-Band or Single-Band): Total output power must not exceed 100 watts on any band at any time (see III.2).

c. Single Operator QRP (All-Band or Single-Band): Total output power must not exceed 5 watts on any band at any time (see III.2).

2. Single Operator Assisted: Any public QSO alerting assistance is allowed for all assisted categories. This includes, but is not limited to, DX Cluster-type networks, local or remote Skimmer and/or Skimmer-like technology and reverse beacon network. A local Skimmer is one obeying Rule III.3.

a. Single Operator High Power Assisted (All-Band or Single-Band): Total output power must not exceed 1500 watts on any band at any time (see III.2).

b. Single Operator Low Power Assisted (All-Band or Single-Band): Total output power must not exceed 100 watts on any band at any time (see III.2).

c. Single Operator QRP Assisted (All-Band or Single-Band): Total output power must not exceed 5 watts on any band at any time (see III.2).

B. Multi-Operator Categories (all-band operation only): Any public QSO spotting help is allowed. Any number of operators is allowed. Total output power must not exceed 1500 watts on any band at any time (see III.2).

1. Single Transmitter (MS): Only one transmitter and one band permitted during any 10-minute period (run transmitter).Exception: One- and only one-other band may be used during any 10-minute period, if-and only if-, the station worked is a new multiplier (multiplier transmitter). The run and multiplier transmitters are governed by independent ten minute rules. Ten-minute periods are defined as starting with the first logged QSO on a band (see Rule XII.2). The multiplier station cannot call CQ (solicit contacts). Logs found in violation of the 10-minute rule may be reclassified as M2. The log must indicate which transmitter (run or multiplier) made each QSO.

2. Two Transmitters (M2): A maximum of two transmitted signals at any time on two different bands. Both transmitters may work any station.A station may only be worked once per band regardless of which transmitter is used. The log must indicate which transmitter made each QSO. Each transmitter may make a maximum of 8 band changes in any clock hour.

3. Multi-Transmitter (MM): A maximum of six transmitted signals, one per band, at any one time. Six bands may be activated simultaneously.

C. Xtreme Contesting: To encourage the development of new technologies in contesting. The rules for the Xtreme category are different from the rules presented here. For the full Xtreme rules, go to and click on rules for the Xtreme category.

D. Team Contesting: A team consists of any five radio amateurs operating in any single operator category. A person may be on only one team per mode. Competing on a team will not prevent any team member from submitting his/her personal score for a radio club. A team score will be the sum of all the team members submitting scores. SSB and CW teams are totally separate. A member of an SSB team may be on a totally different CW team. A list of a team's members must be received at CQ Headquarters by the time the contest begins. E-mail to , or mail or fax the list to CQ, Attn: Team Contest, 25 Newbridge Road, Hicksville, NY 11801 U.S.A.; fax 516-681-2926. Awards will be given to the top teams on each mode.

V. NUMBER EXCHANGE: Phone: RS report plus zone (e.g., 5905). CW: RST report plus zone (e.g., 59905).

VI. MULTIPLIER: Two types of multiplier will be used.

1. A multiplier of one (1) for each different zone contacted on each band.

2. A multiplier of one (1) for each different country contacted on each band. Stations are permitted to contact their own country and zone for multiplier credit. The Worked All Zones written rules, DXCC entity list, Worked All Europe (WAE) multiplier list and IG9/IH9, and WAC boundaries are standards. Maritime mobile stations count only for a zone multiplier.


1. Contacts between stations on different continents are worth three (3) points.

2. Contacts between stations on the same continent but different countries, one (1) point. Exception: For North American stations only, contacts between stations within the North American boundaries count two (2) points.

3. Contacts between stations in the same country are permitted for zone or country multiplier credit but have zero (0) point value.

VIII. SCORING: All stations: the final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of your zone and country multipliers. Example: 1000 QSO points × 100 multiplier (30 Zones + 70 Countries) = 100,000 (final score).

IX. AWARDS: First-place certificates will be awarded in each category listed under Sec.IV in every participating country and in each call area of the United States, Canada and Japan. All scores will be published. To be eligible for an award, a Single-operator station must show a minimum of 12 hours of operation. Multi-operator stations must operate a minimum of 24 hours. A single-band log is eligible for a single-band award only. If a log contains more than one band it will be judged as an all-band entry, unless specified otherwise. In countries or call areas where the returns justify, 2nd and 3rd place awards will be made. All certificates/plaques will be issued to the licensee of the station used.

X. TROPHIES AND PLAQUES: Plaques and trophies are awarded for top performance in a number of categories. They are sponsored by individuals and organizations. For a current list of plaques and sponsors, or to learn how to become a sponsor, see the CQ WW DX website www.cqww.com or the CQ website: . A station winning a World trophy will not be considered for a sub-area award; the trophy will be awarded to the runner-up in that area.


