I have little to no internet,

When the power trips out, be patient I will be back on air when power has returned.
I will be QRV from the V31MD shack from the 16th of December until the 27th of December.
Locator EK56MM.
I will operate on 8 bands SSB, and will try to work RTTY in second week on 30m.
I am looking forward to the pileups.
Frequencies i will try to use
28400 24940 21400 18140 14240 5 band 2 element quad, 500w.
7140 3790 HF2V vertical 500w.
1842.0Mhz 100w and Dipole. The best time to find me is 2.30Z - 0300Z
Please only send cards to EB7DX as David will have new cards ready for sending out.
I will upload my log as many times as I can,
Last uploaded 20th 0700z.
Catch you on the air, Norman


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