Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka

Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke 55. Bersyukur negara kita aman makmur dan terus maju.

Sekarang ini sedang berlangsungnya 2 meter Net Kemerdekaan di jalur Transnasional Astra. Mari bersama-sama memberi sokongan dalam acara sempena kemerdekaan ini.

Salam Merdeka

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA

Eyeball Raya

Monitor di 2meter Net 9M4RBC malam ini memberi pelbagai info. Hari Raya sambutannya masih dirasai lagi. Kini giliran warga kota beraya dibase masing-masing.

Menurut Pengawal Rangkaian pada malam ini Abg Udi 9W2NBF base di Bandar Tun Razak terdapat 2 acara eyeball raya akan diadakan oleh rakan.

Tuan Haji Azhar 9W2THA menjemput semua rakan ke base beliau di Puchong Perdana pada 1 September 2012 jam 8 malam.

Manakala, Eyeball Raya kawasan tengah akan diadakan di Seksyen 27 Shah Alam dibase Abg edi 9W2EDK juga jam 8 malam.  Eyeball ini akan diadakan pada 8 September 2012. Calling channel adalah V56.

Jika rakan berkelapangan bolehlah memeriahkan kedua-dua majlis ini. Semoga mendapat keberkatan dan sambutan dari semua rakan ham di mana jua berada.

Pada malam ini juga kedengaran satu stesen QRP dari Manjung tak lain dan bukan abg Salehan 9W2SBD yang memancar hanya 1 watt sahaja. Tahniah atas usaha yang tak pernah jemu dalam QRP station.

Selain mobile station atau portable station, QRP station juga perlu diutamakan dalam acara 2m Net. walaupun menggunakan kuasa pancaran yang kecil, stesen ini berjaya menembusi jalur dalam kalangan rakan yang menggunakan kuasa yang lebih besar. Tahniah sekali lagi diucapkan ke atas usaha yang gigih ini. Mungkin dalam HF perkara ini adalah biasa. Jumpa dan jumpa lagi...

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA

Share Our Roads 3rd Event - Broga Reverse 116

As we have successfully kick start 2 events, first being Earth Hour Ride, then second was Ride of Silence, third we are bringing back the exciting cycling event which I have personally held in year 2010 – the Broga Race back to our road cycling calendar again, last time our theme was to celebrate the 65th birthday of Sultan of Selangor and we were able to invite the Sultan to come and grace our event.

This year, we are trying bring out the “Share Our Roads” message out so more people will be able to further enjoy the scenic route of Broga, to challenge themselves with the tough terrain and to do charity at the same time

Brief Introduction of the event

Distance: 116 Km, Anti - Clockwise start from Uni Nottingham – Rabbit Farm – Lenggeng – Jeram Toi – Kuala Kelawang – Titi – Perez Hill – Reservoir – Sg. Tekala – Nirvana – Semenyih Town – Uni Nottingham

Proposed Dates:

· 9th Dec (Sun) Ride Date, Assemble at meeting point 6a.m. onwards

· Proposed Flag off by Sports Minister & Dato’ Ng Joo Ngan


To promote healthy lifestyle through sports.

To promote cross-culture integration through CYCLING.

Further bring out Share Our Roads message, distribute Share Our Roads Car Wind Screen stickers to the Broga Loop town people for their support of the message.

To further promote this scenic cycling route for more Malaysian and international participants to come and enjoy our scenic safer cycling route.

Through cycling as a sport to promote the UNITY spirit among all people.

To honour former National Cyclists whom have contributed their effort to make Malaysia Proud.

The organisers have mapped out a safe and tested route for endurance road cycling, hoped the event will spur more activities and visits from the cycling fraternity and beyond to visit and savor Selangor and Malaysia, over and over again.

Charitable Event: Consist of chosen 1 Charitable party located at the Broga Loop, riders aim to attract donations of set amount. Aim to reach the set amount to be donated the 1 chosen charitable party. Donation money are Tax Exemptible.

Wish lists from the charitable party will be available online for reference to all riders, aim is to fulfill the wish lists by donating necessary things for the charities.

Event Description:(Subject to change)

An endurance road-bike ride around the most natural and scenic landscapes of Selangor Darul Ehsan, near the Semenyih Dam.

1000 participants are anticipated to take part in this event coming from all over Malaysia. International participants are also invited.

Male & Females category Winners, prizes subject to change

Lucky Draw prizes for everyone.