1. The club must be a local group and not a national organization.

2. Participation is limited to club members living within a local geographic area defined as within a 275 km radius from the center of club area (except for DXpeditions conducted by members living within the defined club geographic area). Club contributions from DXpedition scores are a percentage of the number of club members on the DXpedition.

3. To be listed, a minimum of three logs (combined phone and CW) must be received from a club, and an officer of the club must submit a list of eligible members for each contest.


1. All times must be in UTC.

2. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged. In addition to the number exchange, the call sign sent by an entrant during a completed exchange, must be logged as sent by the entrant. All QSO exchanges must be logged upon QSO completion.

3. If submitting a paper log, you must indicate zone and country multipliers the FIRST TIME worked on each band. This is not required for electronic Cabrillo log submissions.

4. Electronic log submission is strongly encouraged. The Committee requires an electronic log for any possible high-scoring log.

By submitting a log to the CQ WW Contest, the entrant agrees to have the log open to the public. If possible, we would appreciate complete frequencies in the log (rule III.14 applies). E-mail Required Content: Please submit your log in the Cabrillo file format created by all major logging programs.

Be sure to put the STATION CALL SIGN in the "Subject:" line of each message. Your e-mail log will automatically be acknowledged by the server. You will also receive a personal access code from the server at a later time (usually in late spring). Electronic submission implies a signed declaration that all contest rules and regulations for amateur radio in the country of operation have been observed. Submit your CQ WW SSB log to < ssb@cqww.com > and your CQ WW CW log to < cw@cqww.com >.

5. Paper log submission: Use a separate log sheet for each band.

Each paper log entry MUST be accompanied by a summary sheet showing all scoring information, category of competition, and contestant's name and address in BLOCK LETTERS. Sample log and summary sheets and zone maps are available from CQ. A large, self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage or IRCs must accompany your request. If official forms are not available, make up your own, 80 contacts to the page on 8 1/2" × 11" paper or European A4. All paper log entrants are required to submit cross-check sheets (an alphabetical list of calls worked) for each band on which 200 or more QSOs were made. Send paper logs to Paper Logs, Box 481, New Carlisle, Ohio 45344, USA. Please mark SSB or CW on the envelope.

6. QRP and Low Power stations must indicate their category on their summary sheets and state the actual maximum power output used in the comment section of their Cabrillo submission.


Violation of a contest rule makes the entrant subject to a red, a yellow card, a warning letter or log rejection at the discretion of the CQ WW CC (rule III.14 always applies).

a. YELLOW card: One Yellow card: entrant not eligible for an award in the entered contest. An entrant or operator issued a yellow card will be listed at the end of the published results. Two Yellow cards: An entrant receiving two yellow cards in three consecutive CQ WW DX contests is equal to a Red Card.

b. RED card: One Red card: entrant not eligible for an award in the entered contest. Entrants receiving a red card will be listed at the end of the published results. An entrant or operator receiving a Red card will be ineligible for any CQ-sponsored contest award for a period of one year beginning with the publication of the violation in CQ magazine. Two Red cards: An entry or operator receiving two Red cards within five consecutive CQ WW DX contests will be ineligible for any CQ-sponsored contest award for a period of two years beginning the month of publication of the second violation in CQ magazine. If the entrant receiving a Red card is in a multi-operator category, all listed operators are so affected.

c. Further CQ WW CC actions:

1. The entrant agrees that the CQ WW CC reserves the right to reject any entry.

2. Bad QSO: The bad QSO is removed and a penalty of three more equivalent QSOs is applied to the points only.

3. Unsportsmanlike conduct can be grounds for action by the CQ WW CC. Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct includes but is not limited to: violation of the CQ WW rules; ANY use by an entrant of any non-amateur means during the contest including, but not limited to, telephones, Internet, instant messaging, chat rooms, VoIP, or the use of any DX cluster/reflector to ARRANGE, or CONFIRM any contacts during the contest; repetitive frequency transmissions outside oflicense limitations by the entrant; post-contest modification of a log by using data sources to correct call sign/exchange errors and "rubber clocking" by the entrant.

4. Taking credit for excessive unverifiable QSOs or unverifiable multipliers may result in a Yellow or Red card at the discretion of the CQ WW CC.

5. An entrant is free to withdraw his/her submitted log for any reason prior to receiving an official letter from the CQ WW CC.

6. By submitting a CQ WW DX Contest log, an entrant agrees that the issuing of Red cards, Yellow cards, and other decisions of the CQ WW CC are official and final.

7. Disqualification actions taken by the EUHFC, the SCC RTTY Championship and the JIDXC will honored by the CQ family of contests as if a red card had been issued.

8. Questions concerning these rules should be e-mailed to: .


1. All entries must be sent WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS after the end of the contest. November 2, 2012 for the SSB section and November 30, 2012 for the CW section.

2. An extension may be given if requested by e-mail (questions@cqww.com). The granted extension must be confirmed by the Contest Director, must state a legitimate reason, and the request must be received before the log mailing deadline. Logs dated after the extension deadline may be listed in the results but will be declared ineligible for an award.


