World Amateur Radio Day - 18th April 2012

World Amateur Radio Day - 18th April 2012

Written by LZ1US - Panayot

Friday, 30 March 2012 14:09

ShareOnce again on 18th April our community will mark the World Amateur Radio Day, honouring the anniversary of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union on that date in 1925. This year´s theme for the World Amateur Radio Day is: “Amateur Radio Satellites: Celebrating 50 Years in Space" in remembrance the launching of OSCAR 1 on December 12, 1961 and the launch of OSCAR 2 on June 2, 1962.

Radio Amateurs have got for many long years the opportunity to communicate each other and to feel as citizens of the world. We have always been pioneers in communications, including satellites. That not only raises our inner excitement, incomparable with anything else, but also is our merit to the world. Region 1 Executive Committee invites member societies to celebrate the World Amateur Radio Day with suitable activities.

This year, a Region 2 initiative, several special callsigns will be on the air. So far the following have been declared:

•3G87IARU from Chile during the whole month of April. QSL via CE3AA;

•6H6IARU from Mexico – between 13 and 18 April. QSL via LoTW or N7RO;

•CR6IARU from Portugal between 13 and 19 April;

•EL2RL from Liberia on 18 April. QSL via EL2BA;

•HB9WARD from Switzerland – on 18 April;

•HF87IARU from Poland – between 17 and 30 April;

•KP4FD from Puerto Rico on 18 April;

•LZ1WARD from Bulgaria – during the whole month of April.


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