Race Categories (subject to change)

Male – 1st, 2nd,3rd

Female – 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Master – 1st, 2nd,3rd

MTB (M) – 1st, 2nd, 3rd

MTB (F) – 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Folding Bike – 1st, 2nd, 3rd (70km)

** Proposed Ranking Medals for 1st 300 finishers with ranking.(subject to change)

Special Prizes (Hamper) (subject to change)

Eldest Cyclist

Younger Cyclist

Best Cycling Outfit – Team

Best Cycling Outfit – Individual Male

Best cycling Outfit – Individual Female

Event Details:

This is an un-official road cycling ride with prizes to be won.

Professional Timing Chip will be might be provided to ALL participants.

Jointly organised by :

Initiate by: Wong Kar Yan Elaine (Share Our Roads)

Organized by: Endurace Event Management

Active Sport Recovery Nutrition Support by: Active 180

Proposed Endorsed by: Sports Ministry of Malaysia

Proposed Supported by: Tourism of Malaysia & Tourism of Selangor

Proposed supported by: KL Cycling association

Proposed Event Entertainment: (Subject to change)

Invitation of DJ’s to be Emcee for the event day, able to converse in Malay, Eng, Mandarin or Cantonese

Suggested DJ will come with the mobile car unit and will announce on air their locatio

Town ppl will drive to the starting place to meet DJ and win prizes

Distribution of Share Our Roads Car Wind Screen Stickers to town people

Special Road safety and Road Safety Distance sharing among motorist and cyclists talk by professionals

Encourage Cycling Magazines and rest of the sponsors to give extra prizes for Radio station to announce as prizes

We will decide on the questions for DJ to ask public to win prizes

Active sports nutritional talk and special promotion for product testing (Active 180)

Active 180’s trainers will lead town ppl to do simple exercises / toning / stretching techniques while cyclists were out cycling


The Blanquilla Island is one of the most beautiful place in the world, with crystal clear waters and fine white sandy beaches, coral reefs have shallow very rich marine biodiversity and has an area of ​​65 Km2, a length of coastline of 25 km and a maximum height of 30 meters.

The island is totally unspoilt, almost uninhabited, there exists a military base in our Navy, a dock and a landing strip, has no fresh water and its climate is dry, seashell-shaped and consists mainly of limestone.

In its calm waters is possible to see dolphins, pilot whales small, Turtles, Sharks, Giant Manta Rays. We also show big coral formations in the form of walls, caves and natural bridges accompanied by big a variety of seabirds.

This is the second expedition made ​​by the Grupo DX Caracas in this important island. The first DX expedition was 14 years ago, in the year 1998.

We will operate all bands and modes, we hope to achieve contact with your station.

DX Expedicion Isla la Blanquilla, YW5B

IOTA (SA 037) ARLHS (VEN 023) WLOTA (0894)

Grupo DX Caracas ( Del 22 al 27 Agosto 2012 )


Taman Rekreasi Gunung Lambak

Taman Rekreasi Gunung Lambak

EveryTrail - Find hiking trails in California and beyond

Taman Rekreasi Gunung Lambak merupakan tempat tumpuan ramai bagi aktiviti riadah. Aku berkesempatan melihat-lihat kemudahan yang disediakan bersama adik ipar tengahari semalam.

Memandu sejauh 20.9 miles selama 30:24 saat purata pemanduan 41.2mph merujuk kepada data GPS EveryTrail dari Ladang Cenas.

Tibanya dipersimpangan bertanda Taman Rekreasi Gunung Lambak aku terus memandu masuk ke sana. Gunung Lambak Eco Resort merupakan pusat penginapan dan rekreasi di sini. Terdapat pusat air yang menyediakan kolam mandi mengikut kesesuain peringkat umur para pengunjung. Bayarannya bagi dewasa adalah RM5 sahaja.

Selepas itu, aku berjalan ke jambatan gantung untuk ke laluan pendakian Gunung Lambak. Jambatan ini baru sahaja dinaiktaraf dan ia kelihatan sangat cantik. Ia merintangi anak sungai yang jernih yang merupakan puca air bagi kolam mandi itu. Pasti airnya sejuk dingin menyegarkan apabila dapat berendam di dalam kolam itu.