Ujian Kod Morse kedua tahun 2012

Pada hari ini jam 10.00 pagi akan berlangsung Ujian Kod Morse (CW) kedua bagi tahun 2012. Ia akan berlangsung di dua pusat iaitu di SKMM Cyberjaya dan Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Kepada calon-calon CW diucapkan semoga berjaya lulus untuk mendapatkan 9M dan terbang lebih jauh lagi

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


Memantau ISS di lokalan Alam Damai

Selepas mesyuarat habis di Ampang aku terus ke Alam Damai sementara menunggu untuk menjemput XYL.

Aku melepak di Restoran BRJ merupakan port rakan V47 eyeball. Sambil minum aku memantau ISS ketika itu kebetulan sedang melalui Semenanjung Malaysia.

Ketika minum, kelihatan jelopi 9W2TAX muncul di sini. Tak sempat bersalaman didaratan memandangkan melihat beliau sibuk berurusan dengan rakannya.

Data APRS ketika ISS melalui Malaysia tertera callsign 9W2TFF, 9W2DIE dan 9W2CEH.

2012-10-18 07:05:12Z


>CQ,SGATE,qAR,9W2TFF-1:>ARISS - International Space Station (BBS/APRS on)

2012-10-18 07:03:12Z


>CQ,SGATE,qAR,9W2DIE-1:>ARISS - International Space Station (BBS/APRS on)

2012-10-18 07:01:13Z


>CQ,SGATE,qAR,9W2CEH-3:>ARISS - International Space Station (BBS/APRS on)

2012-10-18 06:59:12Z


>CQ,SGATE,qAR,9W2CEH-3:>ARISS - International Space Station (BBS/APRS on)

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


Portable di Tasek Permai, Ampang

Hari ini dan esok aku akan portable di sebuah sekolah di Tasek Permai bagi menghadiri taklimat dan mesyuarat.

Kedudukan sekolah ini di atas bukit membolehkan aku melihat pemandangan bandaraya Kuala Lumpur dengan jelas. Kelihatan Menara Berkembar Petronas dan Menara Kuala Lumpur dari bangunan ini.

Aku akan cuba memanggil mana-mana rakan yang berkesudian untuk QSO apabila berkelapangan. QRV V47 145.5875MHz menjadi pilihan aku. Harap ada rakan yang monitor dijalur ini pada waktu pejabat.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


National Scouting Museum to Celebrate JOTA With ARISS Contact

The weekend of October 20-21, 2012 is Scouting's 55th Jamboree-on-

the-Air (JOTA). JOTA is a World Scouting event that bridges Scouts

all over the world via amateur radio.

The official hours are from Saturday at 00:00 hours local time to

Sunday 24:00. JOTA is not a contest but idea is to contact as many

stations as possible during the weekend. So you will hear Scouting

stations calling "CQ Jamboree," or answering the calls. All amateur

radio operators are invited to participate. An even better idea is

to invite Scouts to your station or club to take part in JOTA.

JOTA will be the main event at the National Scouting Museum. Numer-

ous amateur radio stations will be set up throughout the Museum,

allowing for both local and global communication by various modes.

There will also be many other fun and educational activities; such

as hidden transmitter hunts, electronic project assembly, solar

telescopes, demonstrations of satellite communications, and much

more throughout the day

The JOTA at the National Scouting Museum, Irving, Texas ARISS contact time

has now been confirmed. Contact will begin at 18:30:30Z via telebridge

station VK6MJ in Australia. If you cannot join us at the Museum, you are

invited to listen in to the contact via the 146.88 Dallas Amateur Radio Club

repeater, via the Echolink “AMSAT” conference bridge or on UStream via URL


Lets light up the birds this JOTA weekend with Scout to Scout contacts.

Find a club or scouting organization near you that is running a JOTA station

and ask them if you can participate. Many of them have never experienced a

satellite radio contact and you will hook ‘em. For a list of BSA registered

JOTA stations, please check out the growing list at

http://www.scouting.org/jota/registered_stations.aspx and find one in your

area. You can download the full spreadsheet there as well which has contact

information for the local organizer who have registered their events.

Outside the US contact your local Scouting agency and find out how you can


JOTA is a great way to get out of the ham shack and demonstrate the thrill

of Amateur Radio Satellites to an eager audience.

Boy Scouts of America JOTA Page:


World Scouting Organization JOTA Page:




National Scouting Museum JOTA Page:


[ANS thanks the Boy Scouts of America, the National Museum of

Scouting, the World Scouting Organization, and the ARRL for

the above information]


Sunita Williams Chats with Malaysian Students

Sekolah Kebangsaan students in Putrajaya, Malaysia spoke with Sunita Williams, KD5PLB aboard the ISS

through an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact on Sunday, October 7. The

school was invited to participate in the contact by the National Space Agency Satellite Ground Station,

9M2RPN, in conjunction with the “Prime Minister’s National Space Challenge Trophy 2012,” an annual

event since 2007 when the Malaysian astronaut, Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, flew to the ISS.


Komunikasi secara langsung bersama Komander ISS, Kapten Sunita Williams

Kuala Lumpur, 7 Oktober -- Seramai 16 orang pelajar bertuah kerana berpeluang berkomunikasi dengan Komander Wanita Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa (ISS), Kapten Sunita L. William sebentar tadi. Program anjuran Agensi Angkasa Negara (ANGKASA) ini merupakan sebuah aktiviti kesinambungan daripada Program National Space Challenge dan juga sebahagian daripada aktiviti Sambutan Minggu Angkasa Sedunia yang sedang berlangsung dari 4 hingga 10 Oktober 2012.

Williams, 47, telah diiktirafkan sebagai wanita pertama yang paling lama tinggal di ISS iaitu selama 195 hari. Beliau juga pernah dinobatkan sebagai wanita pertama yang pernah melakukan empat kali spacewalk dengan jumlah jam selama 29 jam dan 17 minit.

Beliau telah berlepas ke ISS pada 14 Julai 2012 daripada Baikonur Cosmodrome di Kazakhstan bersama-sama Komander Soyuz Rusia, Yuri Malenchenko dan Jurutera Penerbangan, Akihiko Hoshide daripada Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency sehingga bulan November 2012 nanti.

Sebelum menyertai NASA, Williams merupakan seorang juruterbang dan kemudiannya menjadi juruterbang percubaan pesawat dan telah melakukan 3,000 jam penerbangan dengan lebih 30 jenis pesawat.

William juga telah menerima beberapa anugerah dan pengiktirafan tinggi negaranya. Antaranya adalah anugerah Pingat Kepujian Tentera Laut sebanyak dua kali, Pingat Pencapaian Tentera Laut dan Kor Marin, Pingat Perkhidmatan Kemanusiaan, Pingat "For Merit in Space Exploration" (Russia 2011) bagi untuk sumbangan cemerlang kepada pembangunan kerjasama antarabangsa dalam penerbangan angkasa yang dikendalikan dan Anugerah tertinggi India Padam Bhushan pada tahun 2007.

Sepanjang berada di ISS, Williams dan krewnya dijangka akan melakukan 30 misi saintifik.
16 orang pelajar sekolah ini telah dipilih daripada SK Tun Dr Ismail (1) dan SMK Tun Sr Ismail Kuala Lumpur. Program sebentar tadi juga turut dimeriahkan dengan kehadirian Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Agensi Angkasa Negara, YBhg Dr Nordin Ahmad dan Pengarah Planetarium Negara, YBrs Puan Azreena Ahmad.



Acara/Program : PD FOREST CHALLENGE 2 MTB 2012

Tarikh : Sabtu, 24 November 2012 ( 8.00 pagi )

Tempat : Hutan Simpan Sungai Menyala, Jalan Sua Betong, Port Dickson

Jarak Laluan : 40-45km Merentas Desa

Maksimum Penyertaan : 600-700 Orang

Tarikh Tutup : 24 November 2012 (Sebelum 7.30 pagi)

Check Point : 4-5 check point.

‘Race Kit’ termasuk:-

Plate dan Cable Tight

T-shirt/barangan tajaan

Goodies etc...  

6.30 pagi - 8.00 pagi

Peserta melaporkan diri di kaunter pendaftaran (lokasi kaunter pendaftaran berdekatan

dengan balai pengawal Kompleks Hutan Simpan Sungai Menyala.

8.20 pagi

Semua peserta dikehendaki berada di garis Mula (START LINE) di hadapan

Kompleks Hutan Simpan Sungai Menyala.

Taklimat akhir oleh Ketua Penganjur.

Bacaan Doa Selamat.

8.30 pagi

Pelepasan peserta

12.00 tengahari

Semua peserta di jangka sampai di garisan penamat di hadapan

Kompleks Hutan Simpan Sungai Menyala.

Rehat dan makan tengahari.

1.00 petang

Penutup dan penyampaian hadiah, cenderahati dan cabutan bertuah.

2.00 petang

Tamat acara/bersurai



" MARL NATIONAL FIELD DAY 2012" akan berlangsung pada jam 10.00 pg, 1hb Disember

2012 (Hari Sabtu) hingga jam 12.00 tgh, 2hb Disember 2012 (Hari Ahad). Lokasi Stesyen

Pusat MARL akan diadakan di Tasek Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Semua persatuan2 / kelab2 Radio Amatur yang menjadi ahli MARL adalah di pelawa untuk

mendirikan stesyen di Negeri masing2. Penyertaan individu2 dan persatuan2 / kelab2 yang

bukan menjadi ahli MARL adalah juga di alu2kan. Syarat punca kuasa stesyen mestilah

menggunakan batteri atau generator set, Sebarang maklumat, sila hubungi Event Manager,

MARL, 9M2YRS ( Rasid Sidek / Pak Yop - 019 331 7388)


Portable Jalan Tiga Bandar Baru Bangi

Sempena Peperiksaan Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) yang berlangsung minggu ini dan minggu hadapan aku akan berportable di Jalan Tiga, Bandar Baru Bangi.