Seterusnya kami meneruskan penerokaan melalui jalan batu yang disediakan. Pada pandangan aku jalan ini memang sesuai untuk berjoging dan berjalan. Memang telahan aku benar kelihatan beberapa uncle sedang berjalan turun dari atas mungkin puncak gunung. Menurut katanya, lagi satu jam boleh sampai atas.

Terdapat beberapa bangku untuk berehat di sepanjang jalan itu. Aku tertarik dengan anak sungai yang mengalir dicelah-celah batu dan membentuk air terjun kecil. Aku bergambar kenangan dan cuba merasa kedinginan air yang jernih mengalir dengan deruan dicelah-celah batu. Terdapat juga ulat gonggok yang besar menghuni lantai hutan ini.

Antara kemudahan lain disediakan adalah wakaf untuk berehat dan juga pondok untuk aktiviti barbeque.

Perjalanan kami berpatah balik ke Eco Resort semula melalui jalan yang sama. Selain itu kemudahan riadah lain seperti peralatan senaman dan trek joging dan juga taman permainan kanak-kanak.

Mungkin satu hari nanti jika ada kelapangan lagi Gunung Lambak setinggi 510m akan ku daki.

Taman Rekreasi Gunung Lambak at EveryTrail
EveryTrail - Find the best hikes in California and beyond

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA

Johor Premium Outlet

Semalam aku berkesempatan mengunjungi pusat membeli-belah yang baru di Kulai iaitu Johor Premium Outlets (JPO). Perjalanan dari Ladang Cenas melalui Bandar Tenggara hingga ke simpang sebelah kanan ke Felda Inas. Jalan ini lebih pendek berbanding melalui Taib Andak. Terus ke Sengkang dan keluar di Kulai. Tiba di Kulai WX hujan lebat. Semenjak portable di Johor setiap petang hujan kadangkala lebat. Sebelah paginya panas hingga mendung.

Berbalik di JPO ini kelihatan ramai pengunjung dari pelbagai bangsa memenuhi setiap ruang dan kedai-kedai yang ada. Jenama-jenama terkenal membuka outlets mereka dengan harga yang agak murah lebih-lebih lagi ada potongan harga.

JPO ini menghadap ke Gunung Pulai dan aku ada cuba-cuba ingin memancar tetapi tidak kesampaian maklumlah hanya menggunakan handy sahaja.

Sewaktu perjalanan pulang di Kulai aku terlihat papan tanda sebuah bengkel yang tertera 9W2SQV. Mungkin bengkel rakan kita beroperasi tetapi pada Hari Raya ini pastilah bengkelnya tutup. Jika ada masalah jelopi anda jangan segan dan malu panggillah di jalur pasti rakan kita ini boleh membantu.

Tenggara to Johor Premium Outlet, Kulai

EveryTrail - Find the best hikes in California and beyond
Perjalanan pulang melalui semula JalanSengkang dan terus ke Inas dan melalui Bandar Tenggara semula.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA

Tampin Nature MTB Ride 2012

Maklumat Pertandingan

Acara/Program: Tampin Nature MTB Ride 2012

Tarikh: Ahad 7hb Oktober 2012 ( 7.00 pagi )

Tempat: Stadium Tampin dan sekitar daerah Tampin

Maksimum Penyertaan: 1200 Orang

Tarikh Tutup: 26 September 2012

Kutipan ‘Race Kit’ boleh diambil pada

Tarikh: 5hb Oktober 2012

Tempat: Bukit Jalil Kuala Lumpur (venue di Bukit Jalil akan diberitahu kelak)

Masa: 2.00 petang – 9.00 malam


Tarikh: 6hb Oktober 2012

Tempat : Stadium Tampin

Masa : 2.00 ptg – 11.00 malam

‘Race Kit’ termasuk:-

1.Peta Pertandingan

2.Plate dan Cable Tight

3.T-shirt/barangan tajaan

4.Sijil Penyertaan’

5.Kupon makan tengahari 6hb Oktober 2012

Cara Penyertaan

•Borang pertandingan bolehlah di “download” di laman web ini.

•Borang yang telah dengan lengkap di isi hendaklah di fax kan ke 03-42523743 ataupun di emailkan ke beserta slip/resit bayaran yang telah di “bank in”



Nombor Akaun : 100300148711
Borang yang tidak lengkap tidak akan dilayan


Kod Kategori Umur Yuran “Early Bird”Sebelum16 September 2012 Yuran NormalSelepas16 September 2012

A TERBUKA LELAKI 18 Tahun ke atas RM 50 RM 60

B TERBUKA WANITA 18 Tahun ke atas RM 50 RM 60

C TERBUKA VETERAN LELAKI 40 Tahun ke atas RM 50 RM 60

D TERBUKA REMAJA LELAKI 18 Tahun ke bawah RM 40 RM 50

E TERBUKA REMAJA WANITA 18 Tahun ke bawah RM 40 RM 50

Kesesakan lalulintas Hari Raya Kedua di Johor

Monitor di Jasra linking menurut info Pak Lah 9W2HOZ kebiasaannya hari Raya kedua kesesakan akan berlaku di bandar-bandar dan pekan-pekan di negeri Johor. Inilah masa penduduk berkunjung-mengunjungi sanak saudara di hari yang mulia ini.

Pada hari ini Timbalan Perdana Menteri membuat Rumah terbuka di Pagoh. Menurut info  Pagoh ,Yong Peng dan Segamat mengalami bumper to bumper peningkatan trafik yang mendadak.

Oleh itu, diharap rakan berhati-hati bermobile kerana kenderaan banyak di jalan raya. Semoga selamat sampai ke tempat yang ditujui.

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin kepada semua rakan-rakan. Sempena hari yang mulia ini kami sekeluarga mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Semoga berbahagia selalu disamping keluarga tercinta.

Menjelang malam ini 2m Net Hari Raya akan berlangsung. Bolehlah kita menyampaikan ucapan selamat kepada semua rakan ham di mana jua berada.

Aku kini portable di Ladang Cenas dekat Bandar Tenggara untuk menyambut 1 Syawal ini. Monitor di jalur Transnasional Astra dan Jasra sangat meriah sekali info rakan-rakan pulang ke kampung. Bekerja di pengulang Gunung Pulai mendapat penerimaan yang baik sekali 59. Lagipun portable aku ini diatas bukit yang dikelilingi dengan kelapa sawit.

Ada kelapangan dan kesempatan teringin bersalaman diudara mahupun didaratan bersama rakan ketika berada di selatan tanahair ini.

Sekali lagi diucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Berhati-hati ketika mobile, ikut had laju kebangsaan bukannya had laju kebanggaan.

1 Syawal 1433H

73, Jojet, 9W2DYA


These are last news about 6 meters operation at our expedition to Comoros Islands (IOTA AF-007), from 8th to 21 August 2012.

We will be with the call D64K, locator LH18PJ. QTH is close to the west coast, just at sea side, having a very good take-off to EU, Africa, and America, unfortunately to the east we will have high mountains, about 400 meters to Asia, and 2000 meters to VK/ZL (volcano is just there).
Our license covers from 160 to 6 meters and we will be active on all bands and modes, including 6 meters EME. For more info you can look
We hope to have internet access and to be qrv on on4kst chat and, possibly, we will have on-line log.
If we are not in the chat, you may send a SMS to our phone number +34 655 565 034 in case you hear our beacon and we don’t answer the calls.
We will have a dedicated station on 6 meters with K3+PR6, ACOM1000, 6M8GJ antenna, with elevation, fed with 25 meters of ecoflex15.
Operating frequencies will be:
Beacon: 50.103
CW/SSB: 50.103 (please split up 1 if good condx)
EME: 50.193 JT65A D64K transmits first sequence
We will be on EME at moonrise and moonset, starting the moonrise of August 9th (21:10z) and finishing at moonrise of August 20th (05:00z + 3 hours). Usually we will be on EME three hours after MR or before MS.
We will run a beacon (k3 and 6m8gj) beaming to the best place to have F2/TEP conditions outside EME periods. Anyway if there is any F2/TEP it will have priority.
We are also QRV to try any MS sked with south African stations.
Please check EME procedure at before calling us in this mode.
Hope to hear you from D64K !!!