Sebagai pengawas, aku akan menjalankan tugasan di sebuah sekolah di sini. Bermula semalam hingga minggu hadapan tugasan ini akan dijalankan secara penuh tanggungjawab.

Ketika di sini aku telah terlihat 2 jelopi yang bercallsign iaitu 9W2NMT dan 9W2BIA. Aku hanya perasan jelopi 9W2NMT mungkin dibawa oleh XYL beliau yang bertugas sebagai guru. Tetapi jelopi 9W2BIA masih belum lagi kelihatan tuan punya.

Jika hendak ke sini dari Tol Bangi anda akan lihat antena Yagi di simpang masuk ke sekolah ini. Tower yang didirikan dibelakang rumah sudah pasti rakan ham yang memilikinya. Aku tak berkesempatan nak meninjau siapakah gerangan yang empunya base stesen itu?

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


Weather Forecasting Tools - The radiosonde

This Monday, the weather is expected to deliver gusty winds to Roswell, NM thanks to a cold front. The wind for the launch of the 30 mcf balloon must be 2 mph or less.

Meteorologist Don Day delivered the news of a 24 hour delay to Felix Baumgartner and the entire launch crew. Instead of flying Monday as scheduled, our attempt to reach 120,000 feet will probably take place Tuesday.

Forecast details:

A strong cold front with sharply colder temperatures, low clouds and some drizzle will be moving through eastern New Mexico over the weekend. While the weather will greatly improve on Monday with clearing skies and warmer temperatures, wind speeds are expected to be above acceptable levels for a safe launch on Monday morning. Wind speeds are forecast to be between (8 - 16 km/h) 5 - 10 mph with winds near the balloon top at (16 - 24 km/h) 10 to 15 mph, as Don Day explains. Baumgartner will be using the largest manned balloon in history: 550 feet/ 168 meters high at the start with a volume of 30 million cubic feet/ 850.000 cubic meters!

“The good news is that we usually have a day or two after this type of cold front moves through where the weather can be favorable for a balloon launch“, Don Day says.

A new addition to forecasting for Roswell launch site - The Radiosonde:

•The small radiosonde (about 1/2 pound) dangles under the balloon (looks like an oversized birthday balloon). Don Day says using local radiosonde data is better than using the sounding from El Paso or Albuquerque, New Mexico. Our own radiosonde will offer very specific data to Roswell since it will be released from the same launch location for Felix.

.•The radiosonde takes measurements of air temperature, dew point, altitude, wind speed/direction, and atmospheric pressure.

.•The goal is to examine the profile of the atmosphere all the way to 130,000 feet.

.•The temperature profile in the stratosphere is not expected to change much between now and launch time, which makes forecasting Felix’s landing zone even better.

.The best indicator we have that Felix will break the speed of sound is from radiosonde data. It profiles the atmosphere, most importantly the temperature which is what NAA official observer, Brian Utley, wants to examine. Speed of sound is determined by temperature. The warmer it is, the faster Felix would have to go to break the speed of sound. Basically, the colder the better to ensure a supersonic fall. Actual telemetry can be compared to the radiosonde data in mission control to identify when Felix breaks the speed of sound too.

Brian says, “The atmosphere is a living element….we want to know its status. You might say we’re taking the pulse of the atmosphere just before we launch the balloon.”


MTB Putrajaya 2012

Tarikh 2 Disember 2012 (Ahad)

Lokasi Taman Wetland Putrajaya,

Presint 13, Putrajaya.

Penyertaan Terhad kepada 2,000 peserta

Jarak 45km-55km (20% road + 80% off-road)

Yuran Penyertaan RM 50.00 setiap penyertaan

Ketegori :

1. TERBUKA LELAKI - 17 - 44 tahun

2. TERBUKA WANITA - 17 tahun ke atas

3. VETERAN LELAKI - 45 tahun ke atas

4. JUNIOR LELAKI - 10-16 tahun





Para peserta yang telah membuat bayaran di kehendaki untuk menghantar salinan slip bayaran menerusi email (mtbputrajaya@gmail.com) untuk pengesahan penyertaan dan pengesahan nombor plat penyertaan.

TARIKH TUTUP PENYERTAAN : 10.11.2012 (sabtu)

-Terima Kasih-


APRS station 9W2DYA

Comment: QRV 145.5875MHz

Location: 3°03.26' N 101°45.33' E - locator OJ03VB03PA - show map - static map

2.4 km North bearing 15° from Kampong Baharu Balakong, Malaysia [?]

12.3 km Southeast bearing 142° from Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

34.0 km East bearing 86° from Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

Last position: 2012-10-04 09:43:11 UTC (1d 28m ago)

2012-10-04 17:43:11 MYT local time at Kampong Baharu Balakong, Malaysia [?]

Altitude: 85 m

Course: 0°

Device: Open Source: APRSdroid version 12 (mobile, Android)

Last path: 9W2DYA-5>APDR12 via TCPIP*,qAC,T2NUERNBG

Positions stored: 4

Packet rate: 460 seconds between packets on average during 5061 seconds.

Other SSIDs: 9W2DYA-10

Comment: QRV 145.5875MHz

Location: 2°53.00' N 101°47.39' E - locator OJ02VV41SX - show map - static map

8.9 km North bearing 355° from Kampung Baharu Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia [?]

8.9 km West bearing 277° from Beranang, Selangor, Malaysia

30.9 km South bearing 158° from Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

41.2 km Southeast bearing 114° from Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

Last position: 2012-10-04 11:49:12 UTC (22h28m ago)

2012-10-04 19:49:12 MYT local time at Kampung Baharu Nilai, Malaysia [?]

Altitude: 24 m

Course: 0°

Device: Open Source: APRSdroid version 12 (mobile, Android)

Last path: 9W2DYA-10>APDR12 via TCPIP*,qAC,T2NORWAY

Positions stored: 5

Packet rate: 257 seconds between packets on average during 1283 seconds.

Other SSIDs: 9W2DYA-5


 Akhirnya callsign 9W2DYA berjaya dipaparkan pada http://aprs.fi setelah aku uploadkan dari http://aprsdroid.org  

Aku akan mengaktifkan aprs ini apabila terdapat wifi di mana-mana aku berada. Jadi, rakan boleh mengesan kedudukan aku terkini apabila aprs ini diaktifkan.

Merujuk kepada Google Maps APRS ramai rakan ham di Lembah Klang aktif dalam aprs ini.   Kita boleh mendapat maklumat lanjut aktiviti tentang aprs melalui http://www.myaprs.my/  

 Teknologi ini membantu kita berhubung dengan lebih efektif apabila kedudukan seseorang dapat dikesan secara terkini. Kita boleh memanggil mana-mana rakan yang berdekatan atau berhampiran bagi memudahkan QSO dijalankan.  

Jadi, jika anda tidak mempunyai alat yang berfungsi untuk aprs bolehlah upload sahaja telefon anda agar ia dapat berfungsi dan membantu rakan mengesan di mana anda berada.

Selamat mencuba bagi memeriahkan lagi aktiviti radio melalui aprs ini.  

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA 


EPC Russia DX Contest

The 4th EPC Russia DX Contest will be held from 04:00 UTC on 06.10.2012 to 03:59 UTC on 07.10.2012.

The Russian Section of the European PSK Club has the honour to invite the radio amateurs all over the world to participate in the EPC Russia DX Contest 2012. The objective of the contest is to establish as many contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in Russia on BPSK63 mode. The Contest is annually held at the first weekend in October in BPSK63 mode on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters bands. Every station can be contacted once per band. The operator may change the bands without any restrictions. The output power should not exceed 10 watts on 160 meters and 100 watts on other bands. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time.


SOAB [Single operator, all bands. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may change bands at any time.]

SOLF [Single operator, 160, 80 and 40 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 160, 80 and 40 meters only.]

SOHF [Single operator, 20, 15 and 10 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 20, 15 and 10 meters only.]

MOAB [Multi-operator station, all bands.]

Groups of Entrants:

There are two separate groups of entrants:

RUSSIA - All participants from the Russian Federation.

WORLD - All the rest participants.

Number Exchange:

RSQ is not sent. EPC-RU stations should send their EPC-RU number (4 digits) + Grid Locator, RSQ is not required (example 0262 KO95 separately). All the rest stations should send QSO number, starting 001 + Grid Locator, RSQ is not required (example 001 IO75 - Only separately). The recommended call is "CQ EPCRU TEST".

Log Instructions:

Mode BPSK63 should be designated in the report as PM and in any way differently! All times must be in UTC. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged. The Contest Committee accepts logs in the Cabrillo format ONLY. Name your Cabrillo file as your call sign (for example – mm0epc.cbr, mm0epc.txt or mm0epc.log). You should send your log upload via the Web interface: http://ua9qcq.com/contests/submit_log_eng.php

All logs must be sent no later than 15 days after the contest (24:00 UTC 22 october 2012). Please, your questions or Cabrillo reports which you cannot load, send to the address of: epc(at)epc-ru.ru

MixW settings and statistics files for EPCRUDXC: http://www.epc-ru.ru/index.php?optio...199&Itemid=113

Certificates and Awards:

Certificates and awards will be sent only in electronic format jpg. Each winner and prize-winner will be awarded a certificate by the organizers of the contest but only once for the highest of all rewarded prizes.