UKM Victory Run 2012

Date: 22 September 2012

Place: UKM Bangi

Time: 7.30 am

Category:  8km & 10km Open Men & Women

Fee: RM10

Contact: 0192362352 Alwani

Sepang Jamboree 2012

Event Date : 11th November 2012

Event Type : Mountain Biking (Off Road) Event

Day : Sunday

Time : 6am - 2pm

Registration Fee : RM60 / SGD25

Registration Status : OPEN

Registration Closure : 31st October 2012

Maximum Participants : 1000 riders

Sepang Jamboree is an annual mountain biking event which attracts many riders every year. We are the pioneers in Sepang Offroad Mountain Biking track done in a large scale of participants. In this Jamboree, we try our best to deliver better organized event year by year by popular demand. First of all, there will be a trail specifically picked and tested to meet all ranges of riders from beginners to elites. This year a total of 40km average trail will be set to meet the demand of the riders at any stage of a Jamboree standard. There will be 4 check points to confirm your completion of each section with mineral/isotonic drinks, bananas and medics to standby for you. If you cannot proceed to carry on, there will also be a transport to pick you up back to the starting point for your safety. Ambulances will be ready should you need any serious medical attention too. We will provide riding marshals this year to ride in the trail to guide or assist any riders at all times. Lucky draw awaits the lucky person after the ride and lunch is also provided to recover yourselves. More information is yet to come. Make sure you register early as we close registrations at 1000 riders only. Thank you.

Safety :

1) Each riders much wear a helmet during the whole ride. We do not permit riders to ride without a helmet.

2) Participants under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.

3) We do not allow riders to detour unconditionally during the ride. All emergencies must be made known to the track marshall. Track marshall will arrange for your return safely.

4) Riders can not hog the track for their own placing purposes.

5) MyCyclingEvent is not liable for any injuries/loss during the whole event. Each participants are responsible for their own good self/property. However we shall give our best attention in terms of medic, emergency transport, etc...

6) Riders are not allowed to cycle back to the starting point upon giving up. Wait for the lorry transport for pickup to avoid road accidents.

7) Riders are advised to have some sort of fit training prior to this event for their own fitness and endurance.

8) Mycyclingevent is not liable for any loss/damage/summons to any participant's transport vehicle. We recommend that you obey parking rules and come early to get a good and safe parking.

Arrangements :

1) Food and beverages are prepared just sufficiently for each riders. Please do not glutton your way and leave others hungry.

2) Time schedule is pre-fixed and may change from time to time due to traffic or riders fit.

3) Riders with complete Check Point stickers only are allowed in the ranking medals and certificates.

4) Check in early to get a good position to kick off.

Goodies/Prizes :

1) No changes of t-shirt/jersey sizes after confirmation from the registration form.

2) All lucky draws and prizes are announced randomly. We do not encourage biased arrangements.

3) Each participant number is only called 3 times to collect the lucky draw. We shall cancel your number if you should fail to attend to the stage.

4) No exchange of lucky draws/dips.

Cleanliness :

1) Littering in the track is prohibited and please keep the track clean. Rubbish dump area are only available at all Check Points.

2) Do not attempt to wash your bikes inside a public toilet. Use the bike wash area provided.

3) Do not attempt to feed any passing animals with your food.

By joining this event, all participants are deemed to agree to this terms and conditions throughout this whole event.
Management of mycyclingevent.
What you get from this event...

Goodie bags

Product Vouchers

Discount Vouchers


Open Category

Ranking Medals for top 100 Mens & top 50 Ladies

Finisher medals

Turn signs at every critical point

4 Check Points

Ambulance standby at every Check Point

Lorry transport for chickened riders

Isotonic/Mineral drinks & bananas at Check Points

Ample Parking

Buffet Lunch

Ice-Cream Stand

Bike Wash Area (4 points)

Media Coverage

Free Gifts

Lucky Draws

Grand Prize Draw

Shower Area (Mens & Ladies)

Booth Display of Cycling Accessories

And much more...

Event Itenary

Pre-Goodie Bags Collection :

On the Spot-Goodie Bags Collection :

Event Day :

Registration Starts : 6.00am

Briefing : 7.30am

Flag Off : 8.00am

CP1 Closure : 9.30am

CP2 Closure : 10.30am

CP3 Closure : 11.30am

CP4 Closure : 12.00pm

Buffet Lunch : 11.30pm

Lucky/Main Draws : 1:00pm

Event Ends : 2.00pm
(Itenary are subjected to change. Keep posted)


Saint Barthelemy DXpedition 2012, TO2D

St. Barthelemy

Welcome to TO2D Saint Barthelemy DXpedition

TO2D is now the official callsign of the expedition. The start date is next July 22 and finish August 04 2012

Yatt 9M2YAT Berjaya mendapat lesen Ozonsonde

  Semalam hari Jumaat 7 Mac 2025, Yatt 9M2YAT telah berjaya mendapat belon Ozone KLIA. Jatuh di Kampung Kathong bersebelahan Pusat Matrikula...