Certificates EPCRUDXC-2012 will be awarded to:

1) The participants from Russia:

- top five in sub-SOAB, SOLF, SOHF;

- all participants in the subgroup of MOAB;

- first three places in eight federal districts of Russia in the overall standings of the subgroups of SOAB, SOLF, SOHF;

- the first place overall in the subgroups of SOAB, SOLF, SOHF in each region, province, Republic of Russia regardless of the number of participants from the region.

2) among the participants of all world countries except Russia:

- the first five places in the world of SOAB, SOHF, SOLF;

- all participants in the subgroup of MOAB;

- the first place on every continent in the SOAB, SOHF, SOLF;

- the first three places on the continent in SOAB, SOHF, SOLF provided that at least 10 participants in the subgroup of the continent;

- the first place in every country by the list of DXCC award;

- the first three places in every country by the list of DXCC award provided that at least 10 participants from the country;

- all participants who will work for the first time in EPC Russia DX Contest should specify "My first EPCRUDXC" in SOAPBOX of the report for this purpose. At checking of the given statements ex-callsigns will be taken into account.

Special EPCRUDXC-2012 awards will be awarded to all radio amateurs who send reports (except Checklog and caught in the DQ) and make at least the following number of QSOs:

- for Russia - 200 QSO;

- for Europe and Asia - 100 QSO;

- for other continents (except Europe and Asia) - 50 QSO.

Special EPCRUDXC-2012 awards will be awarded to the participants who will operate portable or mobile call sign (/ p, / m, / mm), regardless of the number of QSOs, both within the European Traveller PSK Award Program ETPA and from the other continents of the world. In the column "soapbox" (cabrillo format) it is necessary to specify the used equipment, antennas and the power supply which can be only the generator, the accumulator or solar batteries.

The organizers of the 4th annual EPC Russia DX Contest which will be held on October 6 and 7, 2012 have decided to sum up the results and reward those participants of the contest, who will operate portable and mobile callsigns within the limits of the European Traveller PSK Award Program (ETPA).

As a result of the contest, with the Clauses of which you may get acquainted on this page, the participants of ETPA-expedition besides the general counting in subgroups will be in addition highlighted in the subgroup SOAB-ETPA. In summing up the results in this subgroup points and multipliers will not be counted.

The places taken in SOAB-ETPA will be distributed according to amount of the QSOs which will be confirmed by the Contest Committee. The obligatory condition is an activation of the areas (regions), i. e. more than 50 QSOs.

The participants of ETPA-expedition must send to address epc(at)epc-ru.ru a short story and photos held activations of EPC EU Areas.

In the presence of 5 or more participants, a winner of this additional subgroup will be rewarded with special prize for the greatest number of QSO in SOAB-ETPA and with Memorable certificate. All participants who work on the program ETPA will receive this certificate.


EPCRUDXC plaques will be awarded to the winners in the following subgroups: SOAB-World, SOAB-Russia.

The Plaque will be awarded to the 1000th participant of the contest among all radiosportsmen (participants) who sent their reports on condition that Contest Committee will receive 1000 and more Logs (except for Checklog and those got in the DQ).

Traditionally, an interface "UnicomDual" - the prize from "Radioarena" will be drawn. After summing up the contest results the Russian participants who take 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in their area, province or the Republic of Russia.

The initiative group of the Russian section of the EPC invites all interested parties. Firms and teams as well as individual radio amateurs may establish their own prizes. We awaiting your suggestions to EPCRUDXC Organizing Committee: epc(AT)epc-ru.ru

More info - EPC RUSSIA DX CONTEST: Rules


Pengajaran kepada penganjur MTB Jamboree

Berita kematian peserta UPM MTB FETE 2012 yang berlangsung pada hari ahad lalu memang mengejutkan banyak pihak. Laporan Harian Metro semalam memetik kepada rakan arwah mengatakan beliau telah sakit dada selepas mengharungi lebih 18km. Kawasan yang dilalui merupakan kawasan bukit-bukau memberi cabaran yang sangat hebat kepada semua peserta.

Sebagai pemerhati pada hari itu aku mendapati banyak kekangan dan kekurangan terhadap penganjuran kali ini. Banyak cemuhan dan kemarahan dalam kalangan peserta akibat kealpaan penganjur yang dikatakan lebih kepada mengejar keuntungan. Tetapi kita tidak tahu pula apakah masalah yang mereka hadapi sehingga menimbul ketidakpuasan hati dikalangan peserta.

Cakap-cakap diinternet menjadi medan peserta menunjukkan ketidakpuasan hati apa yang mereka telah lalui sepanjang lebih 45km perlumbaan. Peserta mengatakan keadaan laluan amat tidak sesuai sekali. Pemilihan trek laluan yang dibuat adakah telah diuji terlebih dahulu kesesuaian digunakan perlumbaan yang dihadiri lebih dari seribu orang?  Kapasiti yang banyak ini bolehkah ditampung dan adakah sangat sesuai?

Ada laporan mengatakan trek itu hanya sesuai untuk aktiviti trekking sahaja. Kasihan kepada peserta kerana asyik menolak daripada mengayuh basikal. Semasa aku hendak pulang ke rumah melalui SKVE aku melihat peserta menolak basikal ditepi longkang sebelah highway itu. Memang trek yang dibuat tidak sesuai untuk berkayuh. Kemudian menolak masuk ke dalam semak dan keluar semula dari semak. Alangkah elok guna sahaja laluan kecemasan  SKVE sahaja, tetapi memanglah sangat merbahaya kepada pengguna lain. Pemandu mesti terfikir mengapa rider ini menolak basikal sahaja. Nasib baik tidak berenang bersama ikan laga dalam longkang itu.

Aku lihat ketika itu, ramai peserta mendapat rawatan kepada para petugas tepi highway itu terutama kaki mengalami kekejangan. Hanya sapu menggunakan ais dapat memulihkan semula otot-otot yang tegang itu.

Sebelum itu, aku memerhati di pintu 2 Maeps berdekatan pintu gerbang. Kayuhan berjalan lancar kerana menggunakan jalan raya selepas berhempas-pulas dalam hutan. Sepatutnya, penganjur boleh menyediakan check point atau tempat kesegaran di situ. Aku lihat hanya kakak berbaju merah menunjukkan arah ke bawah untuk perlumbaan seterusnya.

Selepas keluar dari hutan itu, peserta memerlukan air yang banyak bagi menggantikan cecair badan yang banyak hilang. Sepatutnya penganjur perlu menyediakan air minuman di situ. Aku menanyakan jarak yang telah dilalui oleh salah seorang peserta ketika itu. Beliau telah mengatakan bahawa perjalanan yang dilalui adalah lebih 20km. 

Kakak yang berbaju merah itu, sendiri aku lihat tidak dibekalkan air minuman dan baju rasmi sebagai urusetia. Menurut beliau adalah kakitangan MARDI yang bertugas pada hari ahad yang kebiasaanya berehat di rumah. Urusetia atau crew yang lain aku lihat sebelum itu memakai t-shirt putih. Aku pula memakai t-shirt peserta bewarna hijau menunjukkan komitmen untk memberi semangat kepada peserta. 

Pegawai Keselamatan MARDI pula, menjaga simpang dan lalulintas ketika itu. Mereka sendiri mempunyai kemudahan radio perhubungan yang boleh digunakan oleh penganjur jika berlaku saat-saat kecemasan. Ketika aku di situ, aku monotor di V38 kedengaran audio memanggil check-point 4. Akupun tak tahu di mana check-point 4 itu. Aku cuba response tetapi tiada balasan.

Penganjur sebenarnya menggunakan kemudahan radio dua hala. Semasa aku menunggu di simpang jalan tanah merah sebelum mendaki bukit yang ramai-ramai sangkut itu. Aku telah ditegur oleh urusetia yang menanyakan check-point 2 yang menggunakan handy. Aku menafikan bahawa tempat yang aku tunggu itu check-point 2 memandangkan dia melihat aku memegang handy juga. Tetapi malangnya bila aku bertanya frekuensi yang digunakan dia tidak memberi jawapan dan berlalu pergi. Kalau rakan ham pasti ia akan memberi kerjasama yang erat.

Bakal penganjur yang lain bolehlah menggunakan khidmat radio amatur bagi tujuan perhubungan memandang jarak sesuatu pertandingan adalah amat jauh. Banyak kelab dan persatuan boleh dihubungi bagi mendapat khidmat nasihat dan bantuan komunikasi. Pemegang lesen radio amatur sangat terlatih dan berkemahiran tinggi bagi kemudahan komunikasi terutama ditempat yang jauh dengankemudahan perhubungan telefon.

Para peserta juga haruslah bersedia dari segi fizikal dan mental sebelum menyertai sesuatu pertandingan. Peralatan basikal mestilah dalam keadaan sangat baik bagi mengelakkan sebarang kemalangan. Pemeriksaan tahap kesihatan amat penting bagi mengesahkan kita boleh bertanding.

Penganjur pula harus menydiakan papan tanda atau tali-tali keselamatan bagi kawasan yang sangat merbahaya seperti digaung, dilereng-lereng bukit atau dilurah-lurah. Bila adanya amaran seperti itu, para peserta akan lebih berhati-hati ketika melalui kawasan itu. Bukannya menyediakan laluan untuk hiking kepada peserta berbasikal memanglah tidak sesuai sama sekali. Risiko seperti ini sememangnya boleh dielakkan jika langkah-langkah keselamatan telah diambil kira. Orang yang paling bertanggungjawab ialah orang yang membuat laluan trek itu. Dia semestinya tahu samada trek yang dibuat itu adalah sesuai untuk acara berbasikal merentas desa. Jika hendak downhill pasti kaki-kaki downhill akan menyertainya dengan basikal yang sesuai untuk acara itu.

Apapun perkara yang berlalu haruslah diambil pengajaran oleh semua pihak agar tidak berulang lagi.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